Xiangjiang, Vientiane Building.

This is the headquarters of the Wanxiang Group, the largest enterprise in Hong Kong. Today, the Wanxiang Group has become an iconic enterprise in Hong Kong.

This company is the only investment company in Hong Kong that is at the same level as American Redwood Capital and Goldman Sachs Lehman Brothers Thousand Investments........

It owns many listed companies.

In addition, during the Hong Kong financial crisis in 1997, Vientiane Group completely defeated international hot money such as Soros.

Soros lost billions of dollars and protected Hong Kong stockholders.

Today's Wanxiang Group is like a god in the hearts of Xiangjiang people, believed in by countless people.

In addition, with the expansion of Wanxiang Group's territory in recent years and the development of the information age, many industries cannot hide their interests.

Many people have gradually come to know that Wanxiang Group is huge.

It is not only Vientiane Group, but also the largest shareholder of Wharf. You must know that Wharf is now the world's largest shipping company.

It used to be the seven major shipping companies and was known as the Seven Shipping Kings.

And Wharf is now at the imperial level. Above the remaining six kings, it occupies the entire huge shipping market and is extremely powerful.

In addition, Vientiane Group also has the world's largest ore fields in Kangaroo Country, Samba Country, Africa and other places.

Its ore reserves rank first among the world's mineral companies.

Although its steel-making plants are not good enough, its technology is still ranked second-tier internationally, which is pretty good.

What's more, it is one of the largest animation companies in the world. It can compete with Disney, and it is also an industry of Wanxiang Group........

If this company is listed alone, it will be among the top 500 companies.

Because this Weekly Shōnen not only produces comics, but also develops animations and various other copyrights.

Over the course of a year, the revenue reached billions of dollars.

Among them, Pokemon is Weekly Shonen's money-attracting beast, bringing the company more than a billion dollars in revenue every year, making a lot of money.

In addition to Pokemon, anime such as One Piece, Dragon Ball, and Naruto are all under the Weekly Shonen banner.

In fact, according to previous lives, these were not all in this company, but because Su Can asked Zhang Man to acquire this animation company in the early 1980s, and then found the authors of these animations.

Given excellent conditions, the contract was signed.

It can be said that without Su Can, Weekly Shonen would not have been able to beat Disney. Now it is tied with the three Disney and Marvel companies as the first company in the second dimension.

That is impossible.

These major companies are just the tip of the iceberg under Wanxiang Group, which also owns huge real estate properties.

The first one is the property market in Xiangjiang.

It can be said that the number one charterer in Hong Kong is the Vientiane Group. In addition, when the island's real estate market collapsed, the Vientiane Group also bought in large quantities.

Nowadays, I am making a lot of money........

Therefore, in the past ten years, Wanxiang Group has developed extremely rapidly.

Nowadays, the buildings with dozens of floors are almost no longer enough for Wanxiang Group’s offices, and they are preparing to build a new building!

I have to say, you can be willful if you have money.

Indeed, today's Wanxiang Group is rich and willful, if that company has the largest cash flow in the world.

In this era, it is not Apple, but Vientiane Group.

In hand, the standing cash flow reaches nearly 100 billion US dollars, which can be said to be very terrifying.

In addition to those aspects, Wanxiang Group is also the largest shareholder of SoftBank. Few people know about this matter because it is very secretive.

Now, after SoftBank has gone through several rounds of financing, although Wanxiang Group's shares have been diluted to 25%, it is still the largest shareholder.

Not to mention, today's Qianfen Investment Company still holds 10% of SoftBank Group's undiluted shares!

If this were to spread, it would shock the business world.

You know, SoftBank is now the largest investment company in Japan, equivalent to Goldman Sachs's position in the United States.

Vientiane Group, President's Office.

Zhang Man is still in his original office, still the same size. Now in his forties, Zhang Man still retains a girl-like figure.........

In addition, she is well-maintained and looks like a thirty-year-old girl. Even at the corners of her eyes, there is no trace of the crow's feet of age.

There are many suitors around her.

Even those in their thirties.

However, once someone pursues her, Zhang Man will reason with them. Can't she change what he likes about her?

If it doesn't work, then this person is so willful that he directly shorts the stock of the company they work for.

She doesn't need anyone else to pursue her, but all she wants is that man.

Even though Zhang Man is still single after more than 40 years, his love for that person has not changed at all.

"Bang bang!"

There was a knock on the office door.

Zhang Man heard the sound, put down the signature pen in her hand, leaned back on the sofa, and let out a long breath.

Now, as the company gets bigger, the things she does are getting bigger and bigger. More and more.

When she was running a handbag company, she would never have imagined that now she would be in charge of the largest company in Hong Kong.


While Zhang was in a daze, the door opened.

A tall, beautiful girl about 1.7 meters tall, with long wavy hair and a particularly delicate face walked in from the outside.

The girl looked about twenty-five years old. In fact, it’s already twenty-seven or eighty-years-old........

Her name is Lin Yue, and she is Zhang Man's fourth secretary. The first one is Li Xueer, and she is also the most accomplished one.

After working for Zhang Man for several years, Su Can later wanted to set up a new investment company in America, mainly to invest in the Internet industry.

Li Xueer was taken seriously and sent there.

Although today's Qianfen Investment Company is not as good as Wanxiang Group, it is still famous in America and is a top venture capital company.

She invested in Microsoft and Apple, and successfully sold the stocks of these Internet companies before the Internet bubble. She was hailed as the female version of Buffett.

Lin Yue is the fourth secretary. The second and third ones have been entrusted with important tasks by Zhang Man and have served as senior executives in his companies.

Or become the head of a department.

Lin Yue is now in her third year as Zhang Man's secretary.

Lin Yue walked in and looked at Zhang Man, with a look of admiration and a hint of attachment in her beautiful big eyes.

That feeling is like meeting someone you love.

Yes, Lin Yue felt like this when she looked at Zhang Man, and her heart beat faster every time. She felt very happy when she was close to Zhang Man.........

"boss Zhang!"

Lin Yue walked up to Zhang Man and said respectfully. ps Please subscribe Please subscribe_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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