"Jie Jie!

Zhou Tong laughed strangely and said,"Come again, come again."......"

"If I'm afraid of you, I'm a son of a bitch." Lan Qing gritted his teeth, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, and looked at Zhong Mingqiang and said fiercely

"court death!"

Zhong Mingqiang was furious.

"Okay, Mingqiang!"Su Can said lightly.

"It's the third brother!"

After hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Ming suppressed the anger in his heart.

Su Can said calmly:"These two people are obviously trying to provoke you deliberately. Seeing your jokes, the more angry you are and beat them, the more they will feel happy"

"Third brother, but them!"

Zhong Mingqiang pointed at Zhou Tong and Lan Qing.

Su Can waved his hand and said,"They are dealing with that Su family member. No need to guess, I basically know what will happen."

"Third brother, do you know?"

Zhong Mingqiang was shocked.

These two people just said that they were going to deal with people from the Su family and had arranged killers. The interrogation had not started yet.

The third brother knew........

Zhong Mingqiang has never doubted the power of his third brother.

Just this time?

No interrogation yet?

"Old thief, don't pretend to be pretentious. There are many in your Su family. You have no idea what I have to deal with. Zhou

Tong looked at Su Can proudly and said gloomily.

"When the time comes, after that man is successfully assassinated by the killer, your Su family will regret it, hahaha!" Lan Qing said with a desire for revenge.

Both of them were as crazy as


Su Can looked at the two of them, but it didn't turn out as they expected. He was worried and tortured them both.

Because Su Can already knew the answer.

"It's Wang Su!"

Su Can said lightly.


When they heard Su Can's words, Zhou Tong and Lan Qing had a look of horror on their faces.

They almost couldn't believe it. Su Can guessed it right away.

"Third brother, is this Wang Su?"

Zhong Mingqiang also saw the expressions of Lan Qing and Zhou Tong. Anyone who stood over could see the expressions of these two people. Su Can was right.

"There are so many people in the Su family, and Wang Su is not the only one. She is a big Hollywood star. How could we make such a big deal and let the Su family know about it and take precautions. Zhou

Tong said disdainfully

"That's right! Lan

Qing nodded.........

Su Can looked at the two of them and knew 100% without guessing.

"You two are very smart, but you don't have to guess about this. Besides, are you two so eager to refute now, are you worried that I will take precautions in advance?"

Su Can said lightly.


Zhou Tong was angry, with a look of resentment in his eyes.

Su Can then smiled and said:"Our Su family members are all in China. There may not be others anywhere, but safety should be the first in the world. In the United States, , and only the public security of places like Manhattan can rival it."

"Moreover, there are few killers in the country who are known as the tombs of killers who dare to enter the country to hunt down or assassinate people."

"And our Su family members are basically all in China. If you are moving, you will never choose our people in China."

"And there is someone who is in line with your choice."

Su Can said while looking at Zhou Tong and Lan Qing. Every word he said was like a dense drum beating in their hearts. As soon as those words came out, their faces changed. Getting paler and paler.........

"Is it Wang Su?"

Zhong Mingqiang said in shock.

As long as it wasn't the third brother, he would have been relieved by the others, but that person was Wang Su, who was the third brother's cousin!

"That's all just wishful thinking on your part!"

Zhou Tong sneered.

Su Can looked at Zhou Tong and said,"Have you been abroad for too long? Since you have forgotten, there is a saying in our country that the explanation is to cover up."

"According to your personalities, if my guess is wrong, I guess both of you have already started to laugh at me."

"Now, with the goal of diverting my attention, it was exposed like this, and I knew it was true without even guessing."

"However, you are about to miscalculate"

"Knowing that you two want revenge, I have already thought of all these things. If I arrange a few more bodyguards next to Wang Su, your assassin may fail."

Su Can said lightly.

"impossible? impossible."

Zhou Tong heard Su Can's words and showed a look of despair.

She fought with Su Can secretly several times. Of course, these were Zhou Tong's ideals, but Sanitation always lost big!

Why did he lose.

She unwilling.......

"You are the devil, you are the devil?"

Zhou Tong fell into madness, pointed at Su Can and shouted loudly

"No, I don't believe it! Lan Qing shook his head crazily and couldn't believe it, and said:"We haven't done it yet, how could you prepare in advance?" I can not?"

The last disappointment of the two of them was at this moment, Su Can slowly and completely erased it bit by bit.

Everything they thought about was in vain.

Moreover, Su Can didn't Lie.

After knowing the identities of Zhou Tong and Lan Qing, Su Can had anticipated this day and wanted to protect Wang Su.

And the others?

They were all in China, so there was no need to worry.

As for Huang Manyu, she is now here Sun Buluo is in charge of HSBC, but the security around her is absolutely top-notch. There is no big problem at all.

Seeing the two people's crazy looks, Su Can didn't look at them anymore.

He knew that the two of them were completely useless. When he came

, he planned to spare the lives of the two of them, but in the end, the two of them actually planned to kill people from the Su family.

This was so cruel.........

Su Can, how can you be so polite!

"Mingqiang, let’s go! People have already seen it, let’s go back!"Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang, his voice was light, as if he was pronouncing a death sentence.

"By the way, I don’t want to hear anything more about these two."

Su Can said in a deep voice.

"It's the third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

Su Can looked at it and walked outside. Soon he arrived outside the large shelf. Jiang Chuan and several people guarding the warehouse were smoking and waiting.

Su Can came over and Jiang Chuan I put out the cigarette immediately

"Mr. Su, are everything done?"

Jiang Chuan said excitedly.

Su Can nodded slightly without saying too much.

Zhong Mingqiang pulled Jiang Chuan aside and said,"Jiang Chuan, we don't want to see those two people in the world again. How to deal with it is up to you!"

"It’s Boss Zhong! Jiang

Chuan immediately said respectfully.

Su Can watched Zhong Mingqiang say a few words after Jiang Chuan, then turned around and walked back to Su Can. Su Can nodded slightly.........

Then, the group of people walked outside.

When they walked outside the warehouse, two banging sounds suddenly sounded inside the warehouse. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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