Do good deeds without leaving a name.

Su Can is so willful, free and easy by nature.......

"By the way, how much liquidity does Wanxiang Group still have?"

Su Can looked at Zhang Man and asked

"In addition to the tens of billions that the boss has earned in the island country, including the principal, which he has not yet withdrawn, there is still one billion in liquidity left in the company!"

Zhang Man looked at Su Can and answered truthfully.

"One billion? Does the company have any major projects currently in progress?"

Su Can asked after hearing this.

If Wanxiang Group has projects that need to be rushed now, Su Can will have to wait for several days if he wants to short Lei's Group.

After all, business matters are more important.

As for Lei's Group, more There's no problem if you live for two days, you're going to die anyway.

"No more, it’s the Chinese New Year, and there are basically no big projects left, except for the expenditure on purchasing that private jet. Zhang

Man smiled, then looked at Su Can curiously, and asked:"Boss, is there any big move that will be carried out?""


Su Can nodded slightly and said:"Of course, Wanxiang Group has no big projects to carry out before the Chinese New Year. This money is just right."

In addition to buying the private jet, which will cost a lot of money, there are other things left. More than 800 million in funds.

Of this money, at least tens of millions must be reserved as the company's year-end bonus.

This year's Wanxiang Group has achieved good results. Zhang Man's year-end bonus alone must have reached at least tens of millions.

The rest of the department managers are at least in the millions.

There are also many others ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Calculated in this way, the year-end bonus of the entire company is as high as tens of millions. this is normal.

After deducting those, the entire Wanxiang Group's liquidity is still more than 700 million. It couldn't be easier to deal with Lei's Group's market value of 560 million.

Moreover, if you prepare a few months in advance, you don't need such a large sum of money, or even tens of millions, to leverage the Ray Group.

By that time, though, the daylilies were cold.

Su Can could tolerate the survival of Lei's Group for a few more days, but he absolutely could not tolerate the survival of Lei's Group for a few more months.

I can't stand Su Can's bad temper.

"What is the boss going to do? Zhang

Man asked curiously.

Su Can smiled slightly and said,"It's no big deal. I'm shorting a listed company in Siam. That listed company is very small, with a market value of only 5.6 billion."......."

That's it?

After hearing Su Can's words, Zhang Man's mouth twitched slightly.

Just five or six billion?

For the boss, this sentence may be true, but it is also very appropriate. Who wants to compare it with the boss?

If compared with others, it is definitely not small.

You know, in the Xiangjiang stock market, there are not many companies that can reach this market value. The market value of this company is not low.

Thinking back then, when she was still looking at the leather goods company, a listed company with a market value of several hundred million was considered superior to Zhang Man.

That is an elusive existence.


Feeling so small?

"Boss, this is no problem, it’s only a few hundred million in market value!"Zhang Man smiled when she heard Su Can's words and said.

Now she is talking and laughing, even if the market value is hundreds of millions, she doesn't look at it.

At least, it must be several billions, or even tens of billions. Only companies with the above market value can make Zhang Man feel that they are worth paying attention to.........

These ones with a market value of several hundred million seem too small.


Zhang Man suddenly realized that he was becoming more and more like his boss Su Can.

This kind of behavior and domineering attitude seemed to be inadvertently imitating his boss.

This feeling?

Why does it feel like a husband and a wife follow each other ? Huh?

Thinking of her husband taking care of her, Zhang Man felt a little disappointed and felt a little regretful. It was a pity that the boss was not her husband and she was not the boss's wife.

All these made Zhang Man feel sad.

"Boss, which listed company is this?"

Zhang Man quickly regained his composure, changed the subject, and asked

"Siam’s Ray Group!"

Su Can said lightly.

"Ray's Group? When Zhang Man heard this, he frowned slightly and said,"Boss, I have never heard of this name. It may be that the other party's company is too small.""


Su Can nodded slightly.

Indeed, if that incident had not happened, Su Can would not have known that a company like Lei's Group........

For Su Can, it is indeed too small.

Zhang Man smiled sweetly, patted his chest to guarantee the ticket, and said:"But, boss, please don't worry, even though it is the weekend, I will have people prepare all the information, and wait until tomorrow, Monday, to start shorting this company." Ray's Group"

"Within ten trading days, the market value of Ray's Group dropped by two-thirds, which was not a problem."

Zhang Man is very confident about this.

As for short selling?

Zhang Man feels that no Chinese capital can compare with the investment company Wanxiang Group controlled by Zhang Man.

Whether it was short selling Heng Real Estate Group or short selling Go up the island country market?

Or short Qin Group?

For Wanxiang Group, practice makes perfect. They are the most experienced people in the field of Chinese capital.

Although they are not as good as Wall Street now.

However, Zhang Man feels, The people of Wanxiang Group in the future are no less professional than Wall Street, or even better.

Because they have an undefeated boss.........

No matter what the boss told me to do, no one suffered a loss. On the contrary, each one made a lot of money.

Zhang Man looked fascinated and confident when facing Su Can

"Ten trading days! When Su

Can heard this, he narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled, and said,"Very good. It's not bad to achieve this step in such a short period of time.""

After all, it is a listed company.

It is not that easy to be completely short.

As for the reason why the Qin Group was so easy last time, it was because the right time, place and people were so convenient!

Especially Qin Group The father and son of the family are looking for a killer to assassinate their father. This is a great help to Su Can.

Otherwise, shorting a group with a market value of 6 to 7 billion is not that simple!

Now, this company has been taken over by Wanxiang Group After the short selling, the market value plummeted by an unknown amount, and was later acquired by the Vientiane Group.

However, the vitality has not yet fully recovered.

It is estimated that the peak valuation will be restored by the end of next year, and this is still because the Vientiane Group is behind it.

And that Ray's Group also needs time to go short.

Completely get rid of the Ray's Group........

"Thank you boss for your understanding!"

Hearing Su Can's consideration, Zhang Man breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid of his boss. He was not satisfied with this time! ps. Please subscribe. Please subscribe.

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