The two of them looked at Su Can in shock. They couldn't believe that Su Can was really going to enter the iron ore industry.

"Mr. Su, the iron ore industry is about to enter a trough now. It is really unwise to enter now!"The Ship King was shocked and quickly persuaded.

Zhang Man followed up:"Boss, the Ship King is in charge of one of the seven largest shipping companies in the world. Especially with the investment of our Wanxiang Group and the three billion loan from Yong'an Bank, it is vague. It became the world's largest shipping company......."

"His judgment on the iron ore industry is undoubtedly the most accurate, probably even more accurate than those of the ore companies."

"It would be unwise to enter now!"

She also persuaded.

Su Can looked at the persuasion of Ship King and Zhang Man and understood their thoughts very well. Their judgment may be said to be the thoughts of the top people in the world.

However, they did not A great vision.

This kind of vision can only be seen by Su Can in two lifetimes, because he experienced all that in his previous life.

But they did not.

Their judgment on iron ore was put aside Any top financial company in the world will worship classic prophecies.

However, they can only see the five years in front of them, but Su Can has seen the changes in the entire world in the next few decades.

For the five years During the years, their operation was correct.

However, in the next few decades, Su Can's decision-making will be even more correct. In other words, it does not take the next few decades, but only the next seven or eight years to witness. I can see how far-sighted Su Can’s decision was.

"You two can be said to be the best in the world in your judgment of iron ore."

Su Can admitted.


Hearing Su Can's words, the Ship King frowned slightly.

Zhang Man felt a little happy because the boss praised him, which made Zhang Man feel particularly sweet in his heart........

At this time, Su Can suddenly said:"However, your judgment will be correct within the next five years, and my choice will be the change of the world pattern in the next few decades.""


When the Ship King heard this, he suddenly took a breath of cold air, and looked at Su Can in shock as if a huge wave was rising in his heart.

In his life, he had never felt as shocked as he did at this moment.

How is it possible?

After saying those words, the Ship King was shocked and thought to himself: Impossible, how could someone see it so far away! What will happen decades later?

How could it be?

The Ship King was dumbfounded. He has lived for more than seventy years. But I have never seen anyone with such a long-term vision.

If what Mr. Su said is true, then this is too awesome, right?

Zhang Man looked at Su Can in shock. She might have made up her mind, even if It was his boss who created huge miracles in front of him.

One miracle after another appeared in front of his eyes.

However, for Zhang Man, those miracles, the boss's judgment was also about a certain market in the next few years. What a change!

And now, he actually said decades?

Oh my God!

How is this possible?

Zhang Man also felt shocked in her heart. It was unimaginable that the boss really exceeded her imagination this time and broke his cognition........

Looking at the stunned Ship King and Zhang Man, Su Can leaned back on his chair and did not speak, but waited for the two of them to calm down.

"Mr. Su, please let me know."

After a while, the ship king exhaled a long breath and said.

Zhang Man also took a deep breath, calmed down, and looked at Su Can.

Su Can smiled and said:"At present, the iron ore transaction will be in the future. Within a few years, it has reached the bottom, but at this time, a super huge emerging market will appear, which will have a stimulating effect on the iron ore market."

"Even more than half of the transaction volume of the future iron ore market will be determined by that emerging market."

"By then, because of the rise of this market, the iron ore market size will reach an unprecedented peak, and prices will also rise all the way."

The ship king heard Su Can's words and asked doubtfully:"Master Su, that emerging market can have such a powerful propulsion force!"


Zhang Mandai frowned slightly and looked at Su Can curiously.

Su Can smiled and said:"Mainland!"

"What? How can it be?"

The ship king was shocked when he heard this. The answer Su Can said was simply beyond his imagination. He had never thought that the mainland would become such a big emerging market.


Zhang Man was also completely dumbfounded and exclaimed.

You know, Xiangjiang and Pengcheng are separated by a wall. Pengcheng can be seen from Xiangjiang, and Pengcheng is the fastest growing city in the mainland..........

Although it has only been a few years, it has already reached the scale of a first-class city in the mainland.

However, in the eyes of Zhang Man, Ship Wang and others, such a so-called first-class city is still too backward and does not have much economic potential.

Even Pengcheng is like this. How can the mainland have such a big push for the iron ore industry in the future? impossible!

The ship king shook his head.

Zhang Man couldn't believe it either.

Su Can smiled and said:"Ship King, what do you think we Chinese people are most passionate about once we make money?""

"Of course it’s land and houses!"

When the Ship King heard this, he immediately blurted out.

He is a person who has survived from the old times, and his hometown is in the mainland. He came to Xiangjiang from the mainland to develop.

Of course, the Ship King knows the feelings of the Chinese people.

Put it aside In the old days, when a family got rich, they didn’t buy a few acres of fertile land and build a bright and beautiful house!

But now, many people in Xiangjiang are like this.

Although they no longer farm, they work to make money, and people from all walks of life , but the kind of inheritance in people's bones has never changed.

That is, when you make money, buy more properties.

In Xiangjiang, there are only a few rich people. They don't buy more properties as investment, but It’s not about putting money in the bank.

This is the inheritance in the bones of the entire nation........

"Ship King, do you know how many people there are in the mainland? If such a large population of one billion develops and their pursuit of land and houses is deep in their hearts, this will create an explosion in the real estate industry! Su

Can said in a deep voice:"Not to mention anything else, as long as one family has one apartment, then a billion people, taking a family of five as an example, would require at least 200 million houses. How many buildings would that be?" , how much reinforced concrete is required?" ps Please subscribe

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