In a late night snack shop.

Zhong Mingqiang sat in the private room, while another security guard guarded the door. Although the movement inside attracted the attention of some customers in the store and the owner.........

However, like an iron tower, the security guards guarding the door were not something they dared to climb up.

And some people.

Secretly, I called the police.


At this moment, a group of people rushed in, including many officials, and quickly emptied the entire store.

And the leader was obviously Guo Xie.

Next to Guo Xie, there was a middle-aged man who was about ten years younger than him. The two of them walked towards the inside. When they saw the security guard, they stopped.

Guo Xie looked inside and saw Zhong Mingqiang.

Guo Xie has never seen Zhong Mingqiang before.

"Is the person inside Mr. Zhong?

Guo Xie said:"I am Guo Xie.""

The middle-aged man next to Guo Xie was shocked.


Mr. Guo was so respectful to the man inside. What is the identity of the man inside?

He was extremely shocked.........

You know, because the TV station in Hunan Province can be said to be the number one satellite TV under CCTV, it is very famous nationwide.

Their status here is very high.

As the last person in charge of the TV station, Mr. Guo's status is much higher than that of people of the same level in other provinces.

You can feel it in Hunan Province.

It can be said.

Mr. Guo's position is very important.

Now Mr. Guo is actually so respectful to the people inside. Even if the top figures ranked first and second in Hunan Province arrive, Mr. Guo may not be like this!

Who are the people inside?

The middle-aged man was curious.

However, I was also a little worried in my heart.

Because before he came here, it was Mr. Guo who called him directly from home with an emergency call. He didn't dare to delay and ran over directly.

Moreover, Mr. Guo also told him that if something happened to the people under him, if they were from his lineage or his cronies, they must not be merciful.

If it's time to break, break it.........

Otherwise, let alone him, Mr. Guo will also be finished.

This middle-aged man still thinks that Mr. Guo’s words are exaggerated!

However, now that he saw Mr. Guo's attitude, he knew that Mr. Guo was definitely not exaggerating, but that such a thing could really happen.

The people here.

His status may be more terrifying than he imagined.

Think of this.

He was secretly surprised

"Mr. Guo is here."

Guo Xie has never seen Zhong Mingqiang, but Zhong Mingqiang has seen Guo Xie's photos from some information, and he recognized Guo Xie at the door.

Zhong Mingqiang stood up and said with a smile:"Mr. Guo, please come in.""

Xian Dagui, who was lying on the ground, was startled.

This voice sounded so familiar!

When had he heard it before?

Do they really know Mr. Guo and invited Mr. Guo over? This? Could it be, really? That's it, Mr. Guo is really here!

This time, Xian Dagui panicked......... for him.

He has met Guo Xie. Even if he is not qualified to come forward and say a few words to Guo Xie, the department he is responsible for is extremely important.

When Guo Xie comes to the TV station, the person in charge and senior executives of the station will greet him. He is considered a middle-level person, so he has the opportunity to watch from a distance.

And, I’ve seen it several times.

He still remembered Guo Xie's voice.

It's really Mr. Guo's voice.

Xian Dagui was afraid.

His face suddenly turned extremely pale


After receiving Zhong Mingqiang's invitation, Guo Xie didn't know that this was Zhong Mingqiang's voice. It was exactly the same as the voice on the phone.

He walked inside, and the middle-aged man followed Guo Xie.

The security guard at the door, after receiving Zhong Mingqiang's words, did not stop him.

Guo Xie walked in.

When Guo Xie stepped into the private room, it was not Zhong Mingqiang who was shocked. He was sitting in the private room calmly.

If At this moment, when Wang Er and others are here, they will suddenly find that Zhong Mingqiang at this moment vaguely looks like Su Can. He has been with Su Can for so many years.

In fact,.........

As an outsider, when Zhong Mingqiang was alone, his temperament would involuntarily imitate Su Can's.

Over the years, I have learned the essence.

Zhong Ming was not shocked, but Xian Dagui, who was lying on the ground, was stunned and stunned, looking at Guo Xie in shock.


Xian Dagui's throat squirmed and he swallowed.

It’s really Mr. Guo.

They are the people behind this TV station. this?

These people really knew Mr. Guo, and they called him over with just one phone call. Their identities were beyond my imagination.

Working in the advertising and investment department of a TV station, how could he not know that someone like Mr. Guo could come here in person with just one phone call?

That is definitely not a simple character. estimate.

This is even higher than Mr. Guo’s status.

What kind of god is this?

Xian Dagui regretted it endlessly and felt extremely desperate in his heart.

Yang Yan.

He gritted his teeth, but he didn't hate Su Can and Zhong Mingqiang in his heart. Instead, he resented Yang Yan, if thoughts could kill people.

He wanted to kill Yang Yan countless times.

That's right.........

At this moment, he wanted to kill Yang Yan.

This stinky woman.

Xian Dagui cursed in his heart.

If this woman, when she first came into contact with him, could tell her background, meet such a powerful person, and be able to call Mr. Guo over with just one phone call

With such a strong relationship, he can operate all variety shows, not to mention the fact that Duan Company and others placed advertisements in a variety show on the TV station!


When this woman came, she acted like a novice, and she didn't have any connections to say hello or anything like that.

Just came here like this.

He thought that this woman was a novice and that he could get such a stunning beauty by just using some tricks! who knows.

What a stunning beauty!

This is simply a femme fatale. Anyone who touches her will be poisoned and die in an instant!

This woman is so cruel!

Shouldn't I be plotted by this woman?

Xian Dagui was confused in his mind. The moment he saw Guo Xie, he already knew that he was completely doomed.

He regrets it endlessly........

Even the person behind him has a strong background, but the person behind her, no matter how powerful, is not as powerful as Guo Xie! played.

His face was pale and despairing.

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