Su Can is not a soft-hearted person. Lan Qing and Zhou Tong are hopeless. Even if they are forgiven, these two people still look for opportunities to destroy the Su family.......

After all, these two people have now found a killer to assassinate Wang Su.

At this point, Su Can didn't feel any burden in his heart for the death of the two of them.

"Transfer their rewards to Jiang Chuan through underground channels."

After walking out of the warehouse and arriving at the yard, Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang and ordered.

"It's the third brother. I have already advanced a sum of funds and it will be settled within the next three days."Zhong Mingqiang nodded.

"Okay, let's ask someone to apply for a private jet flight to California, and rush there immediately."Su Can said in a deep voice.

Hollywood is there, and it is the most prosperous place in the United States.

Moreover, the most famous silicon gu in the world is over there, and almost all of the headquarters of Apple and Microsoft are there........

Although Su Can had already guessed Zhou Tong and Lan Qing, if he dealt with the people around Su Can, he would definitely start from Wang Su's side.

It can be said that the security at Wang Su's side is very good.

However, now that he heard that they had paid the killer to act, Su Can was still very worried about Wang Su.

He was going to see Wang Su and kill the killer.

Otherwise, I would be worried that Wang Su would be alone in Haolaiwu.

"It's the third brother, I'll contact him immediately."

Zhong Mingqiang looked shocked and said.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and started to contact people. For these people, applying for a route is not difficult.

Even in the United States, it is a very simple matter.

However, if there are many flights, you have to apply to queue up.

"Third brother!"

After a while, after Zhong Mingqiang made a few calls, he received a few more calls. He walked to Su Can's side.........

"I have already made contact. Our plane will not be able to fly there from New York City Airport until nine o'clock tomorrow morning at the earliest."

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

When Su Can heard this, he frowned slightly.

"Third brother, this is already the fastest. You know, if the people here get off work, few people are willing to work overtime."

Zhong Mingqiang thought that the third brother was dissatisfied with his efficiency, so he said quickly.

Su Can nodded slightly and said,"Yeah! Go back first! Everyone is tired today. Let’s go back and rest first, and then set off again tomorrow morning. In addition, we should call the security around Wang Su and ask them to pay attention to Wang Su’s safety in the past two days."


Zhong Mingqiang immediately said seriously.

Then, a group of people got into the car. The car slowly drove away from the suburbs and passed through the slums. Then there were occasional gunshots here.

It is estimated that there were no gunshots over there in the warehouse. People noticed.

The car drove very fast, and soon returned to the Manhattan Dun District, and then returned to the villa. Su Can returned to the villa.......

He took a shower again and then fell asleep.

The next morning, Su Can and the others had dinner and headed towards the airport. At nine o'clock, they finally flew to California.

The plane was still Su Can's personal plane, and the flight took about ten hours or more. The journey was not too short, and it was about dinner time when we arrived.

It was also a long flight.

At about seven o'clock in the evening, Su Can and his plane landed at the airport in California.

Su Can came down and walked out of the airport.

And here, there were already people waiting for Su Can and the others in their cars. These people were all the heads of the branch of Qianfen Investment Company.

After all, this is the place where the Internet is most densely populated, and it is also the place where world-class Internet companies are most likely to be born.

Apple, Microsoft, etc. were all born here.

Qianfen Investment Company naturally set up a branch here, and Li Xueer even came here to sit here for a few months every year.

It can be said that the branch of Qianfen Investment Company here is not small.

After getting in the car

"Third brother, there is news over there that a Chinese doctor has invited Miss Wang Su to have dinner in the most luxurious western restaurant in the city center."

Zhong Mingqiang explained.



Is it the one called the Yellow Sea?

Su Can remembered that when Wang Su returned to Yanjing City more than a month ago, he told him about a Chinese doctor from Huanghai.

Su Can was no stranger to that person.

Moreover, he also asked someone to investigate that person.

According to the information obtained, there is not much stain on this person named Huang Hai. Although he has found a few girlfriends, they are all normal things.

Su Can does not require others to be moral gentlemen and keep their bodies as pure as jade.

He can't even do it!

Of course, that is all information on the surface. Su Can needs to further see and investigate what kind of person this person is.

"Go to that restaurant!"

Su Can said in a deep voice.

It just so happened that I would take this opportunity to meet the man named Huang Hai and see if he was worthy of marrying Wang Su. Su Can leaned back on the car seat and thought to himself


The car started and headed towards the city center.

At the same time, in the city center, there was a very luxurious restaurant. It was a typical French Western restaurant and the food was delicious.........

Moreover, Bill Job and other Internet tycoons once dined here.

Therefore, this restaurant is quite famous.

If you don't make a reservation a week in advance, there will be no space at all.

At this time, in the restaurant, the lights were bright, and people with various faces were dining carefully in the restaurant, which looked extremely elegant.

Especially on the small stage in the middle, there is a violinist playing elegant music.

All of this looks perfect.

Wang Su was sitting at a remote dining table, and opposite her was a tall, handsome, Asian man about the same age as him.

He is Huang Hai

"Wang Su!"

Huang Hai raised his hand back unintentionally. It seemed unintentional and no one noticed it at all. But his eyes were slow and he looked at Wang Su affectionately.

"Please give me a chance to be your boyfriend? Huang

Hai said in a low voice.


While he was speaking, there were footsteps nearby, and two waiters came slowly. One of them was holding a batch of red wine and two wine glasses, while the other was carrying a bouquet of bright red roses.

The two arrived. Wang Su and Huang Hai's side........

Huang Hai looked at it with a faint smile on his lips and said,"This is the confession ceremony I prepared for you. I hope you can agree to it."

He said, taking the flower from the waiter holding the flowers. The bouquet of flowers was in a direction they didn't see. When the waiter moved his hand, there was a silver light in the flowers that looked particularly bright under the light. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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