Su Can looked at the dark clouds, frowned slightly, and then quickly walked towards the villa where he lived next door.

This villa used for fitness exercises is just one of Su Can's many villas here.

In the community here, there are dozens of villas. Almost all of them belong to Su Can now, and everyone else has moved out.........

Then, Su Can bought it at the market price.

Some villas are vacant. After all, there are only about ten security guards under him, and he can't live them all.

Su Can just lived in the original villa, just next door.

Back at the villa, Su Can sat on the sofa.

Zhong Mingqiang followed and stood respectfully.

Su Can took a deep breath and said slowly:"Let us find out where Lan Qing came from and who he caught.""

"This person is not simple. He is probably here for us. Otherwise, he would not have made preparations in advance, and his identity is also fake."

"It shows that it has been planned in advance, so be careful."

Su Can said lightly.

"It's the third brother. Zhong

Mingqiang said respectfully:"So Ze Ming, do you want to tell Ze Ming Lan Qing's identity?""

"No. Su Can shook his head and said,"It's rare that such a serious matter is encountered by this kid. Let him figure it out for himself!" Let’s see if he can find it on his own, or if he finds that Lan Qing in front of you........"

"Third brother, do you want to test Ze Ming? Zhong

Mingqiang asked in confusion.

Su Can leaned back on the sofa, smiled faintly, and said,"Yeah!" Yes, I really want to test this kid and see how much hidden strength this kid has."

"If so, then let us help, shall we? Zhong Mingqiang tried to ask.

Su Can smiled and said:"As long as this kid opens his mouth, you will go all out to help. After all, you are also his resources. You can use your own resources flexibly and do things within the rules and without breaking the law." , which is also one of a person’s abilities"

"I see. Zhong Mingqiang nodded and said:"In addition, I will have anti-trafficking teams all over the country to pay more attention to that Lan Qing and send out the photos.""


Su Can smiled slightly.

The so-called anti-trafficking team is a non-governmental organization established by Su Can after seeing human traffickers abducting children more than ten years ago.......

They specialize in anti-trafficking operations. They were originally based on retired military personnel, but now they have grown a lot.

This team now has at least nearly a thousand people.

Over the past ten years, Su Can has invested hundreds of millions in funds to fight against human trafficking, and has helped thousands of families find their loved ones.

This money was well spent by Su Can.

Even though not many people knew that it was founded by Su Can, Su Can felt that he needed to do this regardless of whether anyone knew it or not.

Just because it's worth doing.

These people are now all over the country. If Lan Qing is sent out, these people might actually get the news about Lan Qing.

"Then I will pass on the news about Lan Qing now, so that brothers from all over the world will pay more attention to see if there is any news about this person."

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully

"Go for it!"

Su Can waved his hand and signaled Zhong Mingqiang to leave.........

After watching Zhong Mingqiang leave, Su Can stood up and headed upstairs. He was already sweating from exercising early in the morning.

He returned to the room, took a shower, and felt extremely refreshed.

Then, I went down to the hall and asked the maid to bring breakfast. It was a very simple breakfast, Cantonese style, which was a small portion of pigeon porridge in a casserole, a portion of siomai and steamed pork ribs.

It is almost the amount of a person, of course not the amount of northerners, but the amount of southerners. If he was young, Su Can would be a big northern man who could eat well.

But as he gets older, his appetite decreases a lot.

Halfway through the meal, secretary Murray came over and came to Su Can's hall, where he saw Su Can having breakfast.

He stood waiting.

Su Can glanced at it with his peripheral vision and said,"What's the matter? Come and talk!"


Murray came over and said,"There is a forum and I want to invite you to participate."

"What forum........"

Su Can put down the spoon, leaned back on the chair, looked at Murray and said

"It's like this. In ten days, the city will hold a World Internet Conference, and some Internet companies from all over the world and even China will be invited to participate."

Murray said respectfully:"The official wants to invite you to participate and be able to speak."

World Internet Conference?

When Su Can heard this, he frowned slightly.

"Reply to them, I can participate, but I will not speak, just let others speak."Su Can shook his head and said.

Many people don't know his identity, but in Yanjing City, there are still some people who know the identity of Boss Su. He has many industries in the mainland, and the well-known ones are all It's his.

Not only that, he also invested in companies such as Penguin Ali and Tencent Sohu Xinlang, among which Sohu and Xinlang were both listed on the US stock market. The

Tange Group he founded has various aspects such as the Internet business dealings.

Those who are familiar with him know that this person is a big shot.

And the person who can organize the World Internet Conference must have a high status. Naturally, they know this boss Su, who was once called the third son of the Su family.........

Of course, what they knew about Su Can was just the tip of the iceberg, a drop in the bucket. They had no way of knowing how terrifying the industry under Su Can was.

Not to mention Su Can, not even the princes and bigwigs like Zhang Manlu and Qianshan who helped Su Can manage his business had no way of knowing.

Only Su Can knew this.

Of course, there are things that Su Can doesn't know. For example, Su Can doesn't even know how many houses he owns now.

In the end, he set up a company to help him take care of those properties.

"OK, then I will reply immediately."

Murray nodded and said respectfully.

For their boss, if they don't want to speak, they can reply directly without fear of offending others. After all, the boss's background is not that of an ordinary person.

If he doesn't want to participate, that's no problem.

As for, If the organizers of the conference want to control it, it is impossible.

Maybe it will be the other way around!

"Go for it!"

Su Can waved his hand and signaled Murray to leave. Seeing this talented student leaving, Su Can smiled slightly.

The secretary Qingqing helped him find is quite good........

If this continues, in a few years, he will be able to serve as the person in charge of a large company or even a listed company, but Su Can is easy to use.

I'm too lazy to let him serve as the person in charge of his company. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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