
Su Can pulled the fishing line and slowly pulled back the big fish floating on the sea.

When he reached the deck, Zhong Mingqiang reached for the harpoon, lifted the whole big fish, and put it on the on deck

"Wow! It's a mackerel........."

Huang Manyu's beautiful eyes widened and she said in shock:"It's so big, how many kilograms does this one weigh?"

Su Can put away the fishing line, smiled and said,"It should weigh more than sixty kilograms!"

"That's too big. Huang

Manyu said in shock:"Su Can, you are so awesome. You actually caught such a big mackerel. You are so awesome.""

"Ha ha! Su

Can laughed heartily and ordered:"Mingqiang, take these two fishes to the kitchen of the cabin and let the chef prepare them. These are our main dishes today.""

"Okay third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang nodded and said.

He watched Zhong Mingqiang and a security guard taking these two big fish, a big red fish and a mackerel, and headed towards the cabin.

Su Can looked at Zhang Man and said with a smile:"Okay, we are here. Let’s enjoy the sea breeze up there!"


Huang Manyu smiled slightly.

The two of them stopped fishing. Instead, they walked onto the deck and stood on the railing, looking into the distance and looking at the blue sea.

There were two motorboats driving around the yacht.

Su Can was vaguely aware of Yue saw one person sitting on one of the motorboats, and two people sitting on the other.

They were all wearing red life jackets and having a great time.

And nearby, there was another speedboat, guard beside........


A motorboat suddenly saw Su Can and Huang Manyu, rushed towards the stopped yacht, and stopped in front of Su Can and Huang Manyu、

"Brother, sister-in-law!"

On the motorboat, Wang Su hugged Xu Qingxia. Xu Qingxia drove the motorboat and waved to Su Can and Huang Manyu on the yacht, saying hello excitedly.

"So fun!

Wang Su shouted loudly and laughed heartily:"Haha!" Huang

Manyu took a look and waved to Wang Su. Su Can also waved to Wang Su.

"Su Can, I think Wang Su should come to Xiangjiang to study. What do you think?"

Huang Manyu watched Wang Su and Xu Qingxia leave, looked at Su Can, and asked:"Although the schools in the mainland are not bad, some of the science research equipment is not as good as the schools in Xiangjiang."

"No! Su

Can shook his head and said:"Although the equipment in the mainland is not as good as that in Xiangjiang, the teachers in the country are not weak at all.""

"Besides, Wang Su is already seventeen years old. At this time, he is generally one or two years older than the students in Xiangjiang. If he comes to Xiangjiang again, he cannot keep up with the language and goes to school here, but it will delay Wang Su's studies.........."

Su Can had already seriously considered whether to arrange for Wang Su to come to Xiangjiang to study.

However, after thinking about it, I still felt that it would be better to go to school in Yanjing City. Coming here would delay Wang Su's study.

Besides, when Wang Su graduates from domestic university, if she wants to continue her studies, she can go to any top university in the world.

Including those in the top five, such as Harvard and MIT, Su Can can let Wang Su go to school there.

Even, read a postgraduate doctoral degree.

This may be very difficult for others.

Even if this matter is left to future generations, it will be a very big problem for the country's billionaires.

But for Su Can, it's a matter of minutes.

It couldn't be easier.

In the industries under his control, several professors from top universities hold some positions in those companies.

Whether it’s a letter of introduction from a professor?

Regardless of the authority of those industries, it was completely simple to arrange Wang Su into it.

Not even a dime is needed to be donated.

You know, the world's top universities like Massachusetts and Harvard don't mean you can get into them if you have money or high scores.

More are recommended.........

Even if you are a person living in a slum and cannot get rid of the problem of poverty in your family, if you can get a recommendation letter from a professor at that university, you will have the opportunity to study there.

If you get two recommendation letters from professors, you're basically safe.

If you have three recommendation letters from professors, you can get a full scholarship and go to school for free in minutes.

This is really simple.

Therefore, in foreign countries, the richer the children, the more likely they are to go to the best universities. It is not because the other party's children have an IQ that exceeds more than 99% of the people in the world.

It's because the resources they have behind them are too huge, and these resources allow them to enjoy more priority in education.

Domestically, it is different.

The country adopts a unified examination and maintains the fairest university admissions system in the world. It is the fairest among all universities in the world for ordinary people.

"Um! What you are talking about is a problem. If Wang Su is asked to learn Cantonese again, it will drag down her other studies."

Huang Manyu agreed with Su Can's words

"Third brother, something seems to have happened to Wang Su."

While Su Can and Huang Manyu were chatting about Wang Su, Zhong Mingqiang came over, looked at Su Can and said.

He handed the two fish to the chef on the yacht, and immediately came back to guard Su Can. Next to Su Can, protect Su Can’s safety.......

"What's up?"

Su Can looked in the direction pointed by Zhong Mingqiang.

While he and Huang Manyu were chatting unknowingly, unexpectedly, a new yacht appeared in this area.

The yacht stopped not far from Su Can and the others. In the distance, compared to Su Can, a top-notch private yacht, the yacht looked very thin. It was extremely small.

At this time, the motorboats of Wang Su, Xu Qingxia, and Xu Qingchen were all occupied by the motorboat. The yacht was stopped, and the other party also released a speedboat beside it.

They couldn't escape at all.

The speedboat Su Can sent out to protect Wang Su drove past quickly.

"Wang Su and Qingxia were both stopped by people on that yacht? Huang

Manyu took a closer look and frowned slightly.

"Ming Qiang, let the captain drive over. I want to see who dares to be so bold in Xiangjiang."Su Can became angry and ordered.

Zhong Mingqiang knew that the third brother was angry when he heard Su Can's tone. When the third brother was angry, the consequences would be serious.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and started talking to the captain. After a while, The yacht started up again and headed towards Wang Su and the others.........

Su Can's eyes were cold, looking at the yacht, the light in his eyes became extremely cold.

He is really murderous. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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