After several hours of flying, the plane finally flew over Yanjing City


As the plane landed slowly, Yanjing City gradually grew larger from a small dot, and then the huge Yanjing City appeared in sight.

Looking at Yanjing City, there are familiar alleys and skyscrapers.

It is full of ancient and modern feelings, making people feel as if they have traveled through time and space at this moment, which is very novel.

In addition to these, the other thing is the white snow on the trees or on the roofs of houses.

Looking from the plane, you can feel that the huge Yanjing City is covered with a thick layer of white snow, shrouding the entire city.

The scenery of the Northland is on full display.

It seems that there have been several heavy snowfalls in Yanjing City in the past few days. Otherwise, there would not be so much snow in the city.

Following this, the temperature also dropped sharply!

"So beautiful........."

Huang Manyu, who was sitting next to Su Can, blinked her big beautiful eyes and looked at the quilt.The whole city is covered in snow and I can’t help but marvel.

She smiled and said:"I remember, the last time I saw snow, it was this time last year when I was traveling in Maple Leaf Country."

"Unexpectedly, the scenery here is better than that there. It has the atmosphere of human fireworks. It is really beautiful."

Compared with the beautiful and magnificent mountain and river scenery, it is obvious that this kind of snow scenery attracts Huang Manyu more, and she likes this kind more.

Under the eaves of the halls, terraces and pavilions, there is snow everywhere.

This feeling makes people feel like The feeling of traveling through time and space

"Ha ha!

Su Can laughed and said:"You can watch enough during this period. I won't get off the plane later. It seems that I need to go to the bathroom to change my clothes first.""


Huang Manyu nodded. She is not that kind. She has lived in Xiangjiang all year round and has never gone anywhere, let alone such a cold place.

In fact, she has been to many cold places.

Whether it is the Maple Leaf Country or the Island Country In the Beihai area, there is heavy snow every winter.

Therefore, she is not unfamiliar with heavy snow in the sky.

However, this is for an HSBC bank in Hong Kong. If it is an ordinary person, some people are really possible Never seen snow in my life..........

In her previous life, Su Can remembered an interesting piece of news.

It was a day in December. Two men from Qiongzhou went to the Northeast. They wore short-sleeved slippers and got on the plane. When they got there, they were dumbfounded when they got off the plane. it's too cold.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This news has also become a hot search topic, and countless people couldn’t help laughing when they saw it.

However, this is also normal.

Just like those in the Northeast, when I went to Qiongzhou in the winter, I wore all kinds of warm pants, thick ones, as soon as I arrived in Qiongzhou.

It's crazy hot.

Because over there, it’s more than 20 degrees in the middle of winter, but if you’re lucky, you’ll encounter temperatures of more than 30 degrees!

The plane landed slowly at Yanjing City Airport.

After getting off the plane and arriving in front of the airport exit, Su Can and the others went to the bathroom first and changed some clothes collectively. it's too cold.

Even people like Zhong Mingqiang can't stand the cold, it's too cold.

After getting dressed, I walked out

"much warmer.........."

Huang Manyu looked at Su Can, smiled and said

"Um! Su Can smiled slightly and said,"Let's go!" Let's go back! At this time, I returned there just in time to have dinner."

At nearly noon, they took a plane to Yanjing City. When they arrived in Yanjing City, it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon. It was snowing again, so the car had to drive slowly.

When they got back, it was almost six o'clock.


Huang Manyu nodded slightly.

Su Can looked at Wang Su and Wang Qiang and said with a smile:"Wang Su, second brother, let's go to my place for dinner first, and then we will go to the old man's place together tomorrow."

"OK! Wang

Su said with a smile.

"no problem!"

Wang Qiang also nodded slightly.

The group of people walked towards the outside of the airport. After a while, they reached the airport exit.

"Third brother, where is our car waiting?"

Zhong Mingqiang stretched out his hand and pointed. On the left side, there were several cars parked there.

These days, there are not many private cars. You can still park and wait for people at the airport gate. What if in future generations?

That would not be such treatment.........

After all, as the economy develops, there are too many cars. In order to maintain order, who dares to park their cars at the airport gate for too long?

But now you can

"Let's go! Let's go back now! Su

Can nodded slightly and said,"Go to the villa or the courtyard. Just take one person with you and let the rest go back to the courtyard!""

"It's the third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

He immediately made arrangements and told some of them to go back.


Soon, I got into the car, started the car, and headed towards the villa.

The villa area over there is very luxurious according to the settings in Xiangjiang, and the settings also refer to the Nuankeng in the Northeast. Yes.

Outside, there is a small room with a big fireplace and a fire burning in it. The whole house is warm, no worse than the heater.

Moreover, Su Can and his friends are only in their villas, and the heating company The pipes are not laid here.

Therefore, they can only burn the fireplace. The reason why Su Can and the others moved there is because the construction there is very modern, so that Huang Manyu can adapt to their living situation.........

That's why I didn't go back to the courtyard.

The car quickly left the airport and headed towards the villa. at the same time.

In the villa located on the Third Ring Road in later generations, apart from the occasional cars passing by, there were only people from a few villages living nearby.

But here, there is a very low-key and luxurious villa area.

Ordinary people can't get in at all.

Because I don’t know this place, right here.

In the villa area, there is a very special villa. There are several villas next to it, all with dim lights on, but the one in the middle has bright lights on.

These villas all belong to Su Can.

The villas with dim lights were used by Su Can to store Maotai and the like, because there were huge basements under the villas.

Today, Su Can doesn't even know how many tons of Moutai he has saved.

At least, it must be more than a hundred tons, and those are all good wines!

"Why hasn't this child arrived yet?........."

In the brightest and largest villa, a woman walked to the door quietly, poked her head outside, and said curiously.

Sitting in the lobby of the villa, Su's father was reading a newspaper, smiled, and said,"Why are you in a hurry? Didn't Su Can say that? He will probably arrive at six o'clock, and there is still about twenty minutes left. Here!" ps. Please subscribe. Please subscribe.

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