"Third brother, I will reply to them now."

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully

"Go for it!"

Su Can waved his hand.

It's not even ten o'clock in the morning, and the sun is just right


Zhong Mingqiang replied, turned and left.

Ten minutes later,

Xiangjiang, an office building known to all of Xiangjiang.

At this time, a middle-aged man about fifty or sixty years old looked at the phone on the table with a faint look. After looking at it, I went back to work.

After working for a while, I looked at the phone again......

In this cycle, he didn't know how many times he looked at it in just one hour. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that he was waiting for an important phone number and had no intention of working.

It can also be seen from the side that this phone call is very important.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this moment, the phone rang.

The man couldn't help but quickly reached out and pressed the hands-free button.

"Mr. Wood."

A young voice rang on the other end of the phone. This voice was none other than Mr. Mu's young secretary. Mr. Mu had been waiting for a long time.

"Is there any news over there?"

Mr. Mu couldn't help but ask.

Regarding that phone call, Mr. Mu knew that it was very important.

This was also an opportunity.

Although he had a superior status in Xiangjiang, when facing that person, he knew that he was still a little far behind.

That person He is not simply a rich man in terms of wealth. In a certain aspect, 913, every word and deed of this person may even affect this person.

This time, Special Envoy held the new car launch conference in Xiangjiang and invited so many people in the world. What a top business tycoon, this is an opportunity.

And he also knows that if he wants to successfully hold a party, or an effective party, and let those technology tycoons give some face, this person must come forward. OK.

If this person does not participate.


The effect he wants to achieve may be weakened a lot.

After thinking about the situation for a few days, Mr. Mu finally decided to send an invitation letter to that person to see if the other person would agree?

He knew through some connections that this person no longer liked such social-oriented banquets.

He didn't need this kind of evening meeting through personal connections, and he didn't need to find some opportunities for cooperation in this kind of occasion.

Because his company has no shortage of opportunities for cooperation.

Others are eager to cooperate with his company. How can there be a company that his company is eager to cooperate with?

Not to mention the five major families in Xiangjiang, if these five major families join forces, there is no way to achieve this step, even in the world.

No one can do it.

And that Hengyu Group is owned by him.

This represents a large enterprise in the Xiangjiang pharmaceutical industry that can be among the top in the world and can be on an equal footing with the world's pharmaceutical giants.

This house also belongs to that person.......

As a big shot in Xiangjiang, Mr. Mu certainly knows

"Mr. Mu, you guessed it right, it was from there that the message was sent back."

The secretary said respectfully

"What did the other person say?"

Mr. Mu said eagerly.

He wanted to know the answer. Did the other party reject it? Or agreed.


In fact, it was expected. Unless he found a higher relationship, such as Yanjing City, but This is almost difficult to achieve.

It's not that he can't find connections there.

It's that even the big shots in Yanjing City may not be able to persuade him, because his status is no longer inferior to those people.

Even higher.

If you agree?


Mr. Mu doesn’t even dare to think about this.

"Mr. Mu, the other party sent a message saying that he will attend the party in person tonight."The secretary blurted out and said hurriedly.

As Mr. Mu's secretary, he knew very well how eager and anxious Mr. Mu was for this phone number.


Mr. Mu spoke, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He seemed to have agreed, not refused.

"What did you say?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mr. Mu's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief.

"Mr. Mu, the other party agreed."

The secretary repeated again

"accepted? accepted?"(ccbe)

Mr. Mu murmured.

After saying this, a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face. His whole body trembled with excitement, and every cell in his excitement was beating.....

"Did he really agree?"


"Very good."

Mr. Mu shouted excitedly, a little lost his temper. He quickly calmed down and suppressed the ecstasy and excitement in his heart.

"Did this person give me any instructions, such as telling me to keep a low profile and not to publicize anything?"

Mr. Mu asked cautiously.

The secretary replied:"Mr. Mu, the phone call over there didn't say anything. It just said that he would attend tonight's party on time."

"OK, OK, OK!"

Mr. Mu excitedly said three good words in a row, but his eyes suddenly revealed a look of great excitement.

Although the other party didn't say anything, in Mr. Mu's view, the other party's attitude was already expressed at once..

That is, he can use this person to attend this party to operate some things and operate some things. This person will not be angry.

If he cares, he will definitely not attend this party..

Since you have participated, it is acquiescence.

Mr. Mu believes that for such a person, he is very clear about what his purpose is, which is to pretend to be a tiger by pulling on his skin.

A fox pretends to be a tiger. If he is willing to come, that is I am willing to let myself pretend to be powerful.

With him here........

This party may be even bigger in scale

"You are now announcing a message through some media or our account, saying that there is a Mr. Su who will not only attend the new car launch conference held by the special envoy, but also participate in the evening reception we have prepared to welcome those technology giants. meeting."

Mr. Mu's eyes were bright and he said excitedly.



The secretary was a little surprised.

Didn't you even mention the other party's name?

Isn't this a bit inappropriate and impolite?

"Mr. Mu, if you don’t mention the other person’s name, why don’t you just call him Mr. Su?"

The secretary asked doubtfully

"That's right, these three words Mr. Su are enough. You don't need to mention anything else. Just send this message. Don't worry too much."

Mr. Mu said with a bad smile on his lips.

He believes it.

Anyone who knows that person exists will know the name Mr. Su, and also know that the other person is the person who came to attend the special envoy's new car launch conference.

They You must know what Mr. Su represents.

As for those ordinary people....... forget about it.

Not to mention Mr. Su, even if the person's full name was given, they wouldn't recognize him..

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