Qiongzhou, Yazhou.

Su Can lay lazily under the coconut tree, with the endless sea in front of him. The sun shone through the leaves of the coconut tree and fell on the person.....

The sunshine in Yazhou in winter is not sunny, but it is very bright. It shines on people's bodies and is very comfortable.

Next to Su Can is a coconut with a straw on it


Su Can raised his head slightly, walked towards the leaves next to him, and took a sip of the sweet coconut water. This kind of life is better than that of a living god.

It's so beautiful.

"Third brother, the flight has been decided. The flight at three o'clock in the afternoon will fly directly from the airport in Yazhou to Xiangjiang."Zhong Mingqiang stood next to Su Can and said respectfully

"Has everyone else arrived? Su

Can asked with a smile.

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully:"Except for Bill, everyone else has arrived in Xiangjiang, including Master Qiaobu.""

"Moreover, so many scientific and technological talents have come to Xiangjiang. Xiangjiang officials plan to hold a banquet and invite everyone to attend the banquet."

"I also sent you an invitation, and the other party asked you to show your respect."

Be sure to show your face........

The other party is very considerate!

Su Can is still very considerate to the person in Xiangjiang now. The person is a true person of his own, not someone who is in Xiangjiang and whose heart never sets.

The other party sent him an invitation, so he naturally knew something about the situation.

Knowing that Special Envoy La has invited so many heads and founders of top technology companies to come to Xiangjiang, it is definitely not the invitation of Marcos.

Behind the scenes, he is Tesla’s major shareholder.

Many people know that he is a shareholder of Tesla, and Su Can does not hide this. It is just that Su Can only holds more than 20% of the shares on the surface.

His remaining shares are held on behalf of other companies, and most of those companies are offshore companies, not listed, and only serve him.

These can be regarded as vests. Naturally, I don’t know how many shares of Special Envoy Su Can holds. but.......

Even these shares on the surface are shocking enough.

"Third brother, do you need to reject that person?"

Zhong Mingqiang saw that Su Can didn't speak and tried to ask.

He knew the character of the third brother. He actually didn't like the red tape of such banquets and the like. This kind of banquet.

In those days, people of the older generation would only attend to give face.

For example, when Su Can went to attend the birthday party of the Ship King

, he also met a jealous person who wanted to compete for the upper hand. Su Can, that person was from a big family in Xiangjiang.

The family assets were in the billions at that time.

It's a pity.........

If you offend Su Can, you will be offended to the point of death.

In the end, that family collapsed completely.

From then on, Su Can rarely attended parties with big shots and various social gatherings. Firstly, Su Can really didn't like parties of this nature.


That is, he has reached the point where he no longer needs to attend various parties and social gatherings to accumulate his various connections and businesses.

Su Can is no longer needed.

Instead, he became the kind of person who gained great connections when others knew him, so Su Can rarely participated in these years.

He would only participate unless it was the kind where his close associates were getting married, such as Xu Zhengmao's son getting married or Zhong Mingqiang's son getting married.

Su Can refused all other social activities and did not participate. reject........

Su Can shook his head and said:"The guy from Xiangjiang is a real member of Xiangjiang and cares about China. It seems that he hopes that I will participate so that I can give those people some face and maybe be able to attract a few people by then. , make some investments in Xiangjiang."

As a financial city, Xiangjiang actually has many unbalanced developments.

Even if Su Can was a man for two generations, he could not completely change the development direction of this city under this rolling trend.

We can only do what we can under the general trend. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is why.

Su Can founded Huatong Patent Company in Xiangjiang, leaving Hengyu Group here, and even later moved Ames back here.

Because Su Can didn't want Xiangjiang to be just a monotonous financial city. It needed more technology to make this city stronger.


Under the general trend, Su Can made changes.

But not much has changed........

The housing prices here are still as high as ever, and the land is in the hands of the major families in Xiangjiang. There are many large and small families in these families.

Su Can had no choice but to take advantage of them and get most of the land before they noticed. With all the major industries under his control, he could be said to be the largest landowner in Xiangjiang.

A lot of land was being reserved, and Su Can could only release some of it one by one and build some high-quality and low-priced houses.

We are cooperating with the authorities to provide some qualified young people with some low-price house purchase preferential conditions.


No matter how powerful the power of one person is, how can it be compared to a city with a population of nearly 10 million!

That one also hopes to make some changes!

This can be considered like-minded.

"Third brother decided to attend this dinner party?"

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Su Can in shock, a little unbelievable.


The third brother actually agreed.

How is this possible?

How many years has it been?

The third brother has not participated in events of this nature for many years. Even in Yanjing City, some people have very high status. people invited the third brother to participate in some forums.

The third brother refused and did not agree to participate.


The third brother actually accepted this invitation. If word spread, this would probably cause an uproar! Countless people will be shocked by this. this?

It's incredible

"Reply to them! Just spread the news that I agreed to attend tonight's banquet and see what kind of reaction it will cause."

Su Can smiled slightly.

He knew that once the news of his participation in this banquet came out, it would definitely cause an uproar. He was not surprised that such a thing happened.

At his current status, he is no longer on many rich lists. If you are invited by the top richest people, you can see yourself. Even the heads of the five major families in Xiangjiang want to see you. It is not that simple.

If you want to participate, then.......

After those top wealthy people heard the news, some people would come crazy. You don't need to think about this kind of thing, you will know that there will definitely be hooks.

Su Can wanted to see if anyone would take the opportunity to do anything.

If some young people do something, which is what Su Can is looking forward to, then maybe he can catch all those young people in one fell swoop.

This can be considered a fishing bait!.

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