"Get up, everyone! Don't kneel down, we are people of the new era, we don't do the same old things!"

Su Can looked at the kneeling Zhang Quan and others, and asked Zhong Mingqiang to help them up.

Su Can was still uncomfortable facing others kneeling and kowtow to thank them. After all, he was from the new era! How could he do that kind of thing.........

"Get up, you guys! Third brother doesn’t like this!"

Zhong Mingqiang helped Zhang Quan up and said to the two people next to him.

"Thank you, Third Brother!"

After Zhang Quan heard this, he immediately got up, looked at Su Can and said gratefully.

Su Can smiled lightly and said,"Dele, don't be polite, go sit down and eat! After eating later, I still have something to tell you!"

"yes! Zhang

Quan, Wang Zhenguo and Hu Yuejin said excitedly.

Su Can looked at it and said,"Let's go into the hall and talk for a while!""

"Third brother, please!"

When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he made an invitation gesture.

Su Can walked in front and came to the hall. Zhong Mingqiang immediately followed him, and quickly came to Su Can and wiped a chair for Su Can.

Su Can He smiled helplessly and then sat down

"Third Brother, what is the appropriate salary for these people?"Zhong Mingqiang saw Su Can sit down and asked.

"What do you think!"

Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang and asked.

He intended to train Zhong Mingqiang, because in the future, with his complete industrialization, Zhong Mingqiang will be the head of the security department of the group headquarters.

As a person in charge, in addition to personal After the military force is strong, it must have some thoughts of coordinating the general bureau.

"Third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang thought for a moment and said:"Nowadays, ordinary employees in state-owned enterprises only earn sixty or seventy yuan a month, and many of them are unemployed, and most of them work at home farming."

"I think everyone would be very satisfied with this treatment."

He was thinking about Su Can and gave it based on reality.

Don't look at security guards like them. The minimum annual income for a person is two or three thousand. If you follow the third brother on a trip to Xiangjiang or something like that, after one year, The total number is nearly 10,000.

However, they have been working with Third Brother for a long time.

This salary is only available to those who have worked with Third Brother for a long time. It is obviously unreasonable for others to get such a high salary when they come..

This will cause dissatisfaction among some people who have been working with Third Brother for a long time.

Especially among their brothers, in addition to them who are security guards, there are also a group of people working for Zhang Qiang!

These people are not treated as well as security guards. It’s high, but the monthly income is around a hundred yuan, which is much higher than ordinary workers.........

However, it's not too high.

Therefore, the salary of these newly recruited one hundred people cannot exceed

"What do you think of setting seventy, third brother?........."

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Su Can and said.

After hearing what Zhong Mingqiang said, Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang and was very satisfied with what he said. He had considered it carefully.

This can be considered from the perspective of both parties.

However, it's not perfect yet


Su Can smiled, nodded and said

"Yes, then I will make a charter and tell everyone about it then!"Zhong Mingqiang said with joy when he heard that Su Can approved his plan.

Compared with them, this seventy is very small.

However, this money is a very high income for them. , just like those brothers who work at home and farm, they can't make one or two hundred yuan in cash all year round. They just solve the problem of food and clothing all year round.

These are brothers in the low plains. If they are in the mountains, These are mountainous areas, and there is little land to grow crops.

It is really difficult to feed the whole family and provide food and clothing. Seventy yuan a month is enough. I guess no one will think that the money is short. For the third brother, that will be special. grateful........

"Don't worry!"

Su Can stopped Zhong Mingqiang and said with a smile:"In addition to the basic salary, we also need some subsidies!"


Zhong Mingqiang was stunned for a moment.

Su Can smiled lightly and said:"Their jobs are all outside. They have to travel all over the country and beat up trains and bus stations all over the country."

"Although many people return to their local provinces to do work, this also requires a lot of travel expenses as well as food and accommodation expenses."

"How about this!

Su Can thought for a moment and said:"In addition to the monthly salary of seventy yuan, plus the monthly meal subsidy, accommodation subsidy and transportation subsidy of fifty yuan, one person will cost one hundred yuan a month." twenty yuan"

"Third brother, so many? Zhong

Mingqiang said in surprise

"not much! Su

Can shook his head and said:"In addition, if every time a human trafficker gang is attacked and a child is rescued, the team will reward each person with five hundred yuan. If there are ten children in a human trafficker group, , that is, each person will be rewarded 5,000 yuan.........."


Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang couldn't help but take a breath. He never expected that the third brother would be so generous!

A team consists of about five people. If each person is rewarded with five thousand, then a team That’s twenty-five thousand yuan!

"Third brother, you are so generous, I can't help but want to do this job."

Zhong Mingqiang couldn't help but said

"me too!"

Du Guofei also nodded and said with a smile.

These people were just joking, but the generous reward given by Su Can really shocked these people. He is worthy of being the third brother!

This has always been the case. They are all generous, and the standards have never been lowered, and it will be the same this time..........

"Third brother, if you are so generous, what if there is a phenomenon among them that they are too lazy to do anything?"Zhong Mingqiang said a little worried about Su Can.

Although he recruited those people himself, people's hearts are apart, and the rewards given by the third brother are so generous. It is inevitable that there will be no black sheep!

Su Can smiled lightly and said:"This question It's very simple. If there is a person in each team who is too lazy to work, only takes money and does nothing, if the team member reports it, he will be rewarded with 500 yuan per person. If he does not report it, the whole team will sit down and be fired."

"What if the whole team is like this?"

Zhong Mingqiang thought of a terrible fact.

Su Can smiled lightly and said,"If this is the case, if nearby teams know about it, they can also report it. If other teams report it true, then the reporter can get a reward of 5,000 yuan." ps Please subscribe

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