"If someone didn't do it intentionally, no one would believe it."

Su Can whispered.........

"So, someone did this on purpose, putting me on the map and wanting to see my jokes? Or is it targeting the Vientiane Group?"

"However, no matter what kind, this person has ulterior motives, specifically targeting himself or the entire Wanxiang Group."

"Such people have extremely sinister thoughts."

Su Can peeled off the cocoon and restored the essence of the matter. He didn't like this feeling of being calculated. He deliberately hid behind the scenes and exposed the news to disgust him?

Or was it to target him? Wanxiang Group?

These are really insidious. They are simply behind the scenes, just like the Swan refrigerator of Guoqiang Electronics Factory.

That Saburo Koizumi is fanning the flames behind the scenes.

The purpose is to get rid of Guoqiang Electronics Factory's refrigerators. Refrigerator, which led to the bankruptcy of the entire Guoqiang Electronics Factory and its closure ever since.

These methods are all black methods.

The same is true now

"So who is this person?"

Su Can narrowed his eyes slightly and thought for a moment.

"Third brother, what to do?........"

Zhong Mingqiang looked at the thoughtful Su Can, bowed his body slightly, and asked

"How to do it?"

Su Can raised his head, looked at Zhong Mingqiang, and said,"Go find Da Fei and ask him to find out who gave such news to the major newspapers."

"Find out first and then deal with it!

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully:"It's the third brother!" I understand, I will go find Da Fei now and start investigating"


Su Can nodded slightly.

Although he is in the limelight now, it is not that easy to go directly to major newspapers to find the person who leaked the news. However

, at this juncture, everyone's eyes are on Wanxiang Group. With the big boss behind him, it is natural to investigate.

Moreover, no one will suspect Da Fei.

At that time, they will only think that it is themselves who entrusted Da Fei to handle this matter. They did not expect that this company Everything was under his control privately.

Su Can watched Zhong Mingqiang leave, holding the newspaper, and fell into deep thought.

At the same time, the explosive news brought by this news began to sweep through all walks of life in Hong Kong like a tornado..

Everyone was shocked.

You know, in the city of Xiangjiang, all the people participate in investing and buying stocks, almost with a little money, and countless people speculate in stocks..........

These people are much better at financial news than those in China.

Therefore, the sales volume of financial news newspapers has always been good, and tens of thousands of them are basically sold every day.

This morning, although it was misty and rainy, the drizzle was falling.

However, it is difficult to resist people going out to work, holding an umbrella, or even closer, no need to hold an umbrella at all.

This little drizzle won't make people's clothes wet at all.

"Big news! There is actually a big boss behind the Vientiane Group"


"How is that possible, is this today’s financial news?"

"show me!"

"Oh my God! It’s true that Zhang Man, the current president of Wanxiang Group, is not the big boss of this company, but someone else!"


"I dare say that this is the biggest news in Hong Kong this year."

"It must be! That's Wanxiang Group! One of the largest investment companies in Hong Kong actually has a big boss behind it"

"such a pity! Wanxiang Group is not listed. Otherwise, if you buy the shares of Wanxiang Group, you will make a lot of money today."

"If Vientiane Group were to go public, what would its market value be? And for such a big company, there is a big boss behind it, how terrifying that power is!"

"yes! The market value must be at least tens of billions......."

"By the way, didn’t Wanxiang Group acquire several listed companies?"

"yes! Buy shares of those companies."

In the streets and alleys, everyone who paid attention to financial news invariably learned about the news about Wanxiang Group. There was a lot of discussion everywhere.

Almost all the people in Xiangjiang knew about the news early in the morning, and then started In the midst of a crazy discussion.

Of course, what is directly proud of is that when the Xiangjiang real estate crashed, Wanxiang Group bought a large number of various properties.

Among them, it also acquired several listed companies.

Although the market value is not very high, it is The market value is less than one billion, but after the news broke out today, these companies are undoubtedly the ones with the highest income.

However, it is not yet time to open the market. What height will the increase reach in the end?

In fact, , no one knows.

However, the skyrocketing is right.

And the most intuitive feeling about this matter is that many employees of major companies are whispering about this matter.

Vientiane Building, Vientiane Group is here The whole building is the office space of Wanxiang Group.

When the housing market in Xiangjiang collapsed, Wanxiang Group purchased this high-quality property. Now, the value of this building has increased several times..........

Zhang Man's motorcade stopped at the entrance of the Wanxiang Group Building. She got out of the car slowly, still wearing a professional suit. As the spokesperson of the Suit Witch, Zhang Man looked like this both at home and outside.

Maybe it was because I was too poor back then, so in order to get some business, I dressed like an insurance or property salesperson, dressed neatly, just to give others a good impression.

Over time, I got used to it.

She was very grateful that she met Su Can. If it hadn't been for him, maybe she would still be doing business in that leather bag company in her whole life.

Busy all day long for three meals a day.

There was life like this today.

Zhang Man walked towards the company. When he saw Zhang Man, some people in Wanxiang Group who were whispering suddenly stopped.

"Hello, President!"

"Hello Mr. Zhang"

"boss Zhang!"

They all followed Zhang Man to say hello, but when they said hello, their eyes were not only respectful, but also full of surprise and amazement.

Zhang Man glanced over and frowned slightly.

What's going on?

She felt the huge company. , actually exuding a strange and non-existent aura, and those people seemed to be looking at him very strangely.

This made Zhang Man feel puzzled.

"Why do I feel that the news is fake? Mr. Zhang is the big boss of our Wanxiang Group. There must be no big boss behind the scenes of our Wanxiang Group........"

At this moment, a distant whisper came.

Zhang Man's expression changed. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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