"Boss, it’s about the private jet!"

Zhang Man smiled sweetly and said


Su Can replied with one word.

Zhang Man didn't think she had made her boss angry because of Su Can's simple answer, but she knew that her boss Su Can was that kind of person.

He is too lazy.

It can be said that I am so lazy that Wanxiang Group has been established for so many years, and the number of times the big boss Su Can has come to the company can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Really too lazy.

Zhang Man rolled his eyes helplessly and said to Su Can on the other side of the phone:"Boss, we found a private jet, which was sold by Mr. Sauter, the American real estate tycoon."

"He customized this aircraft with Gulfstream. It cost about 130 million Hong Kong dollars to customize it. Among private jets, it is very large and luxurious."

"Because the capital chain for a real estate project in the United States was cut off. He had just purchased this aircraft, and the flight hours were onlyThe ten-hour private jet had to be sold off to solve his capital chain problem."

Zhang Man explained.

"American real estate tycoon!"

When Su Can heard this, his expression changed.

His first concern was this person's identity, not the private plane, because he was somewhat interested in this person's identity.

Real estate tycoon!

"Yes, he is a local real estate tycoon. Although he cannot be among the top ten real estate tycoons in the United States, he is ranked more than 20......."

Zhang Man knew this person's information very well and explained.

Su Can smiled and said:"His private plane has only flown for fifty hours. It is a very brand-new private plane. In other words, it has only taken off a few times.""

"Yes, boss, so I think such a private jet that has only flown for dozens of hours can be purchased even though it is second-hand."

Zhang Man said with a smile

"OK, this private jet can be purchased.

Su Can smiled and said,"But you should pay more attention to that Sauter!""

"Boss, what do you say? Zhang Man asked curiously.

Su Can smiled and said,"That may be a key that can enter the real estate industry in America and even Europe.""

"Boss, do you want to invest in Sauter?"

Zhang Manhui was so excited that she suddenly thought of Su Can's idea.

Suddenly, she was overjoyed.

You know, although the Wanxiang Group's Qianfen Investment Company has completely entered the Merrill Lynch market.

However, that is only in terms of the Internet.

As for the world's largest company, there is no such big company, and I don't want my company to break into a new world.

Zhang Man may be excited. As soon as she said it, she immediately thought of Su Can’s idea

"That's right!"Su Can admitted openly and said

"Sauter is one of the top 20 real estate tycoons in the United States. In fact, such a person is said to be at the top of the industry, but he is not considered to be the top of the industry. Instead, he is just above average."

"Such companies are most vulnerable to attacks from other major real estate companies, because no one wants a new major real estate company to appear in the top pyramid.........."

Originally, the pie in the entire market was just that big.

Those who share the cake are those people who usually occupy a large share. If a new person appears and wants to share the share with them, these people will definitely not be happy.

Therefore, the company in this position is the most embarrassing and the most vulnerable to being hit by other companies. That Sot's capital chain is broken.

Maybe, it's not a coincidence.

Otherwise, Sauter would not sell his newly purchased private jet without flying dozens of hours. This is unacceptable to anyone.

This is an opportunity.

Zhang Man was secretly shocked when he heard Su Can's words.

The boss is so awesome.

Is that human being? Simply divine.

This thinking is so monstrous. He actually thought of selling the private jet from Sauter and found a door to enter the market.

Zhang Man was secretly horrified, feeling as if the boss was standing next to Sauter and witnessing everything that happened to Sauter.

Su Can didn't see Zhang Man's shock and continued his analysis:"So, Sauter's capital chain was broken, not by accident, but by a man. In order to keep the company alive, he had to sell his newly purchased Gulfstream private jet"

"However, he believes that the sale of his Gulfstream private jet will provide a large sum of money to revitalize the company."

"I'm afraid, he didn't expect that his company was on the verge of bankruptcy for the first time, so the second time wouldn't be too far away."

"Boss, you mean?"

Zhang Man's expression lit up.


Su Can smiled.

He didn't say anything directly, but Zhang Man said that. Su Can believed that Zhang Man understood what he meant, because what he said was too obvious.

Anyone with any brains will almost know what Su Can is going to say.


When Zhang Man heard this, she suddenly took a breath of cold air, and she said in surprise:"If we do that, Sauter will probably be extremely grateful to us for the rest of his life. Su

Can smiled and said:"When a person is on the verge of bankruptcy many times, no one can help him, and even the bank has closed the door to rescue him, when we show up, he feels like God has come in person."

"When the time comes, Sauter will become our most loyal spokesperson and give us an amazing reward."

Su Can is very confident about his understanding of human nature.

And the source of all this is mostly caused by money.

There are not many things in this world that money can't solve. If it really can't be solved, then explain the money. Too little.

As for Su Can, the most important thing is money.

"Boss, I understand what you mean."

Zhang Man was excited and very happy.

If he could really control a Meili real estate company and enter this industry, it would be a very important thing for Wanxiang Group.

After all, if you want to establish a company, in In a mature market, it is too difficult to start from scratch.

Now, Sauter's real estate company is the best choice.

And the difficulties he faces are a good opportunity for Wanxiang Group to get involved , once you get it, everything will be perfect.........

"I will have people follow up on Sauter's company at all times. When he is finally desperate, we will take action to take down Sauter's company and make him willing to become our spokesperson."

Zhang Man said excitedly.

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