Chapter 515 Fight against female boxing, start with me [please subscribe! 】

“Doctor Zhong, you drank too much.”

Xu Sihan frowned.

“I didn’t drink much, I am sober now.”

“This guy is so ugly that he is totally unworthy of you. Why don’t you leave him and throw into my arms? Isn’t Zhong Mingjie a thousand times more handsome, ten thousand times more handsome than him?”

Zhong Mingjie said with his hands on his hips with great confidence.

“Young Master Zhong, let’s go.”

“Let’s rush to the next venue.”

Several classmates stepped forward while persuading, while pulling Zhong Mingjie out.

If Zhong Mingjie is allowed to continue talking nonsense here, they will all feel embarrassed!!!.

“I do not go!”

Zhong Mingjie broke free again and ran in front of Xu Sihan and Qin Fan.

This time, he started directly with Qin Fan.

“Uugoubi, let go of your hand, Dr. Xu’s hand, it’s not something you can hold.”

Seeing the hand stretched towards him, Qin Fan kicked out without even thinking about it.

The drunk Zhong Mingjie didn’t even have the ability to dodge, so he was kicked upright by Qin Fan, like an overturned babe, lying on his back on the ground with all his legs up to the drunkard, Qin Fan is not used to it.

Drunkenness is not the reason you can do whatever you want! The news here quickly attracted the waiters of Dezhuang Hot Pot City.

After learning about the situation on the spot, the waiter in the hot pot city asked Zhong Mingjie’s college students to take Zhong Mingjie away as soon as possible.

“Boy, you dare to kick me so much, you wait for me!”

Zhong Mingjie, who was dragged away violently, went drunk and threatened Qin Fan cursingly.

After Zhong Mingjie was carried away, the entire second floor was cleaned a lot.

“This girlfriend is too beautiful and troublesome, too many people are worried.”

Qin Fan laughed and joked.




“We have been married for a few years”

A couple sitting at the table next to Qin Fan also attracted the attention of many diners.

The main reason is that the husband of this couple looks very sunny and handsome, and with his height of more than 1.8 meters, he is the long-legged Obama in the heart of a woman, a male god! But what does his wife say.

It can’t be said to be ugly, it is the one that is very ordinary and the skin is still a bit dark.

The two of them were sitting together, and it felt a little bit unsuitable. Some young female diners were very envious of the wife of the long-legged male god.

How did this woman manage to find such a handsome man as her husband.

It was too successful.

“Three years.”

The couple chatted while eating hot pot.

“Then wife, do you think we two are honest enough”

“Of course!”

“Husband, you have nothing to protect from me, and I have nothing to hide from you.”

“Oh, that.”

The long-legged male god husband smiled and looked at his wife and continued: “Then do you remember how we met”

“Of course I remember.”

“I drowned near your company. Did you save me? At that time, my husband was still giving me artificial respiration. To express my gratitude, I specially invited you to have a meal. If you come and go, we will get married.”

“By the way, husband, why are you asking this?”

“Just now we

When I went out, I saw your college swimming championship certificate in the cabinet.”

“You women are all routines, you are all big pig hooves!”

The long-legged male god husband gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Long-legged male god wife: “”

A crowd of diners: “”

Xu Sihan: “”

Qin Fan: “”

This is great! Facts have proved that as long as the routine is used well, both men and women will follow.

The next day! Qin Fan is distributing the theme “Civilized Travel You Me Him” ​​on the street

During the volunteer activities of the propaganda pamphlet, the mobile phone rang suddenly.

Caller ID: Wang Yan! After thinking about it, Qin Fan still answered the call

After hanging up, Qin Fan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This woman really can’t beat Xiaoqiang.

He has clearly rejected her so many times, why is he not discouraged at all.

Heart tired!! All mothers and fetuses: please, be yourself, cry

Qin Fan didn’t know that when he was talking on the phone with Wang Yan, he himself had been targeted.

The person who followed Qin Fan was an outdoor female anchor on a certain platform.

The nickname she signed on the live broadcast platform is [Yangwant Tianyuan] From this nickname, we can see that this…female anchor is an old garden! In fact, this female anchor is just a short one by promoting female boxing. Within a month, she attracted hundreds of thousands of fans and became a famous female anchor.

The reason why she has attracted the attention of many female boxers, apart from her own banner of female boxing supremacy, is that her live broadcast method is relatively novel.

Random interviews on the street, torture the soul’s questions, in order to win the favor and attention of the female boxers

At this moment, Tian Yuan, who is holding the microphone, is staring at our Qin Fan.

Looks so handsome, but still poor!: The reason why Tian Yuanyuan mistakenly thought that Qin Fan was poor was the image of Qin Fan sending out flyers. In this volunteer activity, in order not to give people the tongue to show off, all volunteers did not follow the requirements. Wear volunteer Little Red Riding Hood.

This is an excellent interview subject.

Interviewing him will definitely increase the popularity of my live broadcast room by several notches! I gave my cameraman a wink, and the two of them secretly walked towards Qin Fan.

“Hello handsome guy, can you accept your girlfriend without giving you a gift during the holiday”

Tian Yuanyuan walked up to Qin Fan, a microphone went up and asked directly, without giving Qin Fan the opportunity to refuse the interview.

She was very proud of her question.

If this handsome guy answers that he doesn’t mind, he can naturally please her fans, and the fans are happy, then a small gift is definitely indispensable.

If this handsome guy’s answer is to mind, hehe, sorry, then you stabbed a hornet’s nest.

And you happen to be so hot and handsome. Those of my fans will spray you even more! This way, the heat in her live broadcast room won’t rise.

“I’m going, this little brother is so handsome!”

“Catch a handsome wild man alive.”

“Too handsome to crack!”

“The screen is wet!”

“I look forward to how this handsome guy will answer Yuanyuan’s question.”

The question of street interviews is full of a strong breath of female boxing! Fighting female boxing, start with me!! Qin can’t be used to female boxing, go online!! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the 99 novel network novel!,

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