Wu Changguo also had a bad temper and didn't care about Su Can's identity at all. Even though he was impoverished, Su Can's identity now was that of his descendant!

There are no younger generations who come to the house and don’t just eat at home!

This won't work.

Wu Changguo's bad temper couldn't stand this.

Seeing Wu Changguo losing his temper, Su Can felt a little moved.........

"Grandpa Wu, that’s not what I meant. How could I look down on you? Su Can smiled and said,"Isn't it that on the way here, I heard the boss lady talking about your family affairs?""

"Things at home should be settled slowly at home. It only takes the time of a meal, so it doesn’t matter."Wu Changguo's face softened when he heard Su Can's words, but he still spoke louder.

Su Can shook his head and said:"Grandpa Wu, I think this child has been locked up for several days. He must be in the detention center. What to suffer"

"I want to see if I can help this child come out early, and now we rush to the county seat, have lunch there, and then go handle this matter"

"I'm killing chickens for cooking at home, so I'm afraid it will waste too much time."

Looking at Wu Changguo's status in the family, even at such an old age, his two sons obey him without any disrespect.

It's like a mouse meeting a cat.

And his other grandchildren are also very well-behaved.

Su Can felt that since the Wu family listened to him so much, they would definitely not let the grandson bully others casually. There must be something behind this matter.

He planned to understand the situation and help the Wu family.

When the matter here is over........

You can take Wu Changguo to Yanjing City to meet the old man.


Wu Changguo paused


Another middle-aged woman, with a look of excitement on her face, looked at Wu Changguo and shouted out quickly, with a bit of pleading.

Su Can felt reassured when he saw it.

It seemed that he was being The person arrested is the wife's child.

This woman seems to be the wife named Tie Shi, who should be Wu Changguo's second son, and the one named Tie Zhu is the eldest son.

This is a good name!

Wu Tiezhu, Wu Tieshi........

As for whose children the remaining three teenagers are, Su Can really can't guess.


Wu Tieshi couldn't help but speak.

The person who was arrested was his son. As a father, who doesn't want his child to live a safe life without anything happening!

Now, if his son is arrested, the other party will ask for help. One hundred thousand compensation.

Where do they have this money?

Seeing that Su Can can help, plus the people Su Can brought and himself, they are all extraordinary and not simple people.

Maybe, There really is a way.

Wu Changguo's face showed a look of hesitation and struggle........

Su Can looked at Wu Changguo and knew what he was thinking. He was afraid that he would be strong all his life, and he didn't want to ask for help when he gets old.

"Grandpa Wu, when I came here, my grandfather told me that although you were his old subordinate, the relationship between the two of you is like brothers. Su

Can smiled and said:"Your grandson is of the same generation as me. As an elder brother, if I see my younger brother in prison, I will not help him." He paused and said:"I returned to Yanjing City. If my grandfather finds out, he will definitely be able to break my stick.""

Wu Changguo's face softened when he heard Su Can's words.

"Su Can! Wu

Changguo sighed and said:"I don't think this matter is simple. If you can't save the person, don't be too reluctant.""

"Don't worry, Grandpa Wu."

Su Can said with a smile.

Hearing that the old man agreed, the rest of the Wu family all looked happy.

"My car is at the Guguchang side. Let’s go to the county seat for dinner together!"Su Can looked at Wu Changguo and said

"Just me and Tieshi go! Others stayed at home, where they had food to eat."

Wu Changguo shook his head.

He didn't want Su Can to spend so much money.

Although their family is not complete, they are still a family of eight! If we go to the county town to eat together, it will definitely cost a lot.........

Su Can smiled and said:"Grandpa Wu, if you don't need that little money, let's go together.""

"Oh well! Listen to you."

Wu Changguo's expression softened when he heard this. If Su Can can fish out his grandson, the money for that meal is indeed nothing to Su Can. It's a big deal.

Just treat it as the life he saved back then. Brother Su's favor has been exhausted.

Su Can didn't expect that Wu Changguo would regard his life-saving grace of saving the old man as such a cheap thing. After

Wu Changguo finished speaking, the two people next to him The teenage grandchildren showed a hint of excitement.

Going to a restaurant in the county town!


They live in a small mountain village. Even if they go to the town to study, there are several times at home throughout the year. He took them to restaurants.

If ten years later, everyone’s income would have increased, it wouldn’t be surprising.

But now........

Very rare indeed.

Even in many families, the children may not have the opportunity to go out to restaurants with their children from childhood to teenagers. These children may not be able to eat in restaurants in their lifetime.

It was from the primary school in the village to the meal during the quiz in the town

"Wu Shen, push your grandfather and let's set off."

Su Can said with a smile.

"Let’s go to the county seat and change our clothes!"

Wu Tiezhu's wife said a little embarrassed.

Su Can smiled and said:"Aunt, it's okay. Let's dress like this and go to a big hotel in the county to eat. If anyone dares to look down on others, we will destroy their hotel."

"We are not short of money."

Su Can looked like a playboy.

At this time........

Only by showing this appearance of the second generation ancestor will they feel confident. Otherwise, they will be like a person who has never been to the city.

As a result, as soon as we arrived there, we were taken to the largest restaurant for dinner.

Can scare people to death.

Sure enough, after seeing Su Can's appearance, they were somewhat convinced.

After the Wu family locked the door, Su Can and the others headed towards the farm. After walking for a few minutes, they returned to the farm.

Su Can saw many children helping him look after the car.

Looking at these simple children, Su Can narrowed his eyes slightly. perhaps!

It can help this Miao village to undergo some changes.

But Su Can didn't think much about it. The most important thing now was to help fish out Wu Changguo's grandson, and we would talk about the rest later.

Changing such a village was too simple for Su Can. fortunately.......

This time I came to Hunan Province. When I was about to come here, Su Can estimated that there would be many Wu family members, so when I asked Zhong Mingqiang to find a car, two of the three cars were Audis, one was a sedan, and the other It is a nine-seater commercial vehicle.

Otherwise, this position is really not enough.

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