When the Ship King heard this, his eyes lit up.

He understood the meaning of Su Can's words, that is to say, Wanxiang Group is the second largest shareholder of Wharf. If something happens to Wharf, Wanxiang Group will not sit idly by and do nothing........

Wanxiang Group won't ignore it, so doesn't it mean that he, Su Can, won't ignore it?

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Su very much!"

The ship king smiled and said

"Ship King is welcome!"

Su Can was thanked by the Ship King.

He, Su Can, could afford this thank you, because it undoubtedly gave the Ship King an affirmation, that is, after a hundred years, Su Can, for his sake, would treat Wharf He will also take care of one or two.

Moreover, he also affirmed the decision of the current shipping king.

You know, the largest and second largest shareholders of Wharf have reached an agreement, and the combined shares they control exceed 100%. More than sixty.

Other shareholders can't do anything at all.

"Ship King, let’s have something to eat first!"

Su Can turned over thistopic, picked up the menu, handed it to the Ship King and said with a smile


The Ship King smiled and said:"The taste of this store is very good. Mr. Zhang is very good at choosing places.""

"Ha ha! Zhang

Man laughed and said:"Ship King is a gourmand. Our boss invites you to dinner. You must prepare a place where the food tastes delicious.""

"Got it!"

The Ship King laughed.

Several people started ordering, and one person ordered two or three dishes. The three of them ordered not a lot, only about seven dishes and one soup. After a while, the dishes came.

Su Can and the Ship King She changed glasses and drank a few more glasses.

Zhang Man accompanied her. Seeing that the boss did not get into the topic, she was slightly curious about what the boss said yesterday.

She was somewhat looking forward to it. After all, this project was handed over to Wanxiang Group. Made it.

At this time, after three rounds of drinking.

Su Sanduo drank two glasses and felt warm all over and a little tipsy. The feeling of drunkenness at this time was very good.

"Ship King, I’ll tell you the truth, I’m inviting you over for dinner this time because I have a cooperation project that I want to talk to you about........."

Su Can put down his wine glass and said straight to the point.

As soon as the ship king heard Su Can talk about business, he also put down his wine glass and said with a smile:"Young Master Su, there is no need to be polite between us. I have orders. Just say it. Although I am old, I can still do some things." I'm here. I hope I can help you a little bit."


Zhang Man was secretly surprised when she heard this. The Ship King took his attitude to the extreme, and her attitude was similar to Zhang Man's when she faced her boss Su Can.

However, their identities were different.

Zhang Man originally They are the subordinates of Su Can. The Ship King is different. He started from scratch and established a huge business. He is a well-known business tycoon in the Chinese circle.

Coupled with his age, among the business tycoons in the entire circle, who would not give the Ship King How thin!

And now, in front of his boss Su Can, is he actually like this?

To tell the truth, Li Chaoren and Mr. Guo from Southeast Asia will probably be shocked, dumbfounded and unbelievable!

Su Can looked at the Ship King , smiled bitterly, the ship king gave him a lot of face!

"Ship King, I wonder what you think of the iron ore industry?"

Su Can opened his mouth and said in a deep voice.

"Iron ore?"

Hearing Su Can's words, the shipowner frowned slightly, and then said:"At present, the world's iron ore trading market seems to have entered a slow growth stage, and there is a downward trend."


Su Can looked at the Ship King and nodded.

The shipping king continued:"The main reason is that with the industrial transfer in Europe and the United States, and the rise of the Four Asian Tigers, it has also come to an end. Many American countries have begun to deindustrialize and develop the tertiary industry."

"In addition, in the automobile industry in recent years, except for cars from island countries, the sales volume of cars from other countries seems not to be very good!"

"Therefore, iron ore will fall sharply in the future."

Hearing what the Ship King said, Zhang Man followed up and said:"Yes, currently in the futures market, the price of iron ore has begun to fluctuate downward. If nothing happens, it will fall a lot in the past two years."

"What you said is correct!"

Su Can nodded slightly and agreed.

Indeed, as the economic development of developed countries has reached a stage of stagnation, many developing countries in Southeast Asia and the Americas are developing the tertiary industry in order to deindustrialize, resulting in an urgent need for iron ore. has dropped a lot.

As for the Four Asian Tigers, which have reached the end of their development, although there is still a big market, it is still limited by geography.

In other words, the place is too small, and there is not much iron ore available in such a small area. Iron ore cannot be restored at all.

In addition, with the rise of the island country's automobile industry, the European and American automobile industry has suffered a setback, and the iron ore required has become even scarcer.

These are the general trends of future development.

Unless, there is Emerging markets will rise on a large scale in the next ten years. Otherwise, the price of iron ore will fall to the bottom.........

And Su Can knew where this market was.

It's just that no one knows

"These are all factors that exist objectively!"Su Can said with a smile.

"What, is Mr. Su going to enter this industry?"

The Ship King suddenly realized it.

Zhang Man was also shocked when he heard this and said:"Boss, please don't! At present, this market is almost saturated. The Red Ocean era has passed. If you enter now, you will not make any money at all, but you will be trapped in it."

"Mr. Zhang is right!"

Ship King also nodded deeply and agreed with Zhang Man's words.

As one of the world's major shipping companies, Ship King's cargo ships have encountered many problems transporting iron ore. On the contrary, too many, too many.

For In fact, Ship King is much more sensitive to the changes in the iron ore market than others.

From the volume of freighter transportation, we can feel whether the industry is growing, slowing down or shrinking.

Ship King has this question For large-scale transportation, you don’t need to call the company to check. You can know exactly what is going on.

Because this kind of large-scale transportation is a very important business of Wharf. If there are any changes in the big business, what will happen to the shipping king? Don't you know?

"Indeed, the world's current market judgments on iron ore are similar to those of you two."Su Can raised the corner of his mouth and said with a confident smile.

"However, I feel that this is an excellent opportunity for us to enter this industry.........."

Su Can said domineeringly


When the ship king heard this, he was stunned.


Zhang Man was dumbfounded. ps Please subscribe Please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect and recommend

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