Su Can held Huang Manyu's little hand. Her hand was trembling. He felt Huang Manyu's nervousness.


Su Can said softly


Hearing Su Can's words, Huang Manyu looked at him and smiled sweetly.

Several people walked out of the villa and came to the yard. Zhong Mingqiang had already prepared the car and started it.


As soon as Su Can and others approached, the car left and opened the door. Su Can and Huang Manyu took one car, while Wang Su and Wang Qiang took another car. They got in the car and sat down.


After a while, the car quickly left the villa and headed towards the old man's courtyard........

It snowed heavily yesterday, and there was deep snow on the road. The car was not driving very fast, but was driving slowly.

And there weren't many cars on the road.

If in future generations, it snows so heavily and the snow is not shoveled away the next day, then the car will definitely be involved in an accident.

There may be hundreds or thousands of vehicle accidents in Yanjing City in one day.

However, there are no cars now, and Su Can and the others are driving slowly, so there is no big problem.

The car drove for more than an hour before arriving at the alley where the old man lived.

Normally, it would have taken these forty minutes, but with chicken blood today, Zhong Mingqiang and the others did not dare to drive too fast.

This is all for safety reasons

"Su Can!"

The car stopped, Huang Manyu looked at Su Can


Su Can looked at Huang Manyu, her beautiful big eyes showing an anxious look.

"What's wrong? Su

Can asked.

Huang Manyu said nervously:"I'm about to see grandpa. I'm a little nervous. What if grandpa doesn't like me?""

At this time, Huang Manyu panicked.

Even as the head of HSBC Hong Kong, he has a high position and is considered one of the top few people in Hong Kong.

I have never seen any big scenes..........

But at this moment, Huang Manyu became a little scared.

This feeling was just like meeting Su's father and Su's mother for the first time. She felt a little panicked and scared in her heart.

Are you afraid that the other person's parents won't like her?

And she knew even more that the old man she was going to meet today was the talker of the entire Su family. According to Xiangjiang, he was the head of the Su family.

The Su family was decided by the old man.

What if that old man really doesn't like himself? Then he and Su Can would be greatly hindered when they were together.

Huang Manyu was particularly afraid of this.

Especially the closer she got to the alley and the old man's courtyard, Huang Manyu became more nervous and her heart beat faster.

"Ha ha!"

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu's nervous look, feeling a little flirtatious and a little anxious.

"I remember, when I was in Escape Garden in Xiangjiang, I said that I wanted to go back with me to meet my grandfather. Are you nervous? Su

Can joked:"At that time, someone said, what's so important about this?""


Su Can deliberately looked at Huang Manyu up and down with secretly amazed eyes.


When Su Can said this, Huang Manyu's pretty face turned red and she rolled her eyes at Su Can.

She really said that at the time and felt that there was nothing to be nervous about. After all, she had seen strong winds and waves.

But , it’s another thing again when we get here.

Now, she is getting nervous.

What is this?

Huang Manyu feels a little incredible, but she is really so nervous at this time.

However, now after such a thing like Su Can After the interruption, Huang Manyu suddenly realized that she was no longer as nervous as she was at the beginning.

"Thank you, Su Can! Huang

Manyu looked at Su Can and said gratefully.

"Ha ha!"

Su Can laughed loudly and felt happy when she saw Huang Manyu feeling better.

This girl is really fragrant!

However, this is actually very real and cute. After all, no one can escape in this world. He has discovered the True Fragrance Theorem.

This is a more powerful existence than the law of universal gravitation in physics!

He has experienced it personally with billions of people all over the world. This True Fragrance Theorem exists in every person.........

"Let's go! Let's go down! The old man must have been waiting in the courtyard for a long time!"

Su Can smiled and said.

The car just parked next to the entrance to the alley. It didn't go to the old man's side. It was like this every time Su Can came. He parked here and walked in.


Huang Manyu nodded slightly.


The car door opened, and Su Can walked out. Suddenly, he went from the warm car to the alley where the cold wind was whistling. It was a bit cold!

He asked Zhong Mingqiang to open the trunk and took out the gift Huang Manyu prepared for the old man. Holding it in hand.

These are some warming tonics.

They are very good for the elderly.

When it comes to the parts that are good for the human body, it is estimated that there are no people in the world who can compare with Guangdong Province. Maybe they are from Xiangjiang.

They have studied supplements to the extreme.

And Su Can knew that Huang Manyu bought these supplements, but she spent at least hundreds of thousands of Xiangjiang coins, which were extremely expensive.

Like some isinglass, if it weren't for it, With Huang Manyu's status, the shop owner is reluctant to sell the isinglass!

In addition, there are some unique supplements in it, although they are not as good as the isinglass, the prices are not cheap either.........

He picked up a few gift boxes and walked towards the front.

Wang Su and Wang Qiang also got out of the car.

"Brother, sister-in-law! Wang

Su shouted excitedly.

Wang Qiang also nodded slightly.

Su Can smiled and said:"Let's go!" I guess the old man has been waiting for a long time."

Before coming, he had already called the old man to tell him. By now, he is probably in the hall in the backyard.

After hearing Su Can's words, several people nodded.

Su Can took Huang Manyu with him, followed by Wang Suhe Wang Qiang walked forward.

It was only two hundred meters away from the old man's courtyard. After turning a corner in the alley, he could see the old man's courtyard.

Su Can had just walked out of the corner, and his eyesight was level. Suddenly I saw an old man on crutches standing next to the courtyard in front of me.

The old man was in front of the courtyard, looking over here.

"Is it the old man?"

Su Can's pupils shrank suddenly when he saw it, and he looked at the familiar figure in front of him in surprise. Although he had worn a lot of thick clothes and his figure had changed.

However, Su Can recognized it as soon as he saw it. Old man.

The old man came out in person....... this?

"Is it grandpa?

Wang Su also exclaimed:"Why did he come to the entrance of the courtyard? Is he here to greet his sister-in-law?"" ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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