In the following days, Su Can, Huang Manyu, Lu Qianshan and Zhang Man were not in a hurry.

Because, we know who is behind the scenes, instead of not knowing who was behind the scenes as soon as the news broke..........

Now that I know it, I feel calmer.

Just waiting, Sun Zhengyi came over with Cangtian Yingluo. the next day.

The weather suddenly became brighter. It was only a small burst of cold air that made it cold for less than a day. In the afternoon of that day, the sun appeared.

On the second day, the temperature suddenly rose.

The temperature also reached over 20 degrees.

This kind of temperature is pleasant, not too hot, and will not make people feel cold. It is the most suitable for traveling and doing other things.

"Europe! Europe!"

Under the blue sky, white seabirds are making bursts of calls. They soar in the sky, criss-crossing under the blue sky.

And underneath, there is an endless blue sea.

A ship with a length of dozens The meter-sized yacht cut through the blue water, making white waves as it moved quickly through the water.

"The weather is good today. Compared with the cold weather yesterday, it is a world of difference. It is very suitable for going out to sea.........."

Su Can touched Huang Manyu's waist, smiled and said

"yes! The weather is very good today, so comfortable. Huang

Manyu hugged her wildly, hugging the sea breeze, feeling particularly comfortable.

Today happened to be Saturday. Knowing that Su Can took Wang Su and Wang Qiang to go out to sea, Huang Manyu also came with her.

After all, she was already out of her pregnancy. After three months, there won’t be much reaction. There will be no big problem in going to sea. Unless it’s the delivery period.

Obviously, it’s not that time yet.

Looking at the blue sky, Su Can smiled slightly Nod.

Although, yesterday’s news, after today, not only did the temperature not drop, but it became more and more intense.

Many people are guessing who Mr. Su is.

However, Wanxiang Group does not do anything at all In response, he did not use his position to suppress those news media.

They reported it how they reported it.

It seemed that this matter had nothing to do with the Wanxiang Group.

This was Su Can's arrangement, and his identity had been revealed anyway. , everyone who should know that Su Can is the big boss behind the Wanxiang Group will know.

What should not be known, will not know no matter what..........

Therefore, at this time, it is undoubtedly a very stupid thing to use the resources at hand to suppress this news.

It's better to let nature take its course.

They do whatever they please.

Anyway, Wanxiang Group ignored me, unlike this matter, which has nothing to do with Wanxiang Group.

This would confuse ordinary people.

Could this news be false?

When the time comes, the news will naturally dissipate. After all, Wanxiang Group will ignore you after this incident broke out.

You said he was in the wrong?

However, the Wanxiang Group did not suppress you, nor did it block this news. It also allowed you to publish it as you please.

Is there such a thing as a loss?

None of that.

At this time, the yacht slowly stopped

"Brother, are you here?"

Wang Su ran over, looked at Su Can, and said excitedly.

Next to her, there were two people, a boy and a girl. The boy was about sixteen or seventeen years old, while the girl was younger, but about fifteen years old.

The two boys and girls looked at Su Can with some restraint. Su Can nodded and said :

"Yes, we are here. You are here and you can go to the sea to play, but you are not allowed to be too far away from the yacht."........."

"Yes bro. Wang

Su said excitedly

"Morning, clear clouds!"Su Can looked at Wang Su's appearance and shook his head helplessly. Instead, he waved to the two children next to Wang Su and said

"Uncle Su!"

The two boys and girls came over immediately after hearing Su Can's words.

Yesterday, they heard their father's words, saying that they would come over today and accompany a friend of the same age to go out to sea.

To that little friend, You must be respectful, because that little friend is the younger sister of Uncle Su, who is their father’s big boss. Both

Xu Qingxia and Xu Qingchen were deeply impressed by this Uncle Su.

When they were children, they Their father had taken them to meet Uncle Su once, and he even knew that the Lion Dance Group that their Xu family now controls was so big precisely because of Uncle Su.

Now I am going to play with Uncle Su’s sister. , that is simply the kind of person who accompanies the prince to study.

"Okay, you two, don't listen to what your father is saying. I'm not a tiger or leopard, I'm not that scary."

Su Can looked at the two children. When he saw them for the first time, the eldest was only ten years old. Now it has been so many years.

And this child has grown up.

It just so happens that he is about the same age as Wang Su. , I just happened to come here to play with Wang Su, otherwise Wang Su would be too lonely alone..........

Su Can couldn't help but sigh to himself, time passed too fast

"You go and play with Wang Su!"

Su Can said hello to the two children, smiled and said

"Okay Uncle Su."

After hearing Su Can's words, the two of them replied in pure Mandarin.

Then, they and Wang Su went forward, either to go swimming or to drive a motorboat or something.

This yacht, In addition to the luxury of the yacht itself, there are also some interesting things, such as two motorboats on the yacht.

You can drive it casually.

In this kind of deep sea, it is very challenging to drive a motorboat, but There are many people on the yacht, including Zhong Mingqiang and others, so there is no need to be afraid.

"That guy Xu Zhengmao is quite discerning."

Seeing Xu Zhengmao's two children leaving with Wang Su, Huang Manyu smiled slightly. Su Can smiled and said:"These two children, Xu Zhengmao hired people from Yanjing City to teach them Mandarin many years ago. His Mandarin is very standard, and his vision is really good."

"I'm talking about the art of flattering!"

Huang Manyu rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Huang Manyu's words, Su Can rubbed her nose and smiled slightly.

"Okay, the kids have gone to play, let’s go fishing!"Su Can suddenly became interested. What's the point of going out to sea without going fishing!

Although, it feels very boring.........

However, isn’t the life of rich people so boring, simple and unpretentious?

This is the boring life of rich people. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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