"Um! Yeah, just showing our goodwill to Sauter right now."

Su Can is very satisfied. Zhang Man has a very flexible mind. Basically, whenever Su Can says anything, Zhang Man can instantly understand what Su Can means.

This saves a lot of words.

Su Can feels that it is very convenient to tell Zhang Man to do things. easy.........

He continued:"When we express goodwill, we should not be too enthusiastic, just a light appreciation is enough."

"Boss, I understand. Zhang

Man nodded and smiled:"Apart from making friends with Sauter, I think we are okay and have shown a little bit of our strength.""

"Ha ha!"

When Su Can heard this, a bright smile appeared on his face.

Zhang Man drew inferences and told what Su Can was thinking. It is true that when he comes into contact with Sauter, he can show some financial resources.

As long as Sauter can know, When he is desperate, or even when the company is about to go bankrupt or be acquired by a competitor, there is another company that may be able to save him.

Then, he will come to Wanxiang Group. This kind of proactive approach is simply unreasonable. It is easier to negotiate terms.

Because by that time, Sauter has come with the idea of ​​seeking medical treatment in a desperate condition. No matter what Vientiane Group does by then, Sauter will be extremely grateful.

Not to mention, let his real estate company be rescued.!

At the same time, far across the ocean, a skyscraper


A middle-aged man in his forties sneezed several times in succession. He frowned slightly and looked at the financial report in front of him.

Last year, the company had a problem with a project, causing the capital chain to be broken. Suppliers come to your door one after another to pursue payment for goods.........

If, after this month, the problem cannot be solved, then his company will be sued and the assets will eventually be auctioned to pay off the goods.

It even went bankrupt as a result.

Therefore, he had to sell a Gulfstream private jet that he had reserved for several years and only got it this year.

That plane only had a few dozen hours of flying time, but now, he had to sell it just to raise funds to get the company through this crisis.

"I don’t know if the company in Xiangjiang was scared away and refused to buy my private jet because the price I quoted was too high."

"In fact, I think the price can be lower."

As one of the top 30 real estate tycoons in the United States and a rich man on the Forbes rich list, Sauter is now on the verge of bankruptcy.

He knows that this is because he was too crazy and aggressive and was suppressed by some real estate companies, which led to If such a crisis cannot be overcome, the company will go bankrupt.

Now, he only hopes that the Gulfstream private jet can be sold early, so that he can get the money early and use it Come and get through this crisis.

Sauter was praying to God in his heart.

Taipingshan, Escape Garden.......

At this time, Su Can and Zhang Man were still on the phone and did not hang up because of this.

"Zhang Man, there is one more thing you need to do."

Su Can said.

"Boss, if there is anything else you can do, just ask me!"

Zhang Man asked with a particularly curious tone.

But he thought to himself: Usually the boss is a hands-off shopkeeper who doesn't care about almost anything in the Wanxiang Group.

But today, the boss has given him orders again and again.

Why is this? ?

Zhang Man was puzzled in his heart. Today is indeed beyond the past. It seems that similar things have never happened before.

Su Can smiled and said:"It's not a big deal, but I want you to contact the Ship King. That's it." He said that I came to Xiangjiang and wanted to treat him to dinner when I had time, and talk about cooperation by the way!"

"Ship king?"

Zhang Man was slightly surprised when he heard this, and then smiled heartily and said:"Boss, it's not difficult to contact the Ship King for an invitation. I know that the Ship King seems to have not left Xiangjiang during this period."

"If he knew you were coming to Xiangjiang and invited you, he would probably be happy to agree and would not refuse."

"Boss, you have to know that during this period, the Ship King often asked me if you have come to Xiangjiang. If you come, you must tell him........"

Ship king?

Su Can listened and smiled slightly.

He came to Xiangjiang several times this year, but he never found the Ship King. He asked the Ship King many times if he was in Xiangjiang.

Su Can knew exactly who the Ship King was.

He is already old, and his properties will be handed over to his descendants in the future, so he is planning ahead.

Among them, the purpose is to make more friends with Su Can.

In this way, even if the Ship King is under Su Can's care a hundred years later, the industries under the Ship King's banner will not be in great crisis even if their descendants are mismanaged.

After all, he is already in his seventies, and how old is Su Can?

When he met Su Can, Su Can was only in his twenties. At that time, he still had at least fifty or sixty years to run in shopping malls.

This is the scariest place.

After all, in his twenties, Su Can was already doing something bigger and more terrifying than what he had done in his entire business life.

Therefore, after getting to know Su Can, Ship King Duoduo made friends with Su Can, and even Su Can's Wanxiang Group allowed him to invest in Wharf.........

You know, it was Mr. Li Chaoren, Mr. Zheng, Mr. Guo and others, and he didn't even give them shares.

And Su Can directly became the second largest shareholder.

It has to be said that Ship King's investment was very costly. Even after Su Can found out about it, he would still invest it with great difficulty.

Because Su Can knew that the Ship King was trying to please him.

And this kind of easy thing is not a big problem for Su Can, so why not do it! too easy

"Well, you can make an appointment with the Ship King and see if he has time to meet with me within this month."Su Can nodded slightly and ordered.

He will take Huang Manyu back to Yanjing City to celebrate the New Year at the beginning of next month. By next month, there will basically be no time.

If he wants to meet the Ship King, it must be this month

"Boss, I understand, but boss, I want to ask you something!" Zhang Man's soft voice came, and she said with a pleading tone.

"What's up? Su

Can smiled.

Zhang Man seemed to pause for a moment, took a deep breath, and seemed to have mustered up a lot of courage, and said,"Boss, can we, Wanxiang Group, handle this project with Ship King?""

Hearing Zhang Man's words, Su Can smiled..........

Does this girl feel a sense of crisis?

After all, the current Yong'an Bank is Lu Qianshan, who was once the second-in-command of Wanxiang Group and was once a subordinate of Zhang Man.

Now, Yong'an Bank has acquired Standard Chartered Bank and has become a leader in the financial industry. It has been in the limelight for a while. Does Zhang Man also feel the crisis? ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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