Yanjng City, half past two, in a commercial building

"Damn it! Did you see the news at noon?"

"What's going on?"

"Damn it, Lao Wang, you don’t know where you went at noon, you didn’t notice the news"

"A friend's faucet broke, so I went to help fix it. You all seem to know what happened..........

"Big news, big news!"

"In the morning at the World Internet Conference held on the Third Ring Road, Bill broke a piece of earth-shattering news."

"What's the big news?"

"Bill thinks that he is not the richest man in the world. He has a friend in Yanjing City who is the richest man in the world."

"Damn it! Is the richest man in the world a Chinese?"

"That's right"

"Oh my God! This news is so big that the whole world will be shocked, right?"

Magic City!"

"How is it possible that the richest man in the world belongs to our country?"

"Is this still false? Bill said it himself"

"CCTV 1 and CCTV 13 have both come out, can this still be fake?"

"Oh my God! Who is this person! If he is thirty or forty years old, he will definitely be the male god among us girls!"

"Yes, I really want to marry her!"

"I don't mind if he's older, but if that doesn't work, I can marry his son."

"You girls are superficial and only care about other people's money. It's different for us men. If he is willing, I would like to go to Siam."

Not only Yanjing City, Magic City and other places, but also all over the country, such as Pengcheng, Hangzhou and other places, were all agitated by the news.

In addition, there are Bangziguo and Daoguo next door, The two sides also sent reporters to the Internet Conference........

After hearing what Bill said, they were all frightened.

Their reporters immediately went crazy and spread the news back to the country, which immediately caused the whole country to explode.

"Smecta, the richest man in the world is not from our country."

"Our Sanxing is the number one company in the world, and the richest man in the world should also be from our country."

"Oh my God! so shocked"

"I can't believe there's a richest man in the world over there"

"I can't believe it either"

"Impossible, how is this possible, Smecta?"

"Fake, it’s all fake, it’s not true at all."


"The world's richest man has changed, and he is actually a Chinese"

"How is it possible? I have been there. Although it has developed well in recent years, there are no big companies there!"

"Mr. Bill personally admitted it"

"OMG! incredible"

"Don’t believe it, I’m from Dujiang Enterprise in Weekly Youth. I think that Chinese guy is probably from Xiangjiang."

"That's right, that's right"

"However, Bill is in Yanjing, and Fuji TV has already reported it"

"North Korea News also reported........"

"You see, it’s all online. It can’t be in Xiangjiang, it should be in Mainland China. This news is really shocking."

"It is indeed a great sovereign state with a cultural history of five thousand years!"

"It’s amazing. In the past 20 years, Weekly Shonen and SoftBank have developed the best! However, it seems that Weekly Shonen’s parent company is in Hong Kong."

"The richest man in the world! How many trillions of dollars is that!"

"This money is enough to buy most of Xijing!"

Not only the island countries and Bangkok, but also all the countries in Asia, where the time is still daytime, have almost all got this news.

Especially those countries where some media participated in this Internet conference.

They got the news the fastest, Apart from Huaxia, they were the fastest to get the news that the world's richest man was a Chinese.

As soon as they released the news, people in the country were shocked.

It can be said that people all over the world were shocked..

They were all shocked by this news.

After all, Bill has been the world's richest man since 1995, especially between 1999 and 2000.........

The Internet industry has reached its peak. Internet companies that have only been established for a short time and have only one concept can be listed on the market at will.

As soon as it was listed, the market value exceeded billions of dollars to tens of billions of dollars. As soon as it was established, various angel investors invested in it like crazy.

Those are all concepts, and they have such a high market value without even understanding what the Internet is.

Not to mention, Microsoft.

At that time, Microsoft's market value once reached a huge market value of 600 billion US dollars.

It was during this period that Su Can sold off the last of his Microsoft shares, making him 70 to 80 billion U.S. dollars.

Of course, it was not sold at the highest level. Otherwise, Su Can's 15% of Microsoft shares would not be sold at all.

But between 1998 and 20,000, Su Can began to sell out continuously.

Su Can was able to make so much profit at that time.

At that time, Bill's net worth was at its highest, reaching nearly hundreds of billions.

It can be said that he is the richest person in the world.

Even after the Internet bubble, Microsoft's market value plummeted. Now it is only 200 to 300 billion U.S. dollars, less than half of its original market value.........

However, Bill's net worth is at least more than 20 billion US dollars, and he is still the richest man in the world.

Now that he has said this, it is absolutely untrue.

The news spread extremely quickly.

Especially in this era, although it has not reached the 4G smartphone era like later generations, the Internet has long been popularized.

It can be said that the information age has taken shape.

Especially in developed countries, the number of computers owned by individuals is almost half or more.

At this time, it was late at night and early morning in America and Europe.

However, when those reporters sent back the news, it was immediately spread on the Internet. This was the fastest way.

It is also the most convenient and fastest.

Even if it's late at night or early in the morning, there are still people playing games or doing something online, and a large number of people are staying up late.

When this news popped up on the page, everyone there was shocked.

American netizens were dumbfounded.

Netizens who never set were stunned.

French netizens were stunned.

People all over the world looked at the news crazily and felt extremely shocked. No one was not shocked and appalled.

Even more than ten years later, the explosive spread of this news was called the G era, the fastest spreading news in the world.

As for the new richest man in the world, countless people are extremely confused.

Who is this guy?........

Bill is not even as good as him?

People all over the world are curious. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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