"Hello Mr. Zhang!"

"Hello, President!"

However, when Zhang Man walked in, the employee who was whispering did not dare to speak anymore, but greeted Zhang Man respectfully.

Zhang Man's expression became more and more tense.......

She vaguely discovered a slight difference in the words of those employees. Maotou was pointing at the big boss behind Wanxiang Group. what happened?

Who leaked it?

"Come here you two!"

Zhang Man stretched out her hand, pointed at the two employees next to her who were greeting her, and said.

Those two people were girls. When they saw Zhang Man calling them, they immediately shrank their heads in fear and walked slowly towards Zhang Man.


The female employee stammered her greetings.

"What are you talking about? Why are everyone in the whole building whispering, as if something is wrong!"

Zhang Man asked

"Mr. Zhang, don’t you know yet?"

The two female employees were shocked.

"what happened? Zhang

Man asked.

The female employee took a newspaper in her hand, handed it to Zhang Man, and said,"Mr. Zhang, this is the biggest front-page news today. It has been published in all financial news in Hong Kong. It says that our Vientiane Group There is actually another daboss behind the scenes, and Mr. Zhang, you are just the boss."

Behind the spokesperson, she didn't dare to say

"Bring me the newspaper!"

Zhang Man took the newspaper and frowned slightly.

She had a habit of reading the newspaper only when she was at home during the holidays. During working hours, she only read the current financial news after arriving at the company.

Therefore, this news broke out , she hadn’t seen it yet.

She opened it and saw that it was from Financial Weekly

"Shocking: There is another big boss behind the Wanxiang Group, the top conglomerate in Hong Kong, named Mr. Su."

A very eye-catching title appeared in her sight. The big black characters on a white background made Zhang Man shrink her pupils.


A huge wave of waves arose in her heart. Who leaked this news? The identity of the boss was exposed.

Did you know that he was called Mr. Su?

Is this intentional?

After briefly scanning the news, Zhang Man read the content and handed the newspaper back to the two female employees. Said:"It's nothing big. Just do your job well. Okay, go back and work hard."........."

Seeing Zhang Man's calm expression, the two female employees of Wanxiang Group were slightly surprised. The CEO was actually so calm about this matter?

This is? what happened?

The expression Zhang Man showed was far beyond the ordinary.


The two of them nodded respectfully and left.

After Zhang Man took a look, he said that his mood was far from the calmness in his heart, but like a tsunami, a huge wave had set off.

"The boss is such a low-key person, and if this incident comes out, something big will definitely happen."

Zhang Man was anxious and whispered.

Because she is one of the people who knows Su Can the most, no less than Huang Manyu. How can she not know Su Can's character?

He is an extremely low-key person. A classy boss.

He likes to hide behind the scenes and never likes to appear in front of others, but every instruction he gives can cause chaos in the capital market.

And now, he has been exposed?

At this point, Zhang Man knows that something is serious..

She took out her mobile phone, made a call, and asked the security person in charge to immediately prepare the car and set off to a place.

Soon, Zhang Man left the Vientiane Group.

At the same time, Yong'an Bank.

Yong'an Bank's The office is also a building. Now it is one of the four major banks in Hong Kong. The top three Standard Chartered Bank has also been successfully acquired by Wing On Bank.........

The name of Wing On Bank is resounding in the financial circles around the world.

Brought, more prosperous business.

At this time, in the president's office of Yong'an Bank, Lu Qianshan had just arrived at the president's office, which was a very spacious office.

After all, a building is full of offices, so there is no shortage of space.

Not long after Lu Qianshan sat down, he prepared for the day's work.

"Bang bang!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.


Immediately afterwards, the door opened, and a tall and beautiful girl walked in from the outside. She was about 27 or 28 years old.

In fact, she was about the same age as Lu Qianshan.

However, Lu Qianshan was the kind of iceberg beauty who should not be approached by strangers. temperament, and this girl has a gentle temperament. They have completely different personalities.

"Mr. Lu, something big has happened."

The beautiful secretary looked at Lu Qianshan and said loudly

"What's the big deal? Lu

Qianshan asked

"Mr. Lu, Wanxiang Group has a big problem. Behind it, there is actually a big boss hidden, and Zhang Man is the spokesperson." said the beautiful secretary.

Back then, Wanxiang Group acquired Yong'an Bank. Later, with the development of Yong'an Bank, it sold Yong'an Bank to an offshore company. The two companies have been completely separated. Now Yong'an Bank is no longer It is a subsidiary company of Wanxiang Group.......

This was something Su Can asked Zhang Man to do to hide his identity from others after Wanxiang Group acquired Yong'an Bank.

The purpose is to clarify the relationship between the two parties.

Lest the two companies become too powerful in the future and cause people to be wary, not many insiders know that Wanxiang Group and Yongan Bank actually belong to the same person.

And that person is Su Can.

If Wanxiang Group had not done that and revealed that Su Can was the boss behind the scenes, Yongan Bank would also be in the headlines now.

Because Wanxiang Group is the parent company of Yongan Bank.

As the big boss behind the Vientiane Group, Su Can is naturally also the big boss of Yongan Bank, which will make this even more sensational.

However, it is obvious that because of the original split, many people did not notice Yongan Bank, and the news this time did not involve Yongan Bank.

In those financial news, there was no mention of Wing On Bank.

In addition to these, the same is true for Zhongheng Real Estate Group. Not long after the original acquisition, it was immediately sold to an offshore company.

And those companies were established in the name of Su Can.

Behind it, there are more than a dozen companies that control the equity in a criss-cross pattern. It looks extremely complicated and chaotic, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find out who the boss behind it is.

Only Su Can knew that in those so-called companies, the person who finally controlled all the equity was himself.

In previous lives, this was a common method used by large companies to control companies.


When Lu Qianshan heard the beautiful secretary's words, he stood up from the president's chair. His beautiful eyes widened with a shocked look.........

At this moment, Lu Qianshan felt in his heart.

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