Night fell and darkness enveloped the earth. There were many students coming in and out at the gate of Qingda University. Su Zeming also walked out among the crowd.......

He was not directly at the gate of Qingda University, but walked several hundred meters along the gate of Qingdao University.

Got here, not many people after.

Su Zeming made a phone call.

After a while, a Porsche drove over and parked next to Su Zeming

"Then it becomes clear!"

Zhang Ming's head poked out of the car window.

Su Zeming looked at it, smiled, and walked towards the Porsche. He walked to the passenger side, opened the door and got in.

Although Zhang Ming was not favored in the Zhang family, He was not valued by his father, but his grandfather did leave some shares for him.

Just from those shares, the annual dividends are in the millions.

This is a lot of shares.

Therefore, for Zhang Ming, there is not much money. But he also has small money. This million-dollar Porsche is just one of his cars.

He also has several cars.

"Been waiting for a long time......"

Zhang Ming apologized and said

"It's okay, I just came out, let's go!"Su Zeming glanced at it. This Porsche was not even qualified to be put in the garage of their home.

But here, it was a luxury car that attracted everyone's attention.

Although this area was sparsely populated and it was late at night, people passing by When people saw this luxury car, they couldn't help but stop and take a look.

Su Zeming didn't want to be famous in Tsing University. After all, she became famous when Tang Xuan came to Tsing University to find her some time ago.

Some people in Qing University The big forum denounced him, thinking that he was the light of Tsingta University and actually managed to win over a girl as beautiful as Peking University from the opposite school.

They didn’t know Tang Xuan and mistakenly thought she was from the opposite school.

In addition, there were always people in Tsingta University. There is a tradition that girls in our school are mascots, and if you pick them up, they will easily cause public outrage.

There is no way, there are relatively few girls in Qingdao University.

And if you pick up a girl from the opposite school, you will be a hero........

Su Zeming and Tang Xuan were mistakenly thought that he had gone to the opposite school, and he was posted on the school forum to praise him as a hero.

Many people even revealed his class name. 17

This made Su Zeming very helpless.

People are no longer in Jianghu, Jianghu still has the legend of Su Zeming


The car started quickly and headed towards the appointed place.

This time the bureau was owned by Li Zhongzhan. He came to Yanjing City and served as the executive vice president of Tianxia Film and Television. After completely controlling the company's business management , saved this round. The people invited this time are basically people in the circle, or friends. If you can't reach this level, you won't be able to come here.

About half an hour later, they were in a high-end club stopped


The car door opened and Su Zeming got out.

"This is it, Li Zhongding’s place is right here."Ming walked to Su Zeming's side and said with a smile.

"I haven't been here."

Su Zeming smiled and said

"There's no point in this kind of place......"

Zhang Ming laughed and said

"Okay, let's go in then!"Su Zeming nodded.

It seems that they came a little late, but he was too lazy to come too quickly, and he would have been drunk by the group of grandchildren.

The two walked in, and immediately there was a tall waitress. Come up and lead them.

After Su Zeming gave the private room number, he immediately took them there.

Several people went up to the third floor and came to a private room. There was no one at the door. They were probably drinking and having fun inside!


The waiter helped Su Zeming open the door of the private room. The music inside suddenly started to play, followed by a burst of howling ghosts.

Su Zeming looked at it and saw that the private room was very large. It could accommodate about thirty people. The sofas were all covered. There are several sets, and there are many people sitting inside.

I found that the person singing was Wang Zuo.

Come on........

It was Wang Zuo who understood clearly. Among them, only Wang Zuo could have such a beautiful voice like howling like a ghost or a wolf.

"Then it will be clear."

Li Zhong was beside him. When he saw the gate, he immediately saw Su Zeming. His eyes suddenly lit up and he came over immediately.

"You are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Li Zhong said excitedly


Su Zeming nodded slightly and said,"I asked Brother Zhang Ming to pick me up.""

"Hello, Brother Zhang Ming."

Li Zhong greeted Zhang Ming and said

"Li Zhong!"

Zhang Ming also greeted and smiled.

"Then it becomes clear!"

"Zeming is coming"

"Ze Ming......."

When other people saw Li Zhong greeting Su Zeming, they all came over one after another. Lu Mingyuan, Li Zhi, Zhang Suo and others all gathered around.

Even Wang Zuo stopped singing.

Next to Wang Zuo is a man who looks similar to him. If it weren't for the different hairstyle, you would have thought that Wang Zuo knew the magic of cloning.

This person is Wang You, Wang Zuo's brother, and they are twins. However, Wang You did not go to Peking University with Wang Zuo, but to the National People's Congress.

This school is actually not very different from Qingdao and Peking University.

Even, in some aspects, this school is much better than Tsinghua University and Peking University.

"Who is this person?"

"Why did Young Master Li and others surround him when he arrived?"

"Not only Young Master Li, but Young Master Lu, Young Master Wang and others are all surrounding him. Is this man’s background that big?"

"do you know?"

"I do not know! My family has been developing in the north for many years. I know all these people, but I don’t know the new one."

"If you don’t know me, you certainly don’t know me either. I’m a few years behind you."

"Who is that?......"

"I’ll ask Mr. Li privately later. Anyway, I don’t think they are from our Xiangjiang or Guangdong province."

Among the crowd, there were several young men and women speaking Cantonese. When they saw Su Zeming coming in, they were immediately surrounded by so many people.

They were a little shocked.

Many of them are from Guangdong Province or Xiangjiang. In the past few years, he has begun to develop northward. His family is relatively powerful over there, with family assets reaching several billion.

Otherwise, he would not be qualified to be invited by Li Zhong to join this round.

If this bureau cannot reach a certain status, it is impossible to come here.

Just like Xu Qian, although the family is considered very powerful on the southeast coast, the family assets also have more than one billion.

However, there is no I am qualified to come here.

I can’t reach the rank!

At the same time, a girl sitting in the corner seems to have no makeup, but her elegant and refined feeling makes people’s eyes shine.

Many people want to know this girl , but when they saw that it was the female companion Li Zhong brought, not many people dared to make that idea.........

At this time, the girl saw Su Zeming arriving, and her beautiful big eyes revealed a gentle look. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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