"What's up?"

When Lei Daming heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Now, because he always felt that something big was going to happen, as soon as he heard the word big thing, he suddenly felt something bad. He almost stood up.

"Our company's stock price actually fluctuated abnormally early in the morning."

The secretary said loudly


Lei Daming secretly thought something was wrong.

"No, it has increased, it has increased significantly.........."

The secretary shook his head and said


Hearing the secretary's words, Lei Daming let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, this is a good thing. The stock has risen. Isn't that the stock investors' optimism about the company?

"This is a good thing."

Lei Daming said.

The secretary was puzzled:"However, this increase is too fast. Within half an hour of the opening, the increase has already reached 6%."

"Forehead! so fast? It seems that our company has not issued any good news recently!"

Lei Daming was also confused immediately.

"Yes, so this is unusual!"

The secretary nodded slightly.

Lei Daming thought for a moment and said:"Forget it, it's a big increase anyway, which is good for the company. If it can increase by more than ten points today, maybe our market value can reach its peak."


The secretary was slightly stunned.

However, Lei Daming was happy too early.

After another hour, Lei's Group, which had skyrocketed, suddenly fell sharply like a roller coaster.

In an instant, it dropped ten points.

In other words, according to today's opening price, Ray's Group fell by about 4%.

This is already a very big drop..........

At this time, Lei Daming also discovered that something was wrong, but at this time, no matter how much she discovered something was wrong, there was nothing she could do.

By the time the market closed in the afternoon, Ray's Group had fallen 16%.

This almost caused the market value to drop by nearly 100 million, causing heavy losses to Ray's Group.


In Lei Daming's office, there was the sound of throwing things:"What's going on? Why did the company suffer from short selling? What's going on?"

Now, Lei Daming finally knows why he has been so panicked these days.

It's not because someone wants to kidnap him.

It's because someone wants to short Lei's Group. This uneasy feeling comes from Here, even if he hires another hundred security guards, it won't help. It can't be saved at all.

Is that short selling?

Although Lei's Group has a market value of several hundred million, look, compared with those short selling capital, it is simply weak. Scumbag.

Too weak.

Lei Daming is of no help at all

"Who did I offend? Who wants to be me?"

Lei Daming was extremely confused.

However, he didn't know the reason at all, and it was too late to find out.

On the next day, Lei's Group fell another 7%, and the total dropped by 22% in two days..........

On the third day, Lei Daming activated some liquidity and began to rescue the market.

Although on the same day, it rose by 8%.

On the fourth day, it increased by 5%.

However, on the fifth day, a large number of short selling appeared again, and large orders continued to be sold, causing Ray's Group to fall by 15% that day.

This day's drop directly disrupted Lei Daming's rescue plan, causing the company to lose all its liquidity.

And it’s the trading day of the second week.

For five days this week, Ray's Group continued to plummet. By Friday of this week, Ray's Group had fallen by 40%.

This market value is almost cut off.

And Zhang Man also perfectly completed the task assigned by Su Can, which was to cause the market value of Lei's Group to plummet by 30% within ten trading days.

Now, not only has it been completed perfectly, but it has also been exceeded.

When Su Can got the news, he pursed his lips and smiled slightly. This is really a good gift!

It can be regarded as his gift after leaving Xiangjiang.

Yes, at this time, Su Can will leave Xiangjiang and return to Yanjing City.

In fact, not only Su Can, but also Huang Manyu also wanted to follow Su Can back to Yanjing City to meet his parents.

Especially the old man..........

The old man wanted to see Huang Manyu, his granddaughter-in-law, very much. Su Can came to Xiangjiang just to take Huang Manyu back and meet the old man.

Meet the rest of the Su family.

Because, at this time, the New Year will be here in a few days, and Su Can is going back to celebrate the New Year with the Su family.

"Um! You have done a good job in this matter. Keep up the good work and continue to short Ray's Group!"

Su Can said to Zhang Man on the other side of the phone:"We must bring Lei's Group to the point of no return."

"It's the boss!"

Zhang Man said respectfully.

After hanging up the phone, Su Can looked into the hall.

Huang Manyu blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Su Can.

Su Can smiled slightly and said,"Have everything been packed? We will set off tomorrow from Xiangjiang to Yanjin City"

"Um! All ready."

Huang Manyu nodded and smiled.

Su Can walked to Huang Manyu's side, gently hugged her waist, and said,"Follow me back to Yanjing City to meet grandpa, will you be nervous? Huang

Manyu's daughter smiled slightly and said:"What's so nervous about this? The old man is not a tiger."......."

"Ha ha! When Su

Can heard this, he laughed loudly and said,"Okay, let's go back tomorrow.""

The next day, it was

8:30 in the morning.

After Su Can, Huang Manyu, Wang Su and Wang Qiang had breakfast, they took a car and headed towards the airport, and soon arrived at the airport.

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu and smiled. :"It will be very cold when you get there. Bring an extra down jacket on the plane, and then put it on when you get off the plane.""

"Um! OK!"

Huang Manyu nodded slightly.

Not only Huang Manyu, but also Wang Su, Wang Qiang and Zhong Mingqiang all brought a down jacket and put it on on the plane when they arrived at Yanjing City.

Otherwise, they would definitely die of cold after getting off the plane.

After all, they all I have experienced the cold weather in the north. I don’t know where the weather can be compared to the temperature of more than 20 degrees in Xiangjiang. Over there, it was more than ten degrees below zero. It was so cold that it made people tremble. I got it at the Xiangjiang Airport.

After receiving the boarding pass, everyone headed towards the VIP room.

After waiting for about an hour, they finally boarded the plane.


About half an hour later, the plane took off. As the plane flew higher and higher, the huge Hong Kong River looked as big as a projectile..........

Yanjing City, I'm back.

Su Can looked into the distance and said secretly in his heart. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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