The yacht drove past quickly, and after a while, it arrived there.

Comparing Su Can's yacht with the yacht opposite, that's the difference between an adult and a child. It's more than twice as big.........

Seeing Su Can's yacht arriving, the people above scanned it without paying much attention.

Obviously, such a big yacht must be a yacht of a charter company. Otherwise, there would be no yacht like this in Hong Kong owned by a wealthy man.

Yachting enthusiasts like them have long known what the yachts of the rich look like at the yacht docks in Xiangjiang.

Moreover, there are names on the yacht.

However, I had never heard of the name of this aircraft, and I had never seen it at the yacht dock in Xiangjiang, so I didn't care about Su Can and the others at all.

Instead, he constantly adjusted Wang Su and Xu Qingxia next to the speedboat.

"You two beauties, what fun do you have with these people? Their yachts are all rented, come on! Come on our yacht, this is my private yacht!"

A frivolous voice sounded on the yacht.

Su Can looked over. It was a man with a few strands of white hair. There was a greedy look in his eyes. He looked at Wang Su and Xu Qingxia and said

"Ha ha! That's our Mr. Lei! My family is engaged in big business in Siam. You two are lucky enough to be seen by Mr. Lei."

"Beauty, hurry up and say yes!"

"Follow us, Mr. Lei, to drink hot and spicy food........."

"Yes, our Mr. Lei is the heir to the Lei Group, that is, the Shaodong family. With our Mr. Lei, maybe our Mr. Lei can give you hundreds of thousands or millions of pocket money a month."

"That’s right, that’s right, let’s get to know each other!"

"Come up!"

"Although you can afford to rent a yacht, your family's annual income is only hundreds of thousands. Compared with Mr. Lei, the search is too far away."

The white-haired Mr. Lei was followed by many people, about seven or eight, and there were nearly three people on the speedboat blocking Wang Su, Xu Qingchen, and Xu Qingxia.

Su Can The speedboat that arranged to protect Wang Su and the others was Lao Zheng and a security guard.

However, they did not move around, but stayed in the middle to protect Wang Su and the others.

"elder brother!"

When Wang Su saw Su Can's yacht coming, most of the Shanghai style on his face disappeared, and he shouted excitedly.

"Um! I'm here, don't be afraid!"

Su Can looked at Wang Su and nodded slightly. She saw the fear on Wang Su's face, which was obviously frightened.

"Who do you think you are? What's the point of coming here? That

Mr. Lei looked at Su Can, rolled his eyes, and sneered:"Let your sister play with us, and I will give you millions. That is money you have not been able to earn in more than ten years.""


Su Can curled his lips when he heard what Mr. Lei said, and didn't pay attention to his words. If he did, he would lose his worth.........

"Ming Qiang, go get Wang Su and the others back, and then throw the people on the speedboat into the sea, life or death!"

Su Can said in a deep voice.

"It's the third brother!"

Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang immediately

"No matter life or death, who do you think you are?"

When Mr. Lei heard this, his face suddenly changed. Seeing that Su Can didn't reply and actually wanted to deal with his people, he suddenly felt that he couldn't hold back his face.

He lost his face and became furious.

"Lao Zheng, Shitou, why are you so stupid? Didn't you hear what the third brother said?"

Zhong Mingqiang shouted to Lao Zheng below.


Old Zheng Jiejie sneered, drove the speedboat, and rushed towards the speedboat he was dealing with. Old Zheng's speedboat was originally bigger than the other's.

Because, after all, Su Can's yacht was very big.


With a crash, the stopped speedboat was suddenly overturned. All the people on the speedboat fell from the speedboat and fell into the sea, turning into drowned rats.

"Do you dare?"

When the white-haired Lei Shao saw it, his eyes were filled with tears and he roared loudly.

He felt that he had been slapped hard on the face. In the eyes of the people around him, he instantly lost all dignity. face........

On the face, I feel the pain of fire 1a

"court death! Knock them over for me! Captain, hurry up and kill them."That Mr. Lei went crazy and shouted loudly to the Ship King.

"Manyu, get off the yacht first and get on the speedboat."

Seeing that the other party was going crazy, Su Can was not surprised. For this kind of person, he immediately asked Huang Manyu to get off the yacht regardless of the consequences!

Because Huang Manyu was pregnant, what would happen later on the yacht? It’s easy for Huang Manyu to have an accident


Huang Manyu knew that this was not the time for children to love each other, because she knew what to do at her own height. It was not like in those TV dramas where the heroine cried and said she would not leave even if she died. Being together or something like that.

That would simply delay a big event.

Huang Manyu quickly got off the yacht and got on a fast boat

"Wang Su, you drive a motorboat and get out of here quickly."Su Can looked at Wang Su and immediately ordered and shouted

"Okay bro!"

Wang Su shouted loudly.

Seeing the opponent's yacht moving slightly, Su Can pursed his lips and revealed a sneer.

"Ming Qiang ordered the captain to ram the opponent's yacht."

Su Can loudly ordered

"Third brother, okay.........."

When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he immediately used the intercom to issue an order to the captain's room, instructing the captain to drive the yacht towards the other party's yacht.

How big is the other party's yacht?

The size is only a fraction of Su Can's yacht, and the weight is less than half. The small one is almost pitiful.

If it hits, it's like an egg hitting a rock.

Although Su Can's yacht will also be damaged, it doesn't matter, because the other party's yacht will instantly become a scumbag.

"What? Are you crazy?"

Hearing Su Can's order, Mr. Lei was dumbfounded, and his arrogant expression revealed extremely frightening fear.

He was completely confused.


Isn't this yacht rented? Isn't this guy rented? ?

How could he have the courage to let people drive this yacht and hit him? His is a private yacht. Even if it is damaged, there will be no problem.

However, if the other party's yacht is damaged, then the person on the yacht will , let alone that I can’t afford to pay for that yacht in my lifetime.

Even if it takes ten lifetimes, I can’t afford to pay it back.........

He's crazy?

The white-haired Mr. Lei was completely frightened, and his face turned pale with fright, because the other party's yacht had already arrived. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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