Yang Yan almost exhausted all her strength to say these words.

After saying that.

Yang Yan only felt that her whole body was hot and she wished she could find a hole in the ground and crawl in. This was so embarrassing for a woman.

She is still a junior in college and has not yet graduated. Being able to say this is the most courageous thing she has ever done in her life.

Yang Yan tightly grasped the hem of her clothes, lowered her head, and kept pinching the hem of her clothes with her hands. She didn't even care that her nails followed the hem of her clothes and stung her palms.

Her heart beat faster, beating like a deer.

Su Can was also stunned.

Not to mention his two lifetimes, his current status and wealth, any adult would be able to tell what it means if he hears this sentence! it's too obvious.........

If a man says this to a woman and he doesn't understand what it means, he deserves to be single for the rest of his life.

Su Can heard it.

It's still early, so I went up to drink tea.

Isn't this invitation obvious to a lonely man and a widow?

Su Can didn't expect that little girl Yang Yan would have such great courage to extend such an invitation to him.

Is she ready? this?

Seeing Yang Yan lowering her head, not daring to look at herself, her face turned red and the roots behind her ears also turned red. Even under such a light, she could see clearly.

Su Can knew how much courage it took her to dare to say such a thing.

At that moment.

Su Can actually felt it, and he was feeling a little excited and looking forward to it. call!

He took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and suppressed all those strange emotions.

If Su Can now is himself twenty years ago.

I'm afraid Su Can won't be able to hold it back.

Young man, full of blood........

And now Su Can, at his current age, has never experienced anything. His woman, anyone, no matter in terms of beauty or status, is the best choice.

There is no bad woman who can become Su Can.

Su Can restrained himself.

To know.

The truly terrifying people in this world are not those who are as wise as monsters, but those who can control their desires.

Whether it is Su Can or the top business tycoons in this world, they are all like this.

There are only such people.

To get to this point now

"I have something to get up early tomorrow and need to deal with early in the morning. I won’t go tonight. If I have a chance in the future, I will treat you to tea."

Su Can politely declined Yang Yan.

For a stunning beauty like Yang Yan, even a veteran like Su Can would occasionally be stunned for a moment. She was knocked back by youth.

However, Su Can I also know that there are some things that need to be restrained.

If this is not the case,.........

If he wants those beauties, with Su Can's current wealth, he can change to a different woman every day, maybe ten or eight, with his wealth, he can do it.

Moreover, as long as he deliberately reveals it, people will come to his door in an endless stream and will not stop at all.

It can be said that people from all over the world will rush over.

However, Su Can is not such a person.

If Su Can was such a person, his industry would not have developed to the point where it is now, and it would not have reached such a high level.


After hearing Su Can's words, Yang Yan did not dare to raise her head, but there was a look of disappointment in her eyes, and she quickly made a sound.

Mr. Su refused.

Could it be that I am too ugly, Mr. Su can't Do you like it?

This time.

For the first time, Yang Yan faced her self-confident appearance before, and she had a trace of doubt. She felt that she was not beautiful enough!

You know.

Although her parents died young and her family was poor. , but since she was a child, no matter how shabby the clothes she wore, she could not hide her peerless appearance.

Those little boys, and even many social figures outside the school, pursued her.


Some rich people knew about her reputation and after seeing her, they were willing to pay tens of thousands of yuan a month to support her. You know, this was a few years ago.

Tens of thousands of yuan is not a small amount. not to mention.

Her family is so poor. If she were a vain girl, she would have agreed long ago, but Yang Yan has never thought about it.

No matter how poor she is, she will not do this.

Therefore, her beauty is undoubtedly very beautiful.

But this moment.

Yang Yan was somewhat doubtful about her appearance.

Su Can looked at Yang Yan. Although she lowered her head, Su Can could still tell that something was wrong with her face, as if she had been shocked.

Su Can smiled helplessly. well!

This is a strong girl!

At the same time, this matter is left to any girl. If she confesses to a man like this, but is rejected, it will be a blow.

Su Can understands Yang Yan.

Even though he had only met her a few times, Su Can knew much more about this strong girl than many people.

Despite her appearance, she looks extremely strong........

That's because her parents died young when she was young, so she had to be strong.

In fact, she was extremely weak inside.

The blow that Su Can's rejection dealt to her was definitely not as slight as it seemed on the surface, but rather a very severe blow.

Su Can was afraid that Yang Yan would be hit hard because of this, or even lose confidence in certain things.


He is truly a sinner.

In the beginning, he did charity and supported Yang Yan in school. From elementary school to now, it was all funded by Su Can, which made Yang Yan's miserable childhood a lot easier and moved towards the sunshine.

And this time.

Su Can didn't expect that he would once again push Yang Yan, who had been pushed towards the sun, into the darkness. This was something Su Can didn't expect.

How could he have imagined that Yang Yan was so courageous!

How old is this?

She fell in love with herself crazily, and then gave her to herself.

How could Su Can accept this?

Su Can felt that although Yang Yan's feelings for him now included love and infatuation, it was more out of gratitude to Su Can.

A little more.

That was the lack of love from her parents since she was a child.

Because her parents died young, she did not enjoy the love of her parents. Su Can's help made her feel like she was protected and loved by her father.

As a result, the fascination in her heart gradually turned into an Electra complex.

If Su Can agrees to go up tonight.

That's definitely not Su Can's personality..........

Unless, in a few years, Yang Yan grows up, goes out of society, experiences the severe beatings of those societies, and recognizes herself, then she makes this choice again.

By that time, Su Can might not refuse.

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