In the underworld.

The top killers in the top rankings may not have the confidence to kill them completely unscathed under the siege of Pang Bin and others.

This is too difficult. spread the word.........

It will definitely cause unnecessary trouble.


This so-called underground world is very mysterious to ordinary people, but in front of top figures like Su Can.

This is nothing at all. because!

This kind of thing similar to Jianghu has always been driven by the rich, especially in this era, these are just puppets driven by the rich.

The so-called first person!

If a big family kills him.

Don't tell too much money.

As long as there is a fatwa worth 100 million US dollars, countless people can assassinate the number one killer for that money.

They really are nothing. but.........

These people are like tarsal maggots. If you are accidentally bitten by them, you will still be infected.

Su Can asked Su Zeming to keep a low profile, which was correct.

The other side.

After making the call, Zhong Mingqiang briefly explained the situation. He walked to the stairs and saw the people who fell on the ground. One of them was Pang Bin, although there was an extra scar on Pang Bin's face.

The blood flowing from the big hole in his head dyed most of his face red. but!

Zhong Mingqiang still recognized it.

This person is Pang Bin.

Kill with one shot?

This is a good shot.

Zhong Mingqiang looked at the others and found that the others were also killed with one shot, all of them hitting the head. Is this shooting method so accurate?

It seems........

It seems like it was done by one person!

Could it be!

Is there a sharpshooter among these bodyguards?

Such technology.

If placed in the security team, with this, he can be ranked among the top bodyguards, and can even serve as the person in charge of teaching security.

This is not a simple marksmanship!

"Who among you took action and killed Pang Bin and the others in one blow."Zhong Mingqiang glanced at the bodyguards guarding the stairs and asked.

He didn't think it was Su Zeming who did it.

After all!

In Zhong Mingqiang's view, although Su Zeming has good abilities, he has not seen much blood, so The accurate marksmanship was definitely not done by Su Zeming.........

But one of these bodyguards.

He started!

I never thought it was Su Zeming's.

Hearing Zhong Mingqiang's words, the bodyguards' expressions paused slightly.

What did we do?

Among us, who has such shooting skills? If there was such a shooting technique, couldn't they have told Mr. Zhong in advance?

You know, if they have technology, their jobs can be changed instantly, and their income can be doubled instantly.

How is this possible!

Several of them looked at each other, and each of them saw the look in the other's eyes, showing a hint of hesitation.

Even so!

But in the hearts of each of them, no one dared to have the mentality of taking credit for killing several people in Pang Bin.

They dare not........

Whether it was Su Zeming or not Mr. Su, he was that son.

None of them dared to do so.

This marksmanship has instantly stopped them from daring to think like this. Even if their strength is increased tenfold, they may not be able to use marksmanship.

If you take advantage of it and receive this great merit.

For them, although they have benefited, if it is exposed later or leaked by themselves, it will definitely not be a small matter.

Rather, it's a terrible thing.

Do they dare?

Of course I don't dare.

Seeing the silence of these people, Zhong Mingqiang paused slightly. what happened........

No one answered why!

Seeing their uncertain expressions, Zhong Mingqiang suddenly had an idea in his mind that even he thought was a bit ridiculous.

That's right!

This idea is ridiculous.

Even Zhong Mingqiang didn't dare to think like this.

Was it Zeming who killed him?

He was startled by his own idea. This idea was so crazy that even he couldn't believe it.

How can it be?

How could Zeming have such ability!

Did I guess wrong?

"Mr. Zhong........"

One of the leading bodyguards took a step forward, lowered his head subconsciously, and said with some embarrassment:"We did not kill these people, they were all done by Young Master Su." Young

Master Su?

Is it really clear?

Hear this!

Zhong Mingqiang was stunned and dumbfounded.

He couldn't believe that this was actually true. When he thought about it just now, even he couldn't believe that this was true.

It's so scary.

Did Zeming do it?

"Did he really do it?"

Su Zeming's expression changed and he said in a deep voice.

"Yes Mr. Zhong........"

"We don’t dare to deceive you!"

"There are surveillance cameras in this hospital, maybe they were filmed! We don't dare to lie, these are all facts. We were one step slower than Mr. Su, and as soon as he came, he killed those killers."

The other people didn't dare to hide it and told Zhong Mingqiang truthfully.

When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, his mouth opened in shock.


It was really Zeming who did it!

Zhong Mingqiang's face showed a trace of bitterness. He had absolutely no intention of doing this. Thinking about it, this thing was really done by Su Zeming.

Even if he thought about it, he wouldn't dare to think like this!

It's too scary.



Even though Zhong Mingqiang has been on the battlefield for a long time and is well-informed, at this moment, he was a little frightened. His throat couldn't help but squirm and he swallowed saliva.


He took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

This matter is big.

His eyes changed slightly, knowing that if this matter spread, to Su Zeming, this would definitely not be a small matter.

It would be a big matter. Thing.

This matter is serious.


It must be hidden and cannot be known. Otherwise, if people find out, some people may regard Zeming as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, and they would like to get rid of Zeming. Ming!

Zhong Mingqiang knows that the matter is serious, even more serious than he thinks.

This matter.........

It looks cool and awesome, but that's for ordinary people, but for Su Zeming, who comes from a wealthy family, it's not a good thing. after all!

Su Zeming was already so powerful. Today Capital founded by one person suddenly surpassed the efforts of most of the older generation!

So great in finance. now!

In terms of force, it is actually so terrifying.

This is simply a perfect combination of civil and military skills!

That big family can tolerate such a terrifying existence, even if their strength is very far away from the Su family. For the Su family.

Just an ant-like existence.


What if the other party has evil thoughts and asks someone to assassinate Su Zeming?

This is not impossible, but has a high probability, especially this time, after the news that Su Zeming hunted Pang Bin and others.

This is more likely. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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