Chapter 494 Hidden milk [please subscribe! 】

“Little brother, can you tell me why you are so interested in the demolition of Longyan Village”

Wang Yan can’t stand the quiet atmosphere in the car anymore.

“Because I am a good person, I want to do something for the villagers of Longyan Village.”

Qin Fan replied.

“Isn’t the government the one who is wanted for assault… the bandit leader.”

Wang Yan said with some understanding and incompetence.

She doesn’t believe that Qin Fan is a pure philanthropist.

Qin Fan: “You little girl, how can there be so many words.”

“I’m three years older than you.”

Wang Yan pouted and hummed.

“The women below the semicircle are all little girls in my eyes.”

Qin Fan glanced at Wang Yan and said lightly.


Wang Yan bit her lip, somewhat speechless.

Because if according to Qin Fan’s logic, she is indeed a little girl film, but the half arc is obviously not small! “What is good about the half circle, and it doesn’t look good in clothes.”

When Wang Yan spoke, she deliberately straightened her body to show her profile.

Qin Fan: “That’s because you think it’s not good-looking.”

“I’m thirsty.”

When she was about to reach her goal, Wang Yan yelled.

“Isn’t there mineral water next to you? Take it yourself.”

Qin Fan replied.

“Is there only mineral water?”


Unscrew the bottle cap and took a sip of water. Wang Yan frowned and said, “It’s so awful.”

“If it’s bad, don’t drink it.”

This little girl is still picky, she likes to drink or not! “Brother, the one in front… stop at the commissary.”


Qin Fan nodded

Wang Yan got off the car and walked straight to the canteen.

When Wang Yan got into the car and sat in Cullinan’s co-pilot seat again, there were already two boxes of golden pure milk in her hand.

Passed one of the boxes of golden milk to Qin Fan and said, “Brother, let me drink it for you.”

“I don’t drink pure milk.”


What Qin Fan is telling is the truth, since he was a child, he didn’t like to drink pure milk.

“Pure milk is nutritious and delicious, you don’t even drink it.”

Wang Yan said in surprise, she inserted a straw into a box of golden milk and sucked it herself

After drinking one box, seeing Wang Yan opened another box, Qin Fan couldn’t help but say, “Yes, I have always liked milk since I was a child, and I only drink pure milk.”

After Wang Yan finished speaking, she ignored her and started sucking with a straw.

“I have been drinking since I was a child, but it hasn’t reached a semicircle. It’s a waste.”

As soon as Qin Fan’s joking voice fell, Wang Yan was immediately choked by the sip of milk she had just sucked into her mouth.

Then there was a cough, and the milk in his mouth spurted directly.Not only that, but some of the milk flowed out along the corners of Wang Yan’s mouth and nostrils. Well, the scene, it was a mess.

“Depend on!”

Seeing that the center console was sprayed with a lot of milk, Qin Fan couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

“Little brother, I blame you!”

At this time, Wang Yan was also blushing, her appearance just now was too detrimental to her image.

“Hurry up and clean the center console to F*ck.”


Wang Yan curled her mouth, then wiped the Cullinan center console with a paper.

After wiping the center console, Wang Yan wiped her leather skirt again.

The black leather skirt is stained with milk. If you don’t clean it up, Tsk Tsk when Yu Guang catches a glimpse of Wang Yan

Qin Fan’s eyebrows couldn’t help but jump when he wiped the milk on his capital with the paper.

“Finally wiped it clean.”

Wang Yan took a long breath.

“Are you sure you wiped it clean”

Qin Fan raised an eyebrow and said lightly.

“It’s all wiped clean.”

After Wang Yan finished speaking, she found that Qin Fan’s eyes looked a little weird.

So Wang Yan followed Qin Fan’s gaze, looked down at it, and Wang Yan’s pretty face turned red.

It turned out that there were still a few drops of milk hidden and calmed down.Qin Fan looked away and began to focus on driving.

When driving, it’s always bad to be distracted

Qin Fan driving Cullinan went unimpeded, but was stopped at the entrance of Longyan Village.

“Stop, stop!”

At the entrance of Longyan Village, there are simple roadblocks spontaneously set up by villagers, and there are four 44 villagers holding hands.

“Brother Stone, this car is a Rolls Royce, I am afraid it will cost several million.”

There are four 44 villagers, two middle-aged people and two young people.

All wore vests, big pants and a pair of flip flops.

At this time, the two middle-aged men waved to ask Qin Fan to stop, and at the same time came to the middle of the intersection to block the road to prevent forcibly rushing into the card.

The two young men murmured Cullinan, who was staring at Qin Fan.

“It goes without saying that the driver of this luxury car must be from Shenghuang Real Estate again.”

After parking the car, Qin Fan got out of the car with Wang Yan.

“Uncle Chengping, do you remember me”

Wang Yan looked at a middle-aged man with a thick eyebrow and a broad face, and said with a smile.

Coughing and coughing his throat, Zhang Chengping, who was about to question the origins of these two people, was stunned when the short-haired beauty in front of him called him to become Uncle Ping.

“You are”

Zhang Chengping stared at Wang Yan for a while, but still couldn’t recognize it.

Wang Yan had already expected this.

Although Longyan Village is her hometown, when she was 6 years old, she followed her parents to Jiangcheng City.

I rarely come back later.

It is normal for these people not to know her.

“Uncle Cheng Ping, this is Wang Yan, Xiao Yan.”

“What, you are Xiaoyan!”

Zhang Chengping was surprised and stared at Wang Yan for a long time before he said again: “Yes, right! It’s really Xiao Yan, the more you look, the more you look like your dad.”

“Wang Yan!”

Zhang Shi, standing behind Zhang Chengping, looked at Wang Yan, and shouted with some fiery eyes.

“Brother Stone, you haven’t changed much from when you were a kid.”

Wang Yan said with a smile.

“Brother Stone, this beauty is”

The one standing next to Zhang Shi…the little young man asked curiously.

“She is a neighbor of my house. When she was very young, she went to the city.”

Zhang Shi explained absently.

Unexpectedly, that little girl from childhood is now so beautiful.

But thinking of the other party’s wealth, Zhang Shi couldn’t help feeling sad.

Zhang Chengping looked at Qin Jie: “Xiaoyan, he is”

“I am Wang Yan’s good friend, and I specially accompany her back this time.”

“After Wang Yan heard about the village, she wanted to come back and see if she could help everyone a little bit.”

Qin Fan rushed back.

When Zhang Chengping heard the sound, he didn’t doubt that he was there, “Xiaoyan, you are also interested.”

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