Su Can didn't think so much, and then went to bed to sleep.

It was midnight.

Suddenly, the cold wind howled outside the window, and sporadic drizzle fell slowly. The entire Xiangjiang River felt like winter overnight.

This is the cold air moving southward, cooling down Hong Kong.

Su Can, who was sleeping, was completely unaware.

The next day, when Su Can got up, he looked at the dark room and felt that the climate today was much colder than last night.........


After sneezing, Su Can raised his head and looked at the clock hanging in the room.


Su Can looked at the time and was slightly surprised.


At this moment, the sound of washing was heard in the bathroom.

Su Can stood up, and someone walked out of the bathroom. It was Huang Manyu who was already fully dressed.

"Why did you get up so early? Huang

Manyu said with a smile when she saw Su Can getting up so early.

"I don’t know why, but I got up a little early today."Su Can smiled, but in fact, the reason was more. He just felt a little uneasy, as if something was about to happen.

However, after thinking about it, combined with the memories of his previous life, Su Can felt that this year, it didn't seem to happen. It was too big. What's going on! However

, this feeling still made him get up early.

"Why don't you take a nap? Huang Manyu smiled and said:"It seems to have cooled down today. It is drizzling outside, the sky is cloudy, and the wind has become very cold.""

"Yeah? Cooling down?"

Su Can stood up and walked to the window


Opening the curtains, it was really dark outside. Drizzle was falling from the sky, and the ground and the woods outside were already stained.

Watching the cool breeze blowing by, you could see the big trees rustling, and you could feel it. It's a little chilly when we get outside

"Um! It seems the temperature has dropped, please wear more clothes."

Su Can said with a smile.,

"It's okay, I'm dressed!"

Huang Manyu felt warm when she heard Su Can's concern and explained.

"Then wait for me. I won’t go back to sleep. It’s rare to get up early. I’ll go wash up and have breakfast with you.........."

Su Can smiled


Huang Manyu said with a smile.

Su Can actually rarely had the opportunity to have breakfast with her, because as the person in charge of HSBC Hong Kong, Huang Manyu had to get up early to go to work except on days off.

After all, she is a woman. In addition to normal washing and dressing In addition to clothes, I also wear makeup, so I get up faster than ordinary people.

And here, it is a bit far from HSBC Bank, and it takes more than half an hour to take a car.

So, after breakfast, at eight o'clock, I have to take a car to HSBC Bank. , usually she gets up at seven o'clock in the morning.

Su Can, on the other hand, always takes it a little slower.

Except on days off, they usually don't even have breakfast together.

"Then wait for me!"

Su Can smiled and went immediately.

Then, the two of them smiled and headed downstairs.

When they arrived downstairs, they did not see Wang Qiang and Wang Su. It seemed that they had not gotten up yet, and at the dining table, The steaming breakfast was already laid out.

Su Can took a look and found that Huang Manyu usually had a fixed time for breakfast when she got up in the morning, and the servants were also ready.

"You guys go down........"

Su Can looked at the servants waiting at the table and asked them to go down

"It's Mr. Su!"

After hearing Su Can's words, the two servants went down.

When Su Can was eating, he didn't like to have a servant beside him. He felt that eating like this would lose the flavor of fireworks.

Many times, such as making meals or something, he would It's better to come

"Come, I'll make you a bowl of porridge."

Su Can picked up the bowl, watched Huang Manyu sit down, and personally made porridge for Huang Manyu.

The porridge was made with scallops. The porridge was fragrant and sweet. It also contained seasoned beef and some fresh shrimps.

It can be said that this pot of porridge was cooked very well.

In addition to the casserole porridge, there are also several exquisite breakfast items, such as Shaomai and several steamed pork ribs, which are all particularly exquisite.

Su Can made the porridge and put it in In front of Huang Manyu


Huang Manyu looked at the porridge in front of her and smiled sweetly at Su Can. She felt very happy. It was very sweet, just like eating honey.

"Drink it quickly! The weather is a bit cold now, and the porridge gets cold easily."

Su Can instructed


Huang Manyu drank porridge. She often drank this porridge, but she never felt that today's bowl of porridge was so sweet.

She couldn't help but drink one more bowl..........

"Drink it well! Huang

Manyu said with a smile.

"Um!"Seeing Huang Manyu's appetite, Su Can was also very happy.

The two of them ate for about twenty minutes, and the breakfast was over.

"I have to go to work, otherwise it will be late."

Huang Manyu looked outside, and the motorcade was already parked in the yard.

Su Can looked at it, nodded slightly, and said,"Yeah! Go for it! I'll take you out to the car. Huang

Manyu shook her little head and said:"No, it's raining outside and the yard is a bit dirty. It will be a little troublesome for you to come back after you go out!""


Looking at the sensible Huang Manyu, Su Can nodded.

Su Can watched Huang Manyu walk out of the hall. Soon the female bodyguard opened it with a big umbrella, blocked Huang Manyu from underneath, and walked to the car in the yard.


Another female security guard who was parked at the door opened the door. Huang Manyu got in and waved goodbye to Su Can.


Soon, the car door closed and the car slowly left.

Watching the car slowly leave, Su Can sat on the sofa and narrowed his eyes slightly, because he felt that the uneasy emotion was still permeating his mind.........

This feeling hasn't dissipated yet


Su Can frowned slightly. This was the first time since his rebirth that he felt this feeling lingering around him for so long.

It was like a tarsal maggot.

"what happened?"

Su Can was slightly confused.

"Third brother, something big happened!"

At this moment, Zhong Mingqiang suddenly ran in from outside, holding a stack of newspapers in his hand, looking at Su Can and said loudly

"What's up? Panicked?"

Su Can frowned slightly.

Zhong Mingqiang is a calm person. Normally, if nothing big happened, Su Can knew that he would not be like this.

But now that Zhong Mingqiang is so panicked, something big must have happened.

Could this be this?

Su Can thought about something that made him feel uneasy since late last night.........

"Third brother, your identity has been exposed."

When Zhong Mingqiang heard Su Can's words, he raised the pile of newspapers in his hand and lost his voice. ps Please subscribe

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