
Seeing that the third brother declared war on Su Zeming because of Miss Nian'er, he was not helpless, but felt very happy.

At this time, Zhong Mingqiang was completely confused.

What's going on?

He was speechless.

Su Can smiled and said:" It was clear that the boy was used to being lazy, and now that Nian'er had declared war on him, it created a considerable sense of crisis for him and allowed him to grow up quickly."

You still say that?

Zhong Mingqiang is confused, but after following the third brother for more than 20 years, Zhong Mingqiang knows that the third brother has never done anything wrong in these years.

He must be right to do this.........

Su Can smiled and said:"This kid has been smart since he was a child, but he is good at hiding his clumsiness and doesn't like to show his full strength."

"For example, when he was taking exams when he was a kid, he actually wrote many of the questions wrong on purpose. It didn't mean he couldn't do it. After all, he knew many similar questions. It was impossible that he even got the steps wrong."

"He deliberately made mistakes on one or two questions. He didn't want to get first place or attract too many people's attention. He just ranked in front."

Such results will neither disappoint Huang Manyu, who has high hopes for him, nor reveal his own strength too much.

This kid, in terms of hiding his clumsiness, really follows him.


Zhong Mingqiang thought for a moment. Isn't that Ming a replica of Third Brother?

This is how he learned all about Third Brother's low profile!

"As long as these two kids don't get really angry, they'll be fine. Just ask people to pay attention and don't let them go too far."

Su Can smiled and said

"Understand, Third Brother, I will ask people to pay attention. If there is any news then, I will report it to you immediately......."

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully

"Any more?"

Su Can looked towards the other side of the ring. The two security guards were using their strength. The fight between them was very exciting. Su Can's eyes were attracted.

He slowly walked towards the ring. , Zhong Mingqiang followed, and immediately said from behind:"Third brother, there is one more thing."

"What's up?"

Su Can continued walking forward.

When he came to the ring, Su Can stopped, sat on a fitness equipment, and watched the competition between the two security guards on the ring.

Zhong Mingqiang stopped next to him and said:"Yesterday it was clear They were playing there and saw Li Li and Zhang Chen taking yao again."

"What? Taking yao?

Su Can's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, as sharp as the light of a peerless sword that was suddenly unsheathed after being dusty for a long time.........

"What do Zhang Dahai and Li Dong do for food? They don't care what they are doing, so they just go and eat yao."Su Can was completely angry.

Under his hands, he gave many instructions and instructions to take care of the family, and never take yao or do anything wrong because he thought he had a higher status.

Li Dong and Zhang Dahai Did you take his words as deaf ears?

Zhong Mingqiang looked at the angry third brother, horrified, and said quickly:"After Zeming found out, he gave Li Li and Zhang Chen a lesson, beating them until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen."

"snort! Su

Can snorted coldly and said:"A beating is a mild punishment. If the two of them continue like this, they will be sent directly to the prison to be managed for a few years. When the time comes, they will stop taking yo and then be released.""

Su Can hates drugs the most.

Every year, countless heroes in the country die because of this. When Su Can sees the numbers, he will be extremely sad.

Therefore, some of his industries donate a lot of money every year to help The families of those heroes who sacrificed their lives in cracking down on drug dealers.

For those people, even those who seemed very ordinary, Su Can was full of endless respect for them.

"Third brother, Zeming seems to have found something wrong. Li Li and Zhang Chen took yao. Someone deliberately lured you........"

Zhong Mingqiang said in a deep voice

"who? When Su

Can heard this, he said in a deep voice.

From Zhong Mingqiang's words, Su Can could tell that there was something unusual in it. Someone did it on purpose?

Then for whom?

It's not difficult to guess. , Su Can can definitely guess it.

Zhong Mingqiang said:"A person named Lan Qing, after Zeming found out, he immediately asked Zhang Suo to lead people to control Lan Qing, but this person knew that he had a problem, so he took one step in advance After running away, Zhang Suo and the others were in vain."

Su Can frowned when he heard this.

If he could predict in advance and make people pounce, if this person didn't have great energy, then he would have guessed this day. He saw Li Li and Zhang Chen being caught taking yao. Yes, flee immediately

"It seems that someone is having some evil ideas!"

Su Can knew it without guessing. This person seemed to be pointing his sword at the Su family. He said calmly:"That Lan Qing's identity is also fake, right?......."

"Yes third brother."

The third brother knew what was going on before he reported it. Zhong Mingqiang didn't find it strange at all.

On the contrary, he felt it was very normal.

Based on the third brother's IQ, it was not difficult to guess this.

Zhong Mingqiang said:"In Yesterday morning, after I learned the news, I immediately sent someone to take control of the person who knew the most about Lan Qing, called Lao Xiao, who was considered a broker in Yanjing City. After taking control, I asked about Lan Qing. News about this person"

"Then, we got the news, and I immediately asked people in Tianjing to investigate the companies Lan Qing mentioned, as well as his home address."

"By this morning, all the information had been checked clearly and clearly."

Su Can stood up and walked towards the outside of the villa.

Zhong Mingqiang followed and said:"The place of residence indicated on the Lan Qing ID card is a fake place. There is only an old couple living in that place, and they also My surname is not Lan, and I don’t know Lan Qing either........"

"And the companies under his name are just handbag companies. He uses intermediaries and uses fake ID cards to operate them."

"As for some of the fund transactions on the books, there are several million, but they are not much. Most of them are fake accounts."

"We suspect that this Lan Qing has another name, and the name Lan Qing is probably his method of concealing his identity."

"In addition, we also got a photo of this person. After looking at it, we found that we had never seen this person or anyone who looked similar."

Zhong Mingqiang took out a photo from his bag, and it was clearly Lan Qing's face on it, and handed it to Su Can.

Su Can looked at it and frowned slightly.

This man is neither ugly nor handsome, and he didn't let her down. Something impressive, and it was not like some people he had seen.

Who is this?

Why is it attracting the attention of the Su family ?........

Su Can looked outside. There was still some sunshine in the sky in the morning. At this time, the clouds began to gather, and it was expected that it would rain heavily soon.

It’s really stormy! ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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