"Come on, let’s eat together first! Father Su smiled and said:"

You guys came back from the airport. It was very cold all the way. It's time to have something warm. Let's all stay warm!""

Hearing Su's father's words, the group moved to the dining table.

"Wow! So rich!"

Wang Su looked at the food on the table and said in surprise

"You have worked hard......"

Huang Manyu is sensible

"bring it on! You're welcome, sit down!"When Su's mother heard Huang Manyu's words, she just felt that she had worked hard all day and it was all worth it.

Everyone sat down.

Su Can looked at the copper hot pot with boiling soup. The fragrance was fragrant, and the sheep and scorpions inside were faint. It can be seen that it is very rich.

This is after stewing the sheep and scorpions, the soup is used to make the soup base for shabu-shabu mutton.

This is much better than the clear soup.

It is made with the soup base of the sheep and scorpions, and the taste of the mutton is very rich. The taste of boiled mutton is very satisfying

"Eat it!"

Su Can took a plate of mutton slices and put it into the pot. This plate of mutton slices is not a big plate with a thin layer of mutton slices spread out in a restaurant. It's the real thing. , a large plate.

Su Can estimated that such a large plate of mutton slices must be at least seven or eight taels, and each slice was cut very thin. Put them all into the copper pot, rinse them gently, and then dip some Sesame paste.

The taste is so delicious.

"alright! It’s ready to eat!"

After seeing the mutton spread out and its color changing, Su Can smiled and said

"Come on, Manyu, eat more."

Mother Su took a look, gave Huang Manyu a colander, took a big spoonful of mutton slices, and put it into Huang Manyu's bowl.

"Thank you mom!"

Huang Manyu was taken care of by Su's mother in every possible way, and she expressed her gratitude.

"eat more........"

Mother Su smiled and gave Wang Su a spoonful of mutton.

As for Su's father and the three other men, Su Can and Wang Qiang, Su's mother basically ignored them and just took matters into her own hands and fed them well.

Su Can looked at it. In the past, he was the only one in the family who enjoyed this kind of thing.

As for Su's father, he could only watch.

Now, this kind of treatment is gone. As expected, he has a daughter-in-law and has forgotten his son. Su Can is more or less depressed.

Everyone began to feast.

Mother Su prepared a lot of ingredients. Although it was not as rich as in Xiangjiang, beef, mutton, sheep, scorpions were all enough.

Especially the sheep and scorpion, the bones and flesh were almost separated when stewed.

Pick it up and bite it gently, and the bits of stewed mutton will be separated from the bones, with a trace of fat from the bones.

The taste is so delicious, come on.

Su Can, Wang Su and Wang Qiang ate with gusto. As Huang Man feasted, there were a lot of sheep and scorpion bones piled up in front of them.

After Su's mother saw it, she felt relieved.

She looked to the side and found that Su's father looked at her, as if to tell her, don't worry! My daughter-in-law is not that picky.......

Moreover, the food tastes so delicious.

Mother Su smiled slightly.

Indeed, seeing Huang Manyu eating so deliciously, Su's mother was very happy and satisfied. She felt that all her hard work this day had turned into happiness.

There is nothing more satisfying than preparing a day's meals and making your family happy.

The meal came to an end.

A lot of the meat is almost gone, basically all eaten.

"Wow! It’s so delicious, I’m so full!"

Wang Su leaned back on the chair, and her belly was a little round. Although she was young, her hands and feet were nimble when she ate just now.

She probably ate the most.


Su Can looked at it and smiled slightly.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Su's mother smiled, put down her chopsticks, and asked:"Su Can, will you take Manyu to the old man's place tomorrow? Su

Can nodded and replied:"Yes, Mom, I have agreed with the old man that I will go over there tomorrow and have a look at the old man first to get familiar with him. Otherwise, it will be New Year's Eve in a few days and I will go back for something." suddenly"

"Yes, parents, Su Can has already decided........"

Huang Manyu nodded and smiled.

Su's father thought for a moment, nodded, and said,"That's right. Let's go see the old man tomorrow and let Manyu get familiar with our Su family first."

Su's mother smiled and said,"In this way, during the Spring Festival in a few days, we will probably become familiar with each other."

Hearing what his parents said, Su Can nodded slightly. He thought the same and went to the old man's place first.

In the next few days, you can spend a few days with Huang Manyu in Yanjing City to relax.

During the Chinese New Year, I will meet the entire Su family. Su Can's uncle and aunt, as well as his eldest brother Su Wen and his sister-in-law will all come over.

In addition, the second uncle who is far away in Guizhou will also come back to Yanjing City.

Although the second uncle did not change his surname back to his original name, he was still the old man's son and Su Can's second uncle.

Those who celebrate the New Year must come back to celebrate the New Year.

But now, Wang Qiang and Wang Su are both in Yanjing City. There is no need to go back then, just wait for them here in Yanjing City.

"That's what I thought.........."

Su Can smiled

"By the way, after you go to the old man's place, you can take Manyu around Yanjing City in the past few days and see Yanjing City."

Su's father smiled.

Su's mother suggested:"Except for the Great Wall, you can go to other places."

The reason why she suggested not to go to the Great Wall was because in this weather, it was snowing heavily and the road was extremely slippery. It would be easy to slip and fall when climbing the Great Wall.

And Huang Manyu was pregnant, so Mother Su was worried This bit

"I see!"

Su Can knew what his parents were worried about, and nodded to indicate that he understood.

The meal ended quickly.

Everyone enjoyed the meal, especially eating as a family, which is naturally more enjoyable. Incomparable.

Even Huang Manyu, who usually doesn’t eat much, ate more.

Time passed by slowly. Soon, it was the next day.

On this day, the weather was beautiful, the weather was bright, and even the sun came out. After Su Can and the others had breakfast

"Third brother, the car is ready!"

Zhong Mingqiang walked in, looked at Su Can and said respectfully

"Come on, let's go!"Su Can nodded, looked at Huang Manyu, Wang Su and Wang Qiang, smiled and said.

Wang Su and Wang Qiang are both going back to live with the old man.

Just in time, I will go with Su Can.........

"Um! Let's go!"

Huang Manyu nodded and said, but her palms were clenched tightly involuntarily, and she was a little nervous. ps Please subscribe

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