Walking into the stockade, the houses in the stockade are of different heights. The important houses are all built in the mountainous areas. Some are high and some are low.

In a place like this, basically no villages will be flooded.

Even if you build a house casually, as long as you don't level these uneven areas, there won't be any problems.

This is like over there on Qindao. There is a terrain like this. When the Germans invaded, it was built in those places.


A lot of people know that the sewers over there are not flooded every day.

Fortunately, later on, as the Internet developed, people discovered that the German cities mentioned by the public were also flooded every year!

About three minutes later.

They arrived outside a wooden building........

This is a house made of pure wood. It is very common in Miao villages like Hunan Province.

"Boss, here we are, this is Grandpa Wu’s home."

The landlady said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, boss lady."

Su Can thanked

"You're welcome, Grandpa Fifth and I are from the same village, and we all know each other well. The door is open, and their whole family is probably inside. I'll help you call them out."

The landlady was very angry. She walked forward, entered the yard, and shouted to the inside:"Fifth Grandpa, Brother Zhuzi, are you at home?"

"Come out, there are guests here, specially looking for you."

The landlady shouted loudly and walked inside.


As his voice fell, there was some movement in the house.

"Xiuqin is here."

A middle-aged man's voice came from inside.

Immediately afterwards,

Su Can saw a few people slowly walking out of this wooden house. The person walking in front was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his sixties.

Maybe, He is only in his fifties, but he looks a bit old because he has been farming all year round.

Like Su Can.

Even if he is in his early fifties, he looks like he is in his early thirties.

In addition to this middle-aged man, there is also a middle-aged man next to him. A middle-aged woman, another middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman, the four of them appeared first.

Then, from behind, an old man was slowly pushed out by a young man in his twenties.

Beside the young man, there was also There is a teenage girl and a teenage boy, a family of eight in total..........

If you add in the old lady boss and another grandson who is locked up in the detention center, they will be a family of nine in total. but!

Thinking about that era, everyone would have more children.

Maybe, the old man has other children.

For example, a daughter gets married.

Or, there are some adult grandchildren who have gone out to work. Over the years, Hunan Province has always been a province with a large population of migrant workers.

As soon as the old man appeared, Su Can's eyes kept falling on him.

He felt that although this old man was very old, he could not help but exude an aura that was like that of an old man from the Su family.

That is not the aura of a superior person.

But there is a feeling of being in the army for half a life, experiencing all kinds of bullets and bullets, the feeling of fighting in the battlefield.

Because although this old man is old, even though he is sitting in a wheelchair, his sitting posture and the aura on his body cannot be hidden from others.

However, because the old man was too old and his face was full of wrinkles, he no longer looked even remotely similar to the Wu Changguo in the photo.

Su Can felt that the two middle-aged men were somewhat similar to the people in the photo.

As for.

Why is this old man over ninety and his child only over sixty? Compared with the children of the old man of the Su family, such as Father Su and the others, they are more than ten years younger.

Su Can was not surprised.........

In that special era, many people did not get married until they were in their thirties because of the war. Many of them were seventy years old and had children in their early thirties.

It would be normal if Wu Changguo delayed getting married and having children this year after retiring.

Then, because the conditions at home are not good, children are slow to get married, so some grandchildren are late. This is also normal.

"Xiuqin, guest? What guests."

The older middle-aged man looked at the landlady curiously and asked

"The boss said that he was a descendant of Fifth Grandpa's friend. He finally found Fifth Grandpa's address and came here specially to see Fifth Grandpa."

The landlady pointed at Su Can.

After hearing the words of the landlady, everyone in the Wu family looked at Su Can.

The two middle-aged men and the middle-aged woman looked at Su Can with a trace of expression in their eyes. Their vigilant expressions and even their bodies made some defensive movements.

Su Can saw their movements and felt dumbfounded.

It seemed that........

Do they think of themselves as the elders of the person their son or nephew beat in the county?

Think you are here to seek justice?

The young man and the boy and the girl looked at Su Can with a hint of curiosity. They were obviously younger and not very gloomy.

Didn't think too much about it.

It was the old man instead.

Su Can saw that the old man's body was trembling with excitement even though he was sitting in a wheelchair after hearing the words of old friend from the landlady.

And there was a hint of hope in those cloudy eyes.

It seems that this is the one who is inseparable.

"Descendants of my dad’s friends? We all know my father's friends, but there should be no such person in our county."The older middle-aged man shook his head and said


Wu Changguo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:"Step back."

"Wu Shen, push me forward........."

Wu Changguo said immediately.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Changguo's son actually took a few steps back, and the young man who pushed him, named Wu Shen, pushed Wu Changguo forward.

Su Can could tell that although Wu Changguo was old.


Among the children and grandchildren, the prestige is very high!

Moreover, he did things neatly and swiftly. Su Can could see that this was the unique aura of the old man's group of people.

He still maintains it to this day.

Such a poor life has not erased this mark on him.

Su Can felt.

This is so rare.

In my heart, I couldn't help but stand in awe of this old man, because he was an old man with great faith and perseverance.

No matter how much suffering you go through.

The perseverance in his heart, the faith and kindness in his heart will never be erased.

Such an old man........

How can you not be admired by others!

Even though Su Can was as rich as anyone in the country, he was not arrogant, but full of respect for him.

"Old man, I don’t know the person in this photo. Do you know him?"Su Can smiled, walked forward, took out the photo the old man gave him from his arms, and said with a smile.

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