Zhang Yiming looked at Su Can and didn't know what to say.

Everything I prepared seems to be useless........

This makes him.

I was speechless for a moment.

Su Can looked at Zhang Yiming and said with a smile:"Tell me some things about how to develop Douyou Company and Duanzi!"

"It's Mr. Su!"

Hearing Su Can's words, Zhang Yiming felt like he had been granted amnesty. Without Mr. Su's guidance, he would have been embarrassed.

Zhang Yiming really didn't know what to say.

After all,........

Even Weibo, which is worth tens of billions of dollars, is not qualified to report to Mr. Su, let alone the company he is now in charge of, Douyu!

We haven’t raised Series A financing yet!

Now, with just the investment from Mr. Su, plus the investment from Weibo, these two sums together can be regarded as a preliminary angel round.

In total, the angel round is only 10 million in capital.

Company market value!

That is a market value of more than 10 million RMB.

Although it has exploded in popularity and achieved good results, it is not that simple to obtain financing and obtain a good value. at most!

That’s just a market value of over 100 million.

And what is the market value of Weibo!

That is at the level of 100 billion RMB. The gap between his beating company and Weibo is too big, equivalent to a thousand times gap, and the other party is not qualified........

Could he have?

Zhang Yiming took a deep breath and said:"Mr. Su, the number of users of Duanzi is increasing now, and our company, Tongdong Company, only has one software like this."

"However, I want to make Duanzi Company independent, especially before conducting a round of financing, Duanzi should be listed separately for financing."

"Jumping Company is the parent company. In the future, this company will continue to develop new Internet products, and then each product can be listed separately."

"In this way, although Tiaodong Company is hidden behind the scenes, it can share risks, and there will be no product problems that will cause huge losses to the parent company."

"Especially when financing or going public."

He looked at Su Can cautiously, a little worried that Su Can would not agree to this condition. If this condition were placed on ordinary investors, they would definitely not agree.

List each product individually, like this If you do this, the company will lose a lot of exposure, and it will be more difficult to go public quickly.

As an investor.......

There are a few investors who can continue to hold shares in a certain company for ten or eight years.

Most people quickly list the company after investing, and then look at the future prospects of the company. If the prospects are average.

The next few years.

They will cash out the stocks in their hands, and then invest in other companies after receiving generous returns.

Who would let the companies they invest in slow down their listing speed? impossible.

These investors are not fools.

Even Buffett, who claims to be a value investor, still clears out some of the large companies he invested in, even if they are growing gradually every year.

It will still be cleared.

Therefore, Zhang Yiming felt a little uneasy, fearing that Su Can would not agree. at the same time..........

He was also prepared not to be promised.

Su Can looked at Zhang Yiming with a surprised look in his eyes, and said in a deep voice:"Did you come up with this idea yourself? Or did someone teach you?"

"I thought of it myself!"

Zhang Yiming said directly without hesitation.

What do you think?

Su Can looked at Zhang Yiming with a trace of amusement in his eyes.

He is worthy of being able to achieve such a big industry in his previous life! This idea is almost exactly the same as his idea in his previous life. Oh!

In his previous life, Zhang Yiming founded Douyin Company, which has many leading products in the same industry, each with hundreds of millions of users. A certain product!

It even became the most popular app in the world for a time.

Let his mother The company was once valued at hundreds of billions of dollars. It can be said to be the third largest Internet company in China after Alibaba Penguin.

In this world........

He started his business a few years early and lost a few years of experience. However, his choices were exactly the same as in his previous life, without any changes. have to say!

Destiny is really wonderful.

Although Su Can fanned his wings and changed many things, there were still some things that even if he fanned a hurricane, he could not shake the destiny.

"Mr. Su, please Mr. Su, please trust me for once."

Zhang Yiming saw Su Can didn't comment, and felt a little bit in his heart. He thought to himself that it was not good.

There was a trace of determination on his shy face, and he said in a deep voice:"Mr. Su, if you do this, it will slow down the company's listing. slow down"

"However, the benefits obtained in the future will definitely be more abundant, more stable, more long-lasting, and more worthy of doing so.........."

"Please Mr. Su, please believe me and trust me once!"

He said with firm eyes.

Su Can looked at Zhang Yiming playfully and said with a smile:"Do you have that much confidence? You know, jokes are doing well now, if they are run properly"

"In the next three years, it will not be difficult to reach hundreds of millions of users. After several rounds of financing, your shares will not be less than 7%."

"In this case, once listed, the company will operate on Nasdaq's story-telling platform with hundreds of millions of users."

"The market value of Duanzi, not to mention reaching tens of billions of US dollars, but reaching three billion US dollars is not a problem, equivalent to more than 20 billion RMB"

"The shares in your hand are worth more than one billion RMB"

"In three or four years, you can get an income of more than one billion, and there is still not much risk. It is all legal income from formal sources."

"At the same time, you will gain both fame and fortune. Isn’t this a good opportunity?"

Su Can acted like a devil at this moment..........

His words were full of powerful charm.

This is for anyone.

These are powerful temptations.

Who refused?

In just a few years, it has made more than one billion in revenue. Not only that, it has really become famous. After all, it has been able to be listed on NASDAQ in just a few years.

This is a legend among the younger generation!

Who can bear it!

Such a thing of fame and fortune.

Zhang Yiming's face moved slightly when he heard this. It was obvious that he was only in his twenties. He didn't have the composure of an old fox when it came to such a thing. but........

What is surprising is that in just a short moment, his face suddenly changed. From the initial agitation, his eyes became extremely firm.

He said solemnly:"Mr. Su, I think the potential of Tiaodong Company is more than that. Although the billions of net worth and both fame and wealth are very exciting."

"However, I still choose my persistence." ps please subscribe please subscribe

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