After a while, the call was connected

"Hello, are you the editor-in-chief of Financial Weekly? I'm going to break some big news!"

Cangtian Yingluo heard the call was connected and immediately said:"If you hang up the phone now, you will regret it tomorrow."

"What is it, you say?"

An impatient voice came from over there.........

Cangtian Yingluo said in a deep voice:"I want to break the news about the big boss behind Wanxiang Group"

"What, there is a big boss behind Wanxiang Group?"

The person over there shuddered and said.

Nowadays, who in the whole of Xiangjiang doesn't know that Zhang Man, the three beauties and domineering presidents of Xiangjiang, is the founder and legal person of Wanxiang Group.

In the past few years, Wanxiang Group has grown in the huge city of Xiangjiang. It has created shocking miracles one after another, shocking the financial world.

But now, someone suddenly told me that Zhang Man is not the boss of this company, but just a spokesperson, and there is a mysterious big boss behind him.

How is it possible?

He couldn't believe it, because no one had presided over the work of Wanxiang Group in the past few years!

Those were all managed by Zhang Man himself.

Because they had also offered high prices to buy Wanxiang Group. But there is really no other news to sell.

For example, the big boss behind the Vientiane Group shocked the whole of Hong Kong.

How did the person on the other side of the phone know?

"Don't make such a joke. How is this possible? If Wanxiang Group has a big boss, how come it hasn't been exposed for so many years since the company is so big?........"

The editor-in-chief sarcastically said

"I don’t care if you believe it or not. What I’m telling you is that there is a big boss behind the Wanxiang Group. Others call him Mr. Su. He is the real big boss of the Wanxiang Group. Believe it or not, You will find out if you publish this news tomorrow."

Cangtian Yingluo didn't give the newspaper editor any time to think. After she finished speaking, she continued:"In addition, I will tell this news to all the financial news in Xiangjiang. If you want to be the first Report by hand, as soon as possible!"

After saying that, she hung up the phone.

Then she found another phone number and started dialing.

These were the phone numbers she had been paying attention to during this period of time in Xiangjiang, and she even wanted to log in at one point. Report to look for Mr. Su.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to get so many phone numbers in one night.


The call came over and the call got through in a short while.

"who are you?"

An impatient voice sounded on the other side of the phone.

"Don't worry about who I am, I'm going to tell you big news now, just listen."Cangtian Yingluo didn't wait for the other party to finish, and said directly:"The real big boss of Wanxiang Group is not Zhang Man, but someone else behind the scenes. That person is called Mr. Su.........."

"Don’t ask why. Now you are the first member of the financial media to get this news. If you don’t believe it, you don’t have to publish this news."

"However, I think all the media in Hong Kong will publish this news tomorrow. If your newspaper does not publish it, you will miss this feast."

After saying that, Cangtian Yingluo hung up the phone.

She knew that this was also the case, the more the other party would believe it.

Moreover, even if she didn't believe it and thought it was a prank, she would have made so many phone calls and contacted so many media.

By then, there must be a media that publishes this news!

This is the purpose of Cangtian Yingluo. As long as any newspaper publishes it, it will cause shock to the financial community in Hong Kong.

She then continued to call and called seven more times. Eight calls were made, and a total of nearly ten news media were contacted.

"Sorry, your phone has no credit."

At the end, Cangtian Yingluo's cell phone rang with a no-cost notification, and she slowly stopped.

These days, although Xiaomi mobile phones have come out, the communication fee is not cheap. After a month, there are not many It cost hundreds to thousands, which she couldn't afford.

Not to mention, she also made a long-distance call.

This made her mobile phone bill finally gone after making these calls.

"idiot! Cangtian

Yingluo cursed loudly and said:"Forget it, after making so many calls, some media will probably publish it. That's enough."........." at the same time.

The editors-in-chief of several major financial news in Hong Kong got the news and became alarmed.

Although they thought the call might be a prank, there were too many things that caught the news.

Not to mention, what the other party said was true. that's enough.

The editors-in-chief immediately took action, and as it approached twelve o'clock, they began to frantically call on the newspaper editors to work overtime.

This caused an undercurrent to flow throughout the financial news community in Hong Kong, like an unstoppable volcano about to erupt violently. escape garden

"Ah! Ah!"

Dun Yiyuan.

After taking a hot bath, Su Can suddenly couldn't help sneezing several times in a row.

"what happened? Got a cold? Huang

Manyu looked at Su Can with concern and said

"It's okay, you should go to bed early! It's past eleven o'clock........"Su Can looked at Huang Manyu, smiled and said.

After he and Zhang Man separated from the Ship King, he sent Zhang Man back to Zhang Man's home after the episode of Cangtian Yingluo.

Moreover, Zhang Man was reminded of the security issue.

Afterwards, we returned to Dunyi Garden.

He took a shower, and when he sneezed suddenly, Su Can suddenly had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

However, after thinking about it, there were no signs.

Facing Huang Manyu, he comforted her a few times

"Um! Then I'll go to bed first."

Huang Manyu looked at Su Can and nodded slightly. After all, she was pregnant, so it was not suitable for her to go to bed too late.

Today, it was Huang Manyu's last night of sleep. Normally, she would have fallen into sleep at this time.

"Go to sleep!"

Su Can smiled slightly.

Seeing Huang Manyu lying down, Su Can turned off the headlights, leaving only a dim light in the room.

The uneasy feeling became a little stronger again.

"what happened?"

Su Can felt in his heart that something might really happen, but for now, he doesn't know yet.

"Forget it, don’t think too much."

Su Can then shook his head. No matter what big thing happened, it was nothing unstoppable to him.........

If he wanted to stop it, it would be too easy.

Afterwards, he fell into sleep, forming a sharp contrast with the current undercurrent of Xiangjiang's financial news world. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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