Su Can turned his head and looked at Zhong Mingqiang:"Mingqiang, go get the fishing tackle.""

"It's the third brother!"

Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang immediately ran to get fishing tackle.........

After a while, Zhong Mingqiang brought over a piece of fishing gear. In addition to the fishing gear, there was also a large bag of bait and other things.

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu and said with a smile:"Let's go! The third deck here is a bit high. Let's go fishing on the first deck."

"OK! Huang

Manyu smiled sweetly.

The two of them went down the stairs on the deck and quickly came to the side of the first deck.

There were railings on the deck, so they were not afraid of a wave coming down and causing the yacht to jolt. , and then an accident occurred when he fell into the water.

Su Can went down to the deck, and Zhong Mingqiang also arrived.

In addition to Zhong Mingqiang, on the other side of Su Can, Lao Zheng was also standing. He and Zhong Mingqiang were guarded on the left and right. Beside.

Whenever something unexpected happens to Su Can, they will respond as quickly as possible.

"Third brother, this is fishing tackle."

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Su Can and said respectfully.

"Okay, you go ahead and make a nest in the sea and stuff it with bait! By the way, throw it far away."Su Can watched Zhong Mingqiang put down his fishing gear, nodded and said

"It's the third brother!"

Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang began to open the Russian materials.


After a while, he started throwing bait into the sea. The purpose was to make nests and attract small fish and shrimps.

These small fish and shrimps will attract some big fish..........

However, this method of nesting will not last as long as in a lake or reservoir.

Because the waves in the sea are very big, the bait will be washed away quickly, and the nest must be made again.

Therefore, basically everyone who engages in sea fishing has some money.

Even more expensive than those so-called watches made by the poor who play cars and the rich who play watches because of top fishermen.

Over the course of a year, that's millions of dollars in expenses.

Especially in later generations, those who specialized in tuna fishing spent even more.

Zhong Mingqiang threw the bait down, and Su Can started to open the fishing gear and took out a fishing rod from it.


Looking at the brand, Su Can was slightly surprised.

He knew this brand. In his previous life, he had a fishing rod of this brand. That fishing tackle cost Su Can tens of thousands of dollars.

But now, This one is much better than the one in Su Can's previous life.

Obviously, it will be more expensive.

Su Can picked it up, and after making it simply, he picked up a blue-scaled fish from the bait box next to it..

This is a kind of bait used by fishermen specifically to catch big fish.

If you are specifically fishing for tuna, it will be better.

But here, it is obvious that there is no tuna, more other fish, such as Big grouper, big red fish, mackerel, etc..........

These are very ferocious carnivorous fish.

That's what Su Can wants to catch.

He hooked the fishhook on the blue-scaled fish and picked it up.

After waiting for a while, I saw that Zhong Mingqiang’s nest had dispersed, and it seemed that many small fish had been attracted.


Su Can picked up the bait on the hook and swung it towards the nesting position.

"Blah blah blah!"

The fishing line kept turning from the fishing rod wheel, and then spread continuously, and finally the bait fell down where the nest was made.

Su Can's throw was accurate.

"Okay, just wait for the big fish to take the bait."

Su Can put the fishing rods in place and fixed them.

He picked up a few more fishing rods, made the same movements as the fishing rods just now, got the bait, and threw them all out with a splash.

After a while, Su Can In front of me, there are two more fishing rods

"Is this enough? How long does it take for the fish to bite? Huang

Manyu looked at Su Can curiously.

Su Can smiled slightly and said,"Yes, just wait for the big fish to take the bait!" Fishing requires patience, and it can’t be done all at once."

"Forehead? Huang

Manyu showed an expectant look and said:"If we can catch fish today, we will treat them as food. It will be delicious!""

"That's right.........."

Su Can smiled slightly.

As for whether fishing can make money back, there is no doubt that it cannot.

That package of bait for making nests is top quality. One package costs at least nearly 10,000 Xiangjiang coins.

Su Can has thrown away a pack, do you think this can pay off?

Obviously, there is no way to get back the money.

However, this is not a big deal for people who like fishing. Fishing is a particularly wasteful thing.

"Jingle Bell!"

After a while, the bell on the second fishing rod that Su Can threw down suddenly rang.

"Has the fish taken the bait? Huang

Manyu looked at it and said in surprise

"may be!"

Su Can smiled, reached out and picked up the fishing tackle, and started to pull it back.


Su Can pulled, and immediately felt a strong pulling force on the fishing rod. The top of the fishing rod was already bent like a crescent moon.

"Is it a big fish?"

Seeing how bent the fishing rod was, Huang Manyu became excited. It felt like she had caught a huge fish.

It was so exciting..........


Su Can turned his head and smiled at Huang Manyu.

Judging from the pulling force, this fish is quite strong. It may be a big fish, but this is not certain. It may also be other fish.

Because some Fish are ferocious by nature. Even though they are small, they are very powerful.

Therefore, it may be a small fish.


Su Can kept pulling on the fishing rod wheel. As he pulled, the fishing line was pulled up bit by bit. After a while, there was movement on the water.

"Was the fish pulled in?"

Huang Manyu opened her beautiful big eyes and said with an expectant look.


Su Can took a closer look and smiled.

He had already seen, under the blue water, a red fin floating on the water. As Su Can tightened the fishing line, it kept getting closer.

And in the water Underneath, a figure that looks very big is revealed.

"What kind of fish is it? Huang

Manyu said curiously


At this moment, the fish in the water suddenly turned over, and most of its body appeared on the water in an instant.

It was a very wide fish, and it was red all over. It was very beautiful, like a koi. a big fish.........

Su Can looked over and recognized it immediately.

This kind of fish is not rare, it is very common, but it is definitely a very delicious fish, and Su Can also likes to eat it. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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