Mr. Li?

Yu Cheng was shocked. The only person who could be called Mr. Li by Manager Hu was Li Zhong, the eldest son of Zhongheng Real Estate in Xiangjiang.

That is the heir to Zhongheng Real Estate!

He came in person.......

Even such a big shot has to come to see Young Master Su in person. It is easy to imagine how distinguished this Young Master Su is. this is shocking

"Okay, now that he's here, I'll wait for him here."

Su Zeming nodded.

He and Li Zhong had known each other since they were children. When they were in Xiangjiang, Uncle Xu's children were older than them.

On the contrary, Uncle Da Fei's children, Li Zhong, were of the same generation as him. That is, he is only a few years older than him.

So in Xiangjiang, he and Li Zhong can play together, and he can be regarded as a figure in Su Zeming's circle.

When Manager Hu saw Su Zeming agreeing, he felt relieved. Mr. Li came over but did not see Su Zeming.

Then he would suffer.

When Yu Cheng saw it, he immediately said:"Master Su, this place is too small. Go to my office!" The place over there is bright and big."


Su Zeming nodded........

The group of people changed places and arrived at Yu Cheng's office.

Yu Cheng's office was much larger, and there was a separate sofa reception area where Su Zeming and Tang Xuan sat down.

Manager Hu and Yu Cheng stood nearby.

Su Zeming looked at it and said,"You don't have to stand, just sit down!"

Manager Hu didn't dare to sit down and said,"Mr. Su, it's okay. We are standing here. We like to stand. Standing can help You need to exercise!"

Yu Cheng cursed Manager Hu in his mind, you only like to exercise while standing.

However, a smile appeared on his face and he said:"Manager Hu is right, we both usually stand and exercise."


Seeing the two people telling lies with their eyes open, Tang Xuan couldn't help but smile. These two people were really funny.

Su Zeming glanced at the two of them. Since they had said so, he had nothing to say, so he let them stand.....

Time passed slowly, about twenty minutes later.

Manager Hu's mobile phone number rang. He looked at it and said excitedly:"Master Su, Master Li is here. I'll go and greet him first.""

"OK, you go!"

Su Zeming nodded.

Tang Xuan watched Manager Hu leave and looked at Su Zeming. Although his eyes were full of curiosity, he did not ask about the identity of Mr. Li.

Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan's curious look next to him and smiled. He smiled and said:"Li Zhong is my friend since childhood. His home is in Xiangjiang. When I was in Xiangjiang, we often played together. This building belongs to their family.""

"Is he the boss of Zhongheng Real Estate? Tang

Xuan said in surprise.

However, he was not too shocked........

Even the eldest son of Guoqiang Electronics Factory, the eldest son of Sino-Ocean Real Estate and the eldest son of Dongfeng Logistics were all respectful in front of Su Zeming.

Now, what difference does it make if you are a young man from Zhongheng Real Estate!

So although she was surprised, she was not too shocked

"Yes!"Su Zeming nodded and said.

After a while, the sound of leather shoes stepping on the floor was heard outside.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Su is waiting for you inside!"Outside, Manager Hu's somewhat flattering voice came out.


Following the door opening, three people walked in.

In addition to Manager Hu, there was also a young man in his early twenties. The young man looked a little arrogant.

Then, next to the young man was a A middle-aged man about forty years old.

Tang Xuan and Yu Cheng looked over. They estimated that the young man was the young man named Li. The man on the other side of Mr. Li shocked them both slightly.

"It’s Fu Dong, senior vice president of Tianxia Film and Television........"

Yu Cheng said in shock.

He thought of something. Legend has it that Tianxia Film and Television has the shadow of the Xiangjiang Conglomerate. Could it be the investment of Zhongheng Real Estate.

Now, Fu Dong followed and walked behind Young Master Li. In this way, he was a big shot in the entertainment industry and had countless resources. Even the first-line stars had to please someone who was so respectful in front of Young Master Li..

Isn’t this confirmed?

Why did Mr. Li bring Fu Dong here?

Could it be?

Yu Cheng looked at Tang Xuan and found that Tang Xuan's face was surprised, but not too shocked. He also looked at Su Zeming with a touched look.

Yu Cheng, an old fox, naturally thought that it must be Mr. Su who called him.

In addition, the contract with Tang Xuan was terminated just now, and people from Tianxia Film and Television have arrived, so Tang Xuan is very likely to sign a contract with Tianxia Film and Television........

Yu Cheng seemed to see that in the next two or three years, a new first-line female star would emerge in China, and this female star was only in her early twenties.

After all, after entering Tianxia Film and Television, coupled with the terrifying influence of Mr. Su, Tianxia Film and Television will definitely support Tang Xuan.

Yu Cheng is a little envious.

Tang Xuan looked at Fu Dong and realized something in her heart. She turned to look at Su Zeming, her eyes filled with deep emotion.

"Thank you Zeming!"

Tang Xuan secretly thought in his heart

"Then it will be clear."

Li Zhong came in and walked directly towards Su Zeming, with excitement in his eyes.

"Li Zhong."

Su Zeming also stood up, looked at Li Zhong walking over, reached out and patted Li Zhong's shoulder gently, and said with a smile:"When did you come to Yanjing City, why didn't you tell me?"

"Ha ha......."

Li Zhong laughed and said:"I have only been here for a week, and I am in the middle of the handover work. I am a little busy. I want to finish the work and get together with you again.""

"no problem! Su Zeming nodded and said with a smile:"Sit down!""

The two sat down.

Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan and said,"Tang Xuan, this is Li Zhong, my friend. You can just call him Li Zhong."

"Hello, I am Tang Xuan."

Tang Xuan said generously and without stage fright.

"Hello, brothers and sisters!"

Li Zhong directly regarded Tang Xuan as Su Zeming's woman, because when he came up, Manager Hu told him that Mr. Su might have become a beauty in anger.

So, this person sitting next to Su Zeming The girl next to her was Su Zeming's girlfriend.

When Tang Xuan heard Li Zhong's words, she blushed and glanced at Su Zeming. Su Zeming was there and smiled bitterly:"Come on, Li Zhong, don't talk nonsense, Tang Xuan She's a friend of mine. She encountered something, and I happened to come over to help."

"I see......."

When Li Zhong heard this, he immediately gave Su Zeming an ambiguous look, which meant that I understand everything. This is very clear. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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