Chapter 516 Brother, this is the end of the story [please subscribe! 】

“Hello handsome guy, can you accept your girlfriend without giving you a gift during the holiday”

Tian Yuanyuan asked again with bright eyes.

Qin Fan smiled slightly at the camera and said, “No gifts for the holidays.”

“That’s definitely not acceptable.”

As soon as this statement came out, the public screen in the live broadcast room scrolled quickly.

“I’ll go, these days there is a strange man who asked his girlfriend to give him gifts on the holiday, and the three views have been refreshed.”

“Blind that handsome face.”

“What a shocking answer, if we women have to give gifts to our boyfriends and husbands during the holidays, what use is it for us women to want you men?”

“Hehe, as a man thinking about spending his girlfriend’s money, I really don’t have any responsibility at all, scumbag!”

“Bah! Scumbag!”

Many passers-by on the street stopped at this time and watched from the sidelines.

Many male compatriots cast sympathetic glances at Qin Fan.

Some buddies wanted to support Qin Fan, but after looking at the tigress next to them, they could only choose to support Qin Fan silently in spirit.

Seeing the heat in his live broadcast room was rising, Tian Yuanyuan was very proud of it, and began to chase after victory: “Oh my god, why can’t you accept it”

Qin Fan: “Now our boys pursue a sense of ritual in their lives. Our girlfriends don’t even give gifts during the holidays. We don’t show much respect for our boys.”

“Love without materiality is a dish of loose sand. The amount of money that women spend on gifts for us men represents their attitude towards loving us men.”

“Women who really love men will spoil our men as the happiest little princes, holding them in their mouths for fear of turning them off, holding them in the palms of their hands for fear of falling.”

“dont you agree”

Pastoral: “”

A crowd of female boxers in the live broadcast room: “”

F*ck!! What the hell!! Why do you feel that these words seem to be familiar, so familiar with the crowd of onlookers on the street, many girls’ faces are unnatural.

The male compatriots showed excitement on their faces.

This…the brother who was interviewed made a good point and regained a round for their man.

Nice job! “Brother, what you said is over!”

A buddy with his neck straightened, ignoring his girlfriend who was staring at him, “Jiegan Uprising”

, Hit 1 for Qin Fan! “Let’s talk about it.”

Qin Fan faced the camera, smiled, and continued: “We men don’t want to receive expensive gifts. The main thing is to see that someone else’s boyfriend receives sneakers today and receives skin tomorrow. We will inevitably feel unbalanced in our hearts. ”

“I also want to taste a bit sweet from my girlfriend’s purse, but I am afraid that they will say that we are vain and immature.”


Qin Fan looked at the surrounding male compatriots, and said loudly: “If you encounter the kind of old ladies who don’t give gifts during the holidays, please delete them.”

“What other men should have, we too, and none of them are missing. Remember brothers, don’t bow your head, the crown will fall!!”


“My buddy, I’m not convinced by anyone, uncle” Haha, we men should go the way of women, so that women have nowhere to go.”

“There is nothing wrong with this brother!”

No one spoke in the live broadcast room for a while.

Um… Damn it’s men actually said what their women often talked about. It was almost impossible for them to refute it.

Because that guy said what they usually like to say.

If this is a rebuttal, it’s not about hitting them in the face.

This feeling is too awkward, too uncomfortable! Crazy face

, The hostess

It took a long time for Bo Tian Yuan Yuan to react.

This handsome guy doesn’t play his cards according to his routine! He’s surnamed Gusu, right?

This trick used the way of the person to treat the person, and it caused a knowing blow to the fans in her live broadcast room! Ma Dan! This can’t work! I can’t let my fan baby We are wronged.

They are the most glass-hearted.

If I don’t help them win this round, they won’t even score a minute and win the game.

“Handsome guy, I think what you are saying is more like a grumbling. Isn’t it a holiday when you only give gifts to your girlfriend, but your girlfriend never gives you a gift?”

“Or maybe you don’t have a girlfriend at all!”

Tian Yuanyuan said to Qin Fan with an expression that I had already seen through you.

“Yuanyuan really wakes up the dreamer with just one word!!!.”

“It must be just like Yuanyuan said. This handsome guy has never received a gift during the holidays, so he feels uneasy, but he dared not say anything when facing his girlfriend. Emotional.”

“It makes sense. I can see this kind of man. I usually clamor outside and pretend to be how high his family status is, but when I get home, the washboard is waiting for him.”

“This is the keyboard man standing in front of the camera, haha.”

“Maybe people really think so, but a man with this kind of thinking is destined to be alone in his life.”

“I have a girlfriend, she is not only beautiful, but also understanding.”

Qin Fan said lightly.

“I don’t believe it, you must be pretending to be forced.”

Tian Yuanyuan said with a firm face.

“I don’t care if you believe it or not.”

Qin Fan gave Tian Yuan Yuan a big eye, and immediately walked away from the camera, and began to distribute brochures to the people around him.

“Sisters, have you seen it? This handsome guy is distributing flyers on the street. This is a poor man.”

“It turns out to be poor, no wonder the format is so small, and I still think about receiving gifts from my girlfriend during the holiday, and dreaming.”

“Hey, this man is really the poorer and stingy, the poorer he is, the smaller his vision. The truly successful men are busy making money, and only these poor people don’t want to make money on weekdays, and they want to ask for gifts from their girlfriends. , Such a man deserves to be poor for a lifetime.”

“A big man who distributes flyers on the street shows how poor he is. This kind of man, no matter how handsome he is, I am not uncommon.”


When a group of female fists sneered at Qin Fan in the live broadcast room, they saw a blue supercar blasting the street from the other side of the street, and finally stopped firmly beside Qin Fan.

“Supercar, what a beautiful sports car.”

“Let me go, this is the latest Maserati 2, which sells for more than 2 million yuan.”

“This sports car is really good-looking, I think it is very suitable for our girls to drive.”

Under the attention of many people, the scissors door of Maserati 2 opened, and then a beautiful girl with a fashionable dress and a sneaker box in her hand came out.

This pretty girl is not someone else, she is Wang Yan.

Wang Yan walked up to Qin Fan who was sending out a promotional brochure, opened the sneaker box, and a pair of Nike shoes with a sense of technology suddenly caught the eyes of many people.

“Qin Fan, I think these men’s shoes are pretty cool, plus its size is just right for you, so I bought them and gave them to you, I hope you like them.”

Thank you book friend [17] for your monthly ticket support!! Thank you book friend [17] for your monthly ticket support!! Thank you book friend [17] for your monthly ticket support!!, 99 reminds you: Three things to read, collect, recommend, and share! ,

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