
Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang took a breath, looked at Su Can in shock, and said:"Third brother, these moves are so good!"

He felt that the third brother was really generous.........

Whether it's rewards for cracking down on human traffickers or rewards for reporting, these are all generous rewards.

If this was done, no one would dare to cheat.

Not to mention that no one will show up. After collecting the money, they can just lie down and collect the money without doing anything. They will earn more than a hundred yuan in free money every month.

Because, with the huge profits from reporting, who dares to be lazy?

If he dares to be lazy, he will be a target and can be reported and turned into a huge RMB.

Isn't this even more terrifying? What's even more terrifying is that the third brother will get a huge sum of money in return for reporting to other teams!

As much as five thousand yuan!

Such a large amount of money is already more than three or four times more than their basic salary, plus various subsidies.

If someone else is cheating, it may be because the entire team doesn't report it out of shame, but it's different for other teams.

That’s five thousand yuan, a huge sum of money!

Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men........

With this 5,000 yuan, other teams will definitely not tolerate you. They are really looking forward to seeing a few more people!

How could you not report it?

This kind of move perfectly avoids the possibility that many people are too lazy to do it.

Third brother is really good at it!

Zhong Mingqiang was secretly shocked. After thinking of Su Can's methods, he breathed a long sigh of relief and was no longer so worried.

He was afraid that if the whole thing he was responsible for ended up going in a bad direction, he would be sorry for his third brother even to death.

I'm so sorry for him.

That's why I'm so worried.

However, with these measures taken by Su Can, no one dares to be lazy and slippery anymore.

"Third brother is wise!"

Du Guofei also said:

"Dele! Su

Can narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile:"You two, don't be afraid of flattery. It's just a few small tricks. It's nothing.""


Zhong Mingqiang and Du Guofei looked at each other and smiled.

The third brother's flattery was exposed by the third brother! However, it seemed that the third brother was not angry, indicating that the flattery was pretty good.

Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang said:"Mingqiang, I'm going back later. I have something to do over there in the courtyard."

"I leave it to you to announce this matter and tell everyone what the rules and rewards are like."


Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang was slightly surprised and said:"Third brother, do you want me to announce this? They are all here now!"

"That’s right, it’s up to you."

Su Can nodded.

He estimated that Yang Daqian would be arriving soon at the Siheyuan. It was already around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Yesterday, Xu Zhengmao called and said that Yang Daqian would arrive from Xiangjiang this morning. I took a plane and came to Yanjing City to report to myself. By now, it was almost there.

After all, it only took a few hours to take a plane from Xiangjiang to Yanjing City, and it was almost there since early in the morning..........

"Third brother, can I do it?"

Zhong Mingqiang said with some uncertainty.

"Even if it doesn’t work, it has to work!"Su Can rolled his eyes and glared at Zhong Mingqiang.

Zhong Mingqiang did everything well. His only flaw was that he was afraid of doing things that would dissatisfy Su Can. He was afraid of doing things that would delay Su Can or affect him.

To put it nicely, it means being cautious.

However, although this has advantages, it also has disadvantages. Su Can left it all to him to handle this matter.

Finally, practice and practice.

Otherwise, how will the group's security department be in the future? Leave it to him?

"It's the third brother!"

Hearing Su Canqiang's words, Zhong Mingqiang took a long breath and said firmly.


After sitting for a while, Su Can looked at his watch, stood up, and said,"It's almost time. I'll leave the rest to you. I hope you won't let me down.""

"Third brother, I will definitely do this well. If I don’t do it well, you can fire me directly.........."

Zhong Mingqiang patted his chest and said as a guarantee.

He knows that the third brother attaches great importance to this matter. If this matter is not done well, Zhong Mingqiang will lose his face.

It’s even more embarrassing for the third brother!

The third brother entrusted this matter to Zhong Mingqiang, but Zhong Mingqiang didn't do it well. Wouldn't that have lost the third brother's face?

Third brother chose the wrong person?

If Zhong Mingqiang really disappoints his third brother, that will be the thing that Zhong Mingqiang regrets the most in his life.

Su Can smiled, reached out and patted Zhong Mingqiang gently, and said,"I believe you!"

After saying that, Su Can stepped out of the hall.

At this time, the hundreds of people in the hall were still eating, but they were not drinking. They were making a lot of noise, as if they were all eating.

Everyone was picking at the rice in their bowls and didn't notice Su Can and the others walking out.

Su Can looked at it, smiled slightly, then walked to the door and walked out.

"Let's go! go back!"

Su Can came to the BMW business car and ordered

"It's the third brother!"

Du Guofei helped Su Can open the car door, and Su Can got in. There is nothing else in this car, but it is comfortable to sit in. It is low-key and luxurious with connotation, and high-end and classy.

This is a car that gives Su Can a luxurious Su Can doesn't want to change Bentleys, but Su Can doesn't lack any Bentleys.

Even Rolls-Royce, he has several Rolls-Royces in his garage in Xiangjiang!

Moreover, those cars are kept in the garage, because I haven't looked at it for a long time, and it has accumulated dust since I put it on it.

Su Can is too lazy to care about that.

After all, at his level, he can say that when he is poor, he only likes cars, and when he is poor, he also likes watches. A truly rich person, I never rely on these external objects to show my status.

These are already too vulgar........

Now, the only thing that can represent identity is airplanes!

However, Su Can wanted to buy it and was not short of money, but the country had not yet relaxed flight controls on private jets.

Moreover, there is no precedent.

Su Can could only wait any longer. After all, if you buy a private plane, traveling will be very convenient.

Besides, Su Can didn't lack the money to buy eight out of ten private jets. To him, the money was actually just small amounts of money.

It really doesn't matter. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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