It turned out that Wharf was cooperating with Vientiane Group, and the two parties jointly invested and established a new offshore company to operate.

Now, it's different.

Instead, Wanxiang Group established an offshore company, and then used that offshore company to cooperate with Ship King's Wharf.

This difference is huge.

Because there is a big difference between the publicity formed by the two parties between cooperating with Wharf and cooperating with an unknown company.

You know, Vientiane Group is a top group, whether it is in Hong Kong, Asia, or even the world.

Such cooperation represents the strength of Wharf........

Just like in later generations, if a company cooperates with Apple, it will definitely promote it vigorously, but what about a newly established offshore company under Apple?

No one cares about it.

This difference is very big.

Therefore, I need to talk to the Ship King about this matter.

However, Su Can felt that the Ship King would definitely agree and would not have any objections. Even if he had other ideas in his mind, he would not use it.

He will understand. Besides, Wanxiang Group is still the second largest shareholder of Wharf!

Therefore, this kind of cooperation can proceed smoothly.

"Um! When the time comes, use that offshore company and let the shipping king, his personal shares, and Wharf shares all be injected into it!

Su Can nodded and said:"Then, with this company, in the world's larger mining areas, such as Kangaroo Country and Samba Country, there are rich iron ore resources. Go there to see where you can buy them." Come down?"

"I understand, boss, I will prepare this matter as soon as possible, at least in the first half of next year, to establish a company and negotiate with several mining companies."

Zhang Man nodded and said.

Su Can shook his head and said,"You don't need a lot of iron ore, but you need a lot of iron ore. As long as you get one of the world's largest mineral deposits, that's it."

The countries rich in iron ore the most in the world are Kangaroo Country and Samba Country. As for Africa, there are also many.

However, in this era, there is a lot of noise there.........

Su Can is too lazy to send someone there, because no matter what you do, the owner will change this place today and that place tomorrow.

On the contrary, it will make you lose money.

Unless, in the 21st century, you can go there and have a look. not now

"It's the boss! I got it. When Zhang

Man heard this, he said respectfully


Su Can nodded slightly, then thought of one thing and said:"In addition to paying attention to this, there is something else to do to establish a mining company."

"Boss, what's going on?

Zhang Man asked curiously.

Su Can smiled and said,"That's recruiting people.""

"Boss, it’s simple. Now that the mining industry is in recession, many people have been laid off significantly. We can absorb those talents."

Zhang Man said easily

"No, I’m not just talking about those mining talents abroad!"Su Can shook his head, looked at Zhang Man and said with a smile.

"That is?"

Zhang Man was slightly confused.

Su Can smiled and said:"There are many mining universities in the mainland, and they train a lot of talents. If you can, you can go there and choose........."


Zhang Man was slightly startled.

Su Can smiled and said,"Yes, over there, this company hopes to recruit more Chinese talents."

"I see! Zhang

Man nodded and said after hearing this.

She thought that Su Can had special feelings for the mainland and wanted to help the development there, so she thought this matter was nothing.

However, Su Can thought differently.

Because when it comes to the ability to endure hardships, there is no country in the world that can endure hardships and stand hard work like the Chinese.

Even the overseas Chinese who immigrated are much more able to endure hardships and stand hard work than people from abroad.

And in this industry , what is required is to endure hardships and stand hard work, and the hardships involved are not something ordinary people can do.

Therefore, Su Can asked Zhang Man to recruit more people from the mainland, in addition to giving them many opportunities to cultivate and increase their income.

It’s more because they are hard-working, capable and constantly striving for self-improvement.

Su Can needs them so that the company can develop better.

Like in his previous life, Su Can remembered that in the era of smartphones, almost 50% of the world’s mining exploration business They are all contracted by Chinese people.........

Even the major oil companies in Europe and the United States, and even some mining companies, have hired Chinese surveying companies for surveying.

This can prove that the Chinese people are excellent in this aspect.

Now that a mining company is about to be established, the first group of talents to be cultivated by oneself will naturally be Chinese.

There is no doubt about this

"Years later, when it was graduation season, I went to several mining universities in the mainland to see if I could recruit some suitable people."

Zhang Man said with a smile.

Su Can smiled and nodded slightly:"Yeah!"

For this, Su Can is not poaching.

The people he recruited, who are willing to come, are basically those who have some thoughts and want to study abroad.

No matter how they stay, they will not be retained in the end. These talents.

Instead of letting these people leave the country, study abroad, and become foreign talents, or have them become dull after years of polishing. It would be better for

Su Can to start attracting these people into his own industries. , This avoids the loss of talents.

Maybe in the future, when setting up companies in China, these will be the middle-level talents.........

Su Can can be regarded as making a great contribution to cultivating talents in the country and preventing brain drain. These people can become a new generation of mining talents in the country in the future.

Or teach and educate people, pass on knowledge, cultivate a new generation of mining talents, and increase the number of domestic talents.

You know, what is most important in the 21st century?

Of course, they are talents, and what Su Can does is to retain talents and constantly cultivate various talents.

Su Can's doing this is simply a great merit!

However, Su Can did all of this secretly, just doing it out of his own heart and doing things that benefited the country and the people.

He asks for nothing in return.

Moreover, even if he gave Su Can something in return, Su Can wouldn't care too much about it. He would basically not be short of anything given to him.

Like money?

Who in the country can have more than him?

Now, his net worth has reached one-tenth of the annual GDP. With such a net worth, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is as rich as the country.

What can Su Can lack?

What can others give?

Therefore, Su Can does everything without expecting anything in return. It is all because he is a Chinese. Deep down in his heart, he just wants to do something for this country.........

It is a good thing for him and for the country.

Su Can really doesn't care about the rest. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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