Tang Xuan shook his head and said:"You don't need to thank me, I'm not someone who adds insult to injury, I'm just telling the truth......."

Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan and nodded secretly. She did not misjudge the person. Tang Xuan's character was very good.

Su Zeming is very satisfied with this........

"So Mr. Su, how to deal with this person?"

Manager Hu asked

"Mr. Su, as long as you give your orders, I will deal with this person immediately, fire him, and drive him away from here."Yu Cheng expressed his position.

"Mr. Su, please spare me! I am a bitch, I look down upon others, please forgive me."

When Director Gong heard this, he immediately cried and begged.

Su Zeming looked at the woman and did not feel soft because the woman was crying. He knew that such a person must be beaten to death with a stick.

Otherwise, it will cause more harm. Many people.

What's more, she scolded Su Zeming very enthusiastically just now.

Su Zeming would naturally not let him go. As for asking her to resign and lose her job, it was just a small punishment.

Su Zeming said:"Mr. Yu , she has been in your company for so many years, she has done everything in her power and made some unclean accounts, right?"

When Yu Cheng heard this, he immediately understood what Su Zeming meant.

This was to severely punish the Palace Director.

What a huge sin this stupid woman had committed before she came! This person is completely finished.

"Yes, Mr. Su, she relied on herself to cultivate a second-tier female star in the company. She was a money-making tree in the company and received a lot of kickbacks from the company."

Yu Cheng nodded and admitted.

"Yu Cheng, you are shameless......"

When Director Gong heard this, she felt scared. She could already tell what Su Zeming was going to do to her.

If she followed her operations over the years and secretly ate a lot of money from the company, the total amount of money could put her in jail for more than ten years.

Yu Cheng ignored Director Gong, but kept a low profile in front of Su Zeming.

Su Zeming nodded and said:"Of course, then I think Mr. Yu should send such a black sheep to prison and let her reform."

"I understand, I understand, please rest assured, Mr. Su, I will call the police immediately, and I will do my best to let her reform inside."

Yu Cheng said respectfully.

Su Zeming smiled and said:"If you have any difficulties, you tell Manager Hu and Manager Hu will help you then."

"Yes, thank you Mr. Su for your help."

When Yu Cheng heard this, he was suddenly overjoyed.

Manager Hu also immediately expressed his position and said:"Young Master Su, please rest assured that as long as Mr. Yu asks me to do this, I will definitely go all out........."

"okay!"Su Zeming nodded, and in an understatement, decided the fate of the arrogant and arrogant palace director.

According to her words, it is estimated that he will not be able to get out after more than ten years.

By then, people will be old and pearly, and the world will be full of vicissitudes. The world has changed a lot. What else can she do after she comes out?

"Mr. Su, please spare your life! I was wrong, I was wrong, Mr. Su. When Director Gong heard this, he quickly cried and begged:"Tang Xuan, I was wrong, I am a bitch, please forgive me, please help me say a few nice words to your boyfriend.""

She looked at Su Zeming and ignored him, then turned to Tang Xuan and begged Tang Xuan.

Su Zeming took a look and said,"Let someone take her down!" Don't be an eyesore here or affect your mood."

"It's Mr. Su."

Yu Cheng immediately found two security guards and took Director Gong out.

Watching Director Gong leave, Su Zeming looked at Yu Cheng and said,"Mr. Yu, there is one more thing I want to trouble you with."

"Mr. Su, no matter what you ask, I will definitely do it........"

Yu Cheng expressed his stance.

Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan and said,"Tang Xuan is my friend. I don't think it's good for her to be here. I want to change her place. I want to terminate this contract. What do you think?""


Hearing Su Zeming's words, Yu Cheng's expression changed slightly, and then he quickly recovered, and immediately said with a flattering smile:"Young Master Su is joking, this kind of thing can happen in minutes, I also feel that our entertainment company Too small, not worthy of Tang Xuan at all. Tang Xuan needs a bigger stage and will achieve higher achievements by then."

"In the past two years, we have really treated Tang Xuan badly. The company has hindered her development. Naturally, we are happy to terminate the contract with Tang Xuan."

Yu Cheng said immediately.

At the same time, he felt a lot of disappointment in his heart.

He thought that after dealing with Director Gong, Tang Xuan would stay in the company, and then he would put all his resources on Tang Xuan.

By then Mr. Su, seeing how hard he works, might step in occasionally, and then he and Jingwei Entertainment will become prosperous. Now

, if the other party wants to terminate Tang Xuan's contract, does he dare not to terminate it?

His plan is now regarded as Completely disappointed......

Tang Xuan looked at Su Zeming, although he already knew that Su Zeming had called someone from Tianxia Film and Television, it must be for her.

But now, after hearing that her contract with Jingwei Entertainment was terminated, she was still very happy.

"Then thank you Mr. Yu."

Su Zeming smiled and said

"Mr. Su made me angry."Yu Cheng didn't dare to accept Su Zeming's thanks. He felt that if he accepted it shamelessly, he might be doomed again.

He regarded Su Zeming as a super rich young man with a perverse personality.

"I immediately asked someone to bring Tang Xuan's contract and terminate it now."Yu Cheng was very straightforward and immediately asked someone to bring over Tang Xuan's contract.

After a while, the secretary brought it over

"Mr. Su, this is Tang Xuan's contract. Take a look. Yu

Cheng said.

Su Can looked at Tang Xuan and said with a smile:"Tang Xuan, look and see if your contract is included here. If so, you and Mr. Yu can sign a termination agreement." Tang

Xuan excitedly took the contract and looked at it carefully. She looked at Su Zeming, nodded her head and said,"Yes, it's the one I signed."........."

"Then sign the contract!"

Su Zeming said with a smile.

Soon, Tang Xuan and Yu Cheng signed a letter of termination. From then on, Tang Xuan and Jingwei Entertainment Company never had any relationship again.

"Okay, Manager Hu and Mr. Yu, the contract has been terminated. Let’s leave first. That woman, you can do whatever you want!"Su Zeming looked at the termination letter in Tang Xuan's hand and said calmly.

Then, he glanced at Tang Xuan and the two of them walked forward.

When Manager Hu saw it, he immediately shouted:"Mr. Su, please wait a moment."

"What's up?"

Su Zeming looked at Manager Hu and said

"Mr. Su, before I came up, Mr. Li called me. He said that on the way to Zhongtian Building, if you leave now, he will not see you when he comes......."Manager Hu said cautiously

"Li Zhong?"

Su Zeming asked

"Yes, it’s Mr. Li."

Manager Hu said respectfully.

Su Zeming dared to call Mr. Li by his name, but he didn't dare. He was his boss's son. ps Please subscribe

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