Zhong Mingqiang stood beside him, watching and nodding secretly.

Zhang Yiming is a smart man. Although he doesn't know what the third brother is thinking, the choice he makes is the most correct choice.

Zhong Mingqiang, who has been with Third Brother for many years, doesn't know what Third Brother is thinking.

He knows it all too well.

The third brother said it would go public, but that was just talk.


For others, it is as difficult as reaching the sky, but for the third brother, he really has no shortage of listed companies under his control.

To know!

It’s just the industries under the third brother’s control and the listed companies that he controls.

It won't be less than a few dozen.

If he is willing........

In the mainland alone, if those industries and the companies under the industries are willing to go public, more than two or three of them can be listed within three years.


It's really not difficult.

For example, today's Sino-Ocean Real Estate is the company run by Wang Er.

Sino-Ocean Real Estate is now listed.


It also owns several companies, including Sino-Ocean Properties, Sino-Ocean Cinemas, Sino-Ocean Building Materials and several other companies. It is not difficult to list all of these companies within three years.

Needless to say other things.

Su Can has too many properties under his control.

Now, Zhang Yiming has made this choice. In Zhong Mingqiang's opinion, it is the most popular choice for the third brother. This choice could not be more correct..........

"Just because of your confidence?"

Su Can asked with a smile.

He was a little shocked.

Because in his previous life, Zhang Yiming did this. Although the company he was in charge of was valued at a huge market value of hundreds of billions of dollars.


Any company under his parent company A company seems to have reached its peak. Although it can continue to reach higher levels, it has not chosen to go public.

Some of its competitors are just competitors of a product in its industry. When their products are launched, the market value is At one time, the market value was as high as 200 billion U.S. dollars.

Later, although most of the market value fell, it was only less than 80 billion U.S. dollars.


His flagship product can definitely reach a stable market value of 200 billion US dollars, and the number of users of his product is global.

The huge number of users is several times that of another company.

However, none of these companies have gone public.

How does he make choices now? Compared with his previous life, this is really the same.


Su Can secretly thought

"Yes, Mr. Su, I have this confidence. At this moment, Zhang Yiming felt a sense of sharpness, and he said,"At the same time, I am willing to make a betting agreement with Mr. Su!""

"Gambling agreement?"

Su Can narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling very interesting.

Zhong Mingqiang was startled.


Yiming is so brave!

After following the third brother for so many years, Zhong Mingqiang has met too many people, and he entered into a betting agreement with the third brother, but A person as young as Zhang Yiming and with such a low status today.........

It's the first time.

To know!

Among those who made the right agreement with Third Brother.

Those are all top figures in the business circle like Bill, Steve Jobs, or Hong Kong's Li Chaoren. How old is this Yiming?

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!

How courageous! young people.

Zhong Mingqiang secretly complained in his heart

"right! Zhang

Yiming said excitedly:"Mr. Su, please agree to my request. I am willing to bet on the shares of the beating company I am now in charge of.""

"Give me at least five years to spin off Duanzi and raise funds, while Tiaodong, as the parent company, is in charge of Duanzi’s shares."

"I believe that Douyou Company can also develop better software than Duanzi"

"If I cannot do all this within five years, I am willing to lose all my shares in the company to you........."

"And if I win!"

He paused.

Su Can looked at Zhang Yiming with interest, wondering what he wanted.

This is very interesting.

For a person of Su Can's status.

He didn't know that the last time he encountered such an interesting thing was When is it?

After all!

For a person of this status!

There are really not many things that can arouse their interest, let alone Zhang Yiming was still a big shot in Su Can's previous life! Can such a person!

Can he set a new record in his previous life? Legend.

Su Can found it very interesting..........

It's like a person, incarnated as God, has an absolute perspective, watching whether everything in this world develops like the ending.

Or something has changed.

This kind of thing should be very interesting.

Su Can just found this very interesting.

What does he want?

Zhong Mingqiang is also a little curious. In his opinion, if Zhang Yiming's request is not excessive, all he wants is a condition worth one billion U.S. dollars or several billion U.S. dollars.

Third brother will definitely agree.

Billions of dollars!

To others, it might be priceless, a huge sum of money, but to the third brother, it is really nothing!

"All I need is that Mr. Su loses one dollar to me."

Zhang Yiming suddenly said

"one dollar......."

Zhong Mingqiang was stunned.

He only wants one dollar? this?

This guy is definitely a smart man!

Zhong Mingqiang immediately realized it and thought to himself.

This is what a truly smart person would do. If he were not a smart person, he would not choose to do this at all. Zhang Yiming is very smart!


Su Can was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Zhang Yiming chose a very smart approach. Even the conditions he proposed were so smart.

Su Can admired him even more.

He's capable!

He's smart.........

No wonder, in his previous life, Zhang Yiming was able to make his industry so huge. It seems that this person's success was not accidental.

But inevitable

"Thank you Mr. Su!"

When Zhang Yiming heard that Su Can agreed, he showed an excited look and said gratefully.

"Don’t thank me yet!

Su Can waved his hand and said,"You bet against me, but you suffered a big loss!" If I lose, I only lose a dollar, and if you lose,"

"That's more than one billion RMB?"

"This is not a small amount of money. It's still too late for you to regret it now."

Su Can tentatively said. With a capital of more than one billion yuan, many people are in charge of listed companies with a scale of tens of billions, and they may not have so much wealth.

After all!

With a market value of tens of billions of RMB, I don't know how many people share it..........

It's not just that one person

"Mr. Su, I have no regrets. I feel that my future will definitely be more than just these billions."

Zhang Yiming felt a little sad when he heard Su Can's words, but he remained firm and did not change his thoughts. ps Please subscribe Please subscribe

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