One and a half hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Xiangjiang Airport....

Su Can's plane landed slowly.

After waiting for a while, the hatch slowly opened.

Su Can got off the plane. Several cars were parked in front of the plane, the most luxurious of which was a Rolls-Royce.

Most of Su Can's cars are Rolls-Royce.

There are others similar to Maybach, but most of them are Rolls-Royce, which is considered the pinnacle of business brands.

Although Su Can also has many automobile companies under his control. but!

I have to admit that among this brand, Rolls-Royce is indeed the highest. It will only be after a few years that Hongqi regains its new vitality before it can compete with it in the country.

Now, it's still incomparable.

As for Su Can’s brand........

Su Can didn't want to build a luxury car brand. He has heavy trucks, vans, pickups, cars and medium-sized cars.

In the domestic automobile industry, there is no such thing as luxury cars.

Su Can knows that it is not that easy to build a luxury car. It requires some foundation, such as Hongqi's foundation, which is unprecedented.

If he wants to do this, he must do it slowly and step by step.

There is no plan, just pull the seedlings and encourage them to grow. but!

Many of Su Can's investment companies have also acquired some luxury car brands 267. Although these brands are owned by Su Can, they were all purchased.

Su Can doesn't like this very much.

What he wants to build is a luxury car brand with Chinese style.

Of course, these luxury car brands also made Su Can a lot of money.

After getting off the plane, I came to the car.

There really was no one to pick her up because they were not asked to come over. Now there are all kinds of people at the airport. Maybe the ground and air crew at the airport could be bribed by the media.

Su Can is low-key, they don't know and don't care much.......

If people like Xu Zhengmao, Yang Daqian and Dafei came over, Su Can felt that within a few minutes, the news would spread throughout Xiangjiang.


Zhong Mingqiang helped open the car door in advance.

Su Can got in the car.

The motorcade quickly left the airport and drove outside. As it drove out of the airport, through the car window, some reporters could be vaguely ambushed. Secretly filming all around

"Third brother, there are some reporters."

Zhong Mingqiang reminded


Su Can shook his head and said,"Don't worry about them!""


Zhong Mingqiang nodded respectfully.

(cceh) The car left quickly.

And some reporters quickly pressed the camera shutter.

"Click! Click!"

Until the car disappeared from sight........

"Another big shot!"

A reporter sighed.

"The car at the head is a customized version of Rolls-Royce. The price will not be less than 10 million. This must be a big shot! That rich man!"

"I don’t know which one it is!"

"Is he a wealthy Chinese from Nanyang?"

"Not sure"

"I haven’t seen this license plate a few times!"

"There are too many rich people in Xiangjiang, and some of them don’t even know it."


"Just like last time, the paparazzi mentioned Tiepan. Who would have thought that Li Jianjia, the senior vice president of Wanxiang Group who is said to have no background, would actually have such an amazing background?"

"Yes, even though more than half a month has passed since that incident, it is still extremely scary!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Fortunately, those paparazzi helped us test the waters, otherwise even us reporters who are not paparazzi would have been doomed if we encountered such a thing."

"is not that right?"

"That man is still hiding in Nanyang!"

"Behind him is a member of a society. Even the people behind him can't be protected. They have to flee to Nanyang to avoid the limelight. This is too scary."

"Now that this is over, let’s talk about Mr. Imamaki’s banquet!"

"It is a pity that Mr. Mu did not allow any media to report on such a large scale event."

As soon as this sentence came out, many media reporters showed pity on their faces.

What a pity.

Generally speaking, although these reporters do not have very strong backgrounds, for those big stars, big celebrities, and rich people , they are the publicity channels for those people.

Mr. Mu created such a big scene, but he did not allow reporters like them to participate, so how can we promote it?

This is simply cutting off the road of publicity.

Why did Mr. Mu do this?

They, the media reporters, all felt extremely confused, but they secretly searched many people, but they couldn't figure out why.

There was no way........

These reporters and media could only hide in the airport and secretly take pictures of some of the wealthy people who came to Xiangjiang to attend Mr. Mu's banquet tonight.

However, what they didn't expect was.

This has been happening for a long time.

Usually there are some high-profile rich people who like to appear in front of the camera to express themselves, but this time they are all very low-key.

They guarded the airport gate, but did not see a few rich people coming out. Even if one or two showed up, they did not accept interviews and left quickly.

Many of the remaining wealthy people came by private jet or chartered a business jet and walked through the special VIP channel. It was difficult for them to see those people.

So, they chose to stay here.

Maybe, you can find a rich man to understand the situation.


They are doomed to daydream.

This time, everyone who came to Xiangjiang from other places were all top rich people. These rich people knew Su Can's identity, so they came here specially to participate.

Since they know Su Can's identity, they know how low-key he is and doesn't like publicity, so they dare to reveal even a few words to the media reporters.

They came here to attend the party held by Mr. Mu because Su Can attended. They wanted to please Su Can, but they have not yet done so.

Just letting out the news would offend Su Can.

They are not stupid!

Even if some people are arrogant, people who can make their industry so big can have a net worth of tens of billions, tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions.

How could he be a stupid person?

At this time, Su Can's motorcade had already left the airport.

He did not go to Dunyi Garden because the current Dunyi Garden was inconvenient, not because of construction or reconstruction.

It's because Li Jianjia is now in Xiangjiang and lives in Dunyiyuan. usually.......

Su Can's wife Huang Manyu is still here in Dunyiyuan. Now Huang Manyu has gone abroad to participate in a business forum and has not come back. Only Li Jianjia lives in Dunyiyuan.

Although there are nannies and security guards, Su Can will not live in it.

What do you call this father-in-law and his daughter-in-law living alone?.

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