"It's Mr. Su!"

Hearing Su Zeming's words, the bodyguards said respectfully.

Su Zeming nodded slightly. He saw several security guards on the opposite side, coming over because they also saw several Pang Bin people fall.

Did they see any He looked at the possibility of accidental injury and fell at the foot of the stairs. Lying there were Pang Bin and the others bleeding all over the floor.

Su Zeming jumped up and stood on the handrail of the stairs.

"call out!"

He jumped over.

Looking at Su Zeming's figure, the security guards were shocked.

This skill........

What they can't do at all is that this young man is so powerful. Who said that people from rich families are useless? this?

Is this trash?

If this is called waste!

These people, who are even better than the top hired bings, can't even reach the threshold of waste. This is really sad!

Su Zeming walked forward without entering the delivery room.

Instead, we came to the corner.

As soon as he walked out, Su Zeming immediately saw his father andNext to Uncle Zhong, Zhong Ming is strong

"Then it becomes clear! how's it going?"

Zhong Mingqiang saw Su Zeming and said excitedly.

On the contrary!

As a father, Su Can looked calm and looked at his son indifferently, but his eyes that seemed extremely plain revealed a trace of pride..........

As a father.

Su Can never guessed that his son must have killed Pang Bin and others!

"Already solved them all!"

Su Zeming said lightly.

"So fast!"

Zhong Mingqiang was suddenly startled. This was too fast! He continued:"Did you get hurt?"


Su Zeming shook his head

"You go see Third Brother, and I'll handle the rest."Zhong Mingqiang gently patted Su Zeming's shoulders a few times and walked towards the bodies of Pang Bin and others.

What he has to do now is to deal with the follow-up.

And these things!

This is exactly what he needs to do.......... these things!

Even if the third brother didn't explain, Zhong Mingqiang knew what he should do, instead of having to wait until the third brother issued the order.

That's it!

It's just too slow.

Although this is not Yanjing City, as Su Can's butler, he does not have the same top influence as in Yanjing City.

However, he also has resources here. because!

Here, Su Wen once stayed here for many years, and after he left here, going one step further, it can be said that the Su family has great influence here.

Not to mention, Su Wen only left at the beginning of this year.

I just left not long ago........

Not to mention that people will leave and the tea will be cold.

When Su Wen was working here, Su Can provided a lot of resource support, and many of these things were done with the help of Zhong Mingqiang.

Many people know Zhong Mingqiang's status.

At first.

More people in Sichuan knew that Zhong Mingqiang and Su Wen were a talkative and laughing person, and those with lower status than Su Wen were extremely shocked.

Naturally, he will also be respectful to Zhong Mingqiang.

In his mobile phone number, there are several top-ranked people from Sichuan.

If you deal with these things.

Press it down.

That is, these people are the most suitable........

The reason for suppressing it is not that we don't intend to pursue it, but that we hope that too many ordinary people will not know about such things. avoid, causing panic.

As the saying goes.

Good deeds never go out, and bad deeds travel thousands of miles. In addition, in today's Internet age, there are too many people with various conspiracy theories, and something happened.

It's easy to say it's not easy.

This conspiracy theory or something.

It seemed that he had been conspired to frame him all his life, and Zhong Mingqiang did not want such things to spread.

The pressure went down.

Hold some more people accountable.

This time!

If word spreads that the third brother is in danger, Mr. Long, Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue in Yanjing City will probably be greatly shocked..........

The whole Huaxia will be shocked.

If the third brother's friends abroad knew about it, such as the frail Bill, Steve Jobs and others, it would cause a shock in the world.

The influence of the third brother is too great.


For ordinary people, they don't know the existence of the third brother.


In this world, the top group of people all know the existence of Third Brother. That is the existence that they all need to look up to!

I found out something happened to my third brother.

Whether they are enemies or friends, they will all be shocked.

Zhong Mingqiang took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone number as he walked, found a phone number, and quickly dialed it. at this time.........

Su Zeming walked to the side of his father Su Can

"Where's the gun!"

Su Can looked at his son Su Zeming, looked up and down, and said

"Gave the gun to the bodyguard."

Su Zeming said with a smile

"well done! Su

Can smiled brightly, nodded with satisfaction, and said,"Not bad, I know how to deal with this kind of thing. These things are not suitable for making a big show of.""

"You just need to put all the credit on others. You can do this kind of thing yourself, but you must not admit it."

"It must not be recognized."

Su Can warned.

"Dad, I understand."

Su Zeming nodded and said.

Of course he knew what his father meant..........

This time!

He exposed some things about his skills. From the perspective of outsiders, if they knew about it, they would be shocked and shocked.

This skill is amazing.

Several top assassins were easily killed by him.

His strength is so high!

If some people have a grudge against them, they want to send people to assassinate him. If they don't know his strength, they must be arranged according to his current strength.


They didn't know Su Zeming's strength. Su Zeming could completely kill them.

If they knew.

That's not all they send. They will definitely come with the most top-notch and most luxurious lineup. That will be the most dangerous thing then........

Hiding now.

That’s the kingly way!

How could Su Zeming not know this truth?

He also thought about this, so after killing Pang Bin and a few others, Su Zeming didn't pretend anything at all, and took the pistol and threw it directly to the bodyguards.

By the time!

Just say that they did it. His strength cannot be exposed.


Just now, he felt that the strength he displayed was not even half of his true strength, but this was scary enough.

In a short period of time, several top killers were killed.

This strength.........

At least they can enter the top five on the top killer list.

If it spreads.

It will definitely cause a huge sensation in the underground world. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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