
"Zeming, let’s go out for a drink together later!"

Zhou Hong suggested

"Just go to that Laosong BBQ restaurant on the east side!"Wang Zhitao thought for a moment and said,"We haven't had a dinner together in our dormitory for a long time.........

"I have no opinion. Xu

Tian said.

Su Zeming smiled and said,"I'm sorry, I have something to do tonight.""

"Value sex over friends."

When Zhou Hong heard this, he rolled his eyes and said with contempt.

Xu Tian smiled and said,"That's right, didn't you notice? Ever since the pretty girl came to see Zeming, Zeming would go out at night every two days.

Wang Zhitao followed the commotion and said,"Yes, that's right."

Su Zeming looked at the booing people and couldn't help but laugh or cry.

"Zeming, you have to go, but you have to take protective measures. Don't commit a murder before you graduate from college."

Zhou Hong showed a lewd smile.

"What murder?"

Xu Tian said a little puzzled.

Wang Zhitao smiled and said:"You taste it carefully, you taste it carefully, you will know what kind of murder case this is after a few careful tastes."

"Fuck you both, what the hell!"

Su Zeming rolled his eyes, reached out and patted Wang Zhitao, and said:"Okay, stop talking nonsense, it's nothing........."

Su Zeming is speechless for this group of wretched people.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, Su Zeming's phone rang.

"You see, it’s urged, it’s urged. Zhou Hong said with a smile

"Alas, it turns out that when you have a girlfriend, you forget about your brothers. The three of us will eat and drink together tonight, so it will be clear if you don't care."Xu Tian agreed with Zhou Hong's words.

Wang Zhitao nodded. Su

Zeming ignored them and took a look at his cell phone. It was Zhang Ming who called.

"Hello! Brother Ming!"

Su Zeming walked out of the dormitory and answered the call.

Although Wang Zhitao has now become a shareholder of Autohome, neither Xu Tian nor Zhou Hong know it. Su Zeming feels that there is no need to let the other two people know.

When the time comes, he will let the dormitory know. There was a gap among several people inside.

Zhang Ming, who was on the other side of the phone, heard Su Zeming's voice and said excitedly:"Zeming, the Ali Group in Hangzhou just sent an invitation to invite us to participate in the Xihu Swords event."

"This is a great opportunity! But how do they know about our company, which has just been founded a month ago?......."

This is also where Zhang Ming is confused.

After several years of development, Alibaba has reached more than one billion, especially the Xihu Lunjian founded by its boss Ma Xiaoyun, which can be said to be the highest-level Internet conference in the country.

Generally speaking, the top companies in the Internet industry that participate in such forums, those new companies have no chance at all.

Just like their car home, it doesn’t even count as a new company.

Because they have just been founded and have not even received angel round financing, compared with those companies that frequently raise angel rounds, A rounds and B rounds of financing.

That's too far behind

"Xihujian’s invitation?"

When Su Zeming heard this, his eyes frowned slightly, and then his brows bloomed. He basically knew what was going on.

It was probably his old man who asked Ma Xiaoyun to send the invitation letter to Autohome for him and Zhang Ming.

Otherwise, for new Internet companies like Autohome, dozens of companies are established in China every year, how would anyone notice them?

"this is a good thing........"

Su Zeming smiled and said:"You don't have to worry about how the other party knows. Anyway, just have this invitation letter. I will go with you to see it then."

He was quite curious about the Western Hu Altar.

"Okay, I feel relieved with your words. Zhiming, if you look at the shares, I will give you more."Zhang Ming breathed a sigh of relief. With Su Zeming here, there was no problem at all.

Now, he tried to give Su Zeming more shares.

Last time, it was originally planned to give the Su brothers and sisters the shares of the major shareholder, but Su Duoer He refused, and Su Zeming only took 5%.

This made Zhang Ming feel guilty.

He knew that the most important reason why this car home was established was not because of him, Zhang Ming.

It's because of Su Zeming.

Logically speaking, the company's major shareholder must be Su Zeming, but unfortunately he doesn't want it. Can Zhang Ming not feel guilty about this?

"Brother Zhang Ming, if you talk about this again, don’t call me again. When Su

Zeming heard this, he pretended to be angry and said:"I took the five percent of the shares, and I already felt that I took too much. Give me more."......."

"Zeming, I feel really guilty for being like this!"

Zhang Ming said truthfully.

Su Zeming smiled and said:"Okay, don't talk about that. If I want shares, when the time comes, Autohome Angel Wheel, give me a seat, and I will invest some money."

"Okay, that's settled."

Hearing that Su Zeming would invest in the future and increase his shareholding, Zhang Ming breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more relaxed.

He would rather take less shares himself and give Su Zeming the position of major shareholder

"By the way, Brother Zhang Ming, Li Zhong has made a plan tonight and invited some people in the circle to gather together. You will go tonight! Su

Zeming asked.

Zhang Mingyang pondered for a moment and did not say anything immediately.

Su Zeming frowned and asked,"What?" Didn't Li Zhong call to invite you?"

Now Zhang Ming's status is very strange in the circle, because he is considered the eldest son of the imperial restaurant, but after his father Zhang Dahai divorced his mother, his father Zhang Dahai married a new daughter-in-law.........

And this woman was not kind to Zhang Ming.

Moreover, Zhang Ming was repeatedly prevented from working in the palace restaurant, fearing that the Zhang family's property would be taken away by Zhang Ming in the future.

And she and the child she gave birth to had no inheritance.

In addition, Zhang Dahai listened to the woman's words and did not love Zhang Ming that much, which resulted in Zhang Dahai not having much status in Yanjing City.

Otherwise, with his status as the eldest son of the imperial restaurant, he could also enter the position of the fourth eldest son of Yanjing City.

Unfortunately, no

"no no! When Zhang

Ming heard this, he shook his head quickly and said,"Ze Ming, Li Zhong invited me, but it's just not a suitable occasion for me to go, so I don't plan to go there tonight." Su

Zeming said in a deep voice:"Brother Zhang Ming, you just worry too much. We are all in the same circle. Playing together is not just because of your status as the heir of the Palace Restaurant. There are other things, so let's do it!" Don't say any more"

"I don't have a car at school. You drive here tonight and I will go to this game with you."

After saying that, Su Zeming hung up the phone directly........

On the other side of the phone, Zhang Ming was slightly startled when he heard Su Zeming's words, with a hint of gratitude in his eyes. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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