Chapter 493 Pull her to be a guide? Ruthless [seeking subscription! 】

“Well, Mr. Qin, tomorrow I will personally deliver that person’s information to your mansion. It’s convenient for you to see.”

On the other side, Wang Zhen, the mayor of Jiangcheng who was sitting in the office of the chief and talking to Qin Fan on the phone, finally showed a smile on his tired face after hearing that Qin Fan was willing to help.

“How can Wang take a trip in person?”

“Haha, I actually wanted to visit Mr. Qin a long time ago, and I hope Mr. Qin will give me this opportunity.”

“That’s all right.”

“Where I live, Wang Chang should know.”

“I know, Mr. Qin, tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock, we will see you or leave.”

,”Well, tomorrow I will be at home waiting for Wang Chang to drive.”

After another chat, Qin Fan and Wang Zhen also ended the call.

Hey, that… Wang Yan seems to be from Xugu Town.

: Wang Yan met a man. After being rescued by Qin Fan, she always regarded Qin Fan as a hero. Therefore, see Chapter 38 for details! During this period, Wang Yan often chatted with Qin Fan on various topics on WeChat. , But Qin Fan always loves to answer unsatisfactory answers to this point. Qin Fan quickly found Wang Yan’s WeChat and typed: “Wang Yan, your hometown is in Xugu Town, right?”

Ding Ding! Qin Fan discovered that when a woman he knew chatted with him on WeChat, they basically responded in seconds, and Wang Yan was no exception.

[Wang Yan]: Yes, hero, what’s wrong? Curious face [Qin Fan]: Which village in Xugu Town in your hometown [Wang Yan]: From Longyan Village.

[Wang Yan]: Qin Fan, why are you asking about this? Wang Yan’s query is automatically filtered by Qin Fan. Longyan Village is so coincidental [Qin Fan]: Do you know the news about the violent demolition in Longyan? [Wang Yan]: Of course you know

The next day, the king of Jiangcheng came to Tiandi Yunting on time.

Two other people came with Wang Zhen, one was Wu Desheng, and the other was the long secretary.

This… long secretary is named Zhou Hua, who seems to be a very capable young man.

Only two years older than Qin Jie, he achieved the position of deputy director of the Jiangcheng government office and concurrently served as the chief secretary.

It can be said to be quite young and purposeful.

“Wang Chang, Director Wu, Director Zhou, what green tea or coffee do you drink?”

After leading the three of them to the living room and sitting down, Qin Fan asked with a smile.

“Green tea, I’m not used to drinking coffee.”

Wang Zhen said with a smile.

Wu Theeng Sheng: “Mr. Qin, I am the same as Wang Chang.”

Zhou Hua wanted to talk about coffee, but after seeing Chang and Wu Desheng both drinking tea, he temporarily changed his words: “Mr. Qin, I also drink tea.”

After making tea for the three of them 3, the few people sat together, straight to the point and began to talk about business.

After all, the time of several people is precious. “Mr. Qin, this is all the personal information about Zhang Meng.”

Zhou Hua got up and put the colored briefcase in his hand next to Qin Fan and said.

Open the briefcase, take out the papers in it, and browse at random, Qin Fan put them back in the briefcase again.

After all, he didn’t look for someone in person, he didn’t need to look carefully.

“Wang Chang, this man will not escape from Jiangcheng, right?”

Qin Fan asked.

If Zhang Meng has fled Jiangcheng, then he wants to find the other party, and hope is naturally very slim.

Haven’t seen more than ten days have passed, even the police can’t find it.

And his contacts are basically in Jiangcheng, and he can only stare when he leaves Jiangcheng.

“This should still be in Jiangcheng.”

“But it does not rule out that Zhang Meng has left Jiangcheng.”

Wang Zhen replied with some uncertainty.

Although nowadays, whether you take a plane, a train, or a ship, you must purchase a real-name ticket.

But if Zhang Meng drove someone else’s car, or took a taxi to leave Jiangcheng.

This is so special that real-name authentication is impossible. After listening to Wang Zhen’s words, Qin Fan can only make a statement first: “Wang Chang, I will try my best to get this person out.”

After sending away Wang Zhen and Wu Desheng, Qin Fan made a call.

After a while, Qin Fan’s bodyguard, nicknamed “Shadow”

Han Young, who came to Qin Fan’s house.

After Qin Fan confessed for a while, Han Ying took Zhang Meng’s information and left and took a look at the watch.

Seeing that it was 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Qin Fan took out his mobile phone, found a number and dialed it.

After a few seconds, the call is connected.

“Wow, Qin Fan, why do you think of calling me.”

As soon as the phone was connected, Wang Yan’s surprised voice came.

“Is there time now?”

Qin Fan asked.

“Yes, Qin Fan, are you asking me to go out to play”


Qin Fan nodded, then said: “Where are you now, I will drive to pick you up.”

“I am here”

,”Well, wait for me, I’ll go over at once.”

Qin Fan finished speaking and hung up

Qin Fan drove Rolls-Royce Cullinan to the ground and found that Wang Yan was already standing on the road, waiting for him

When she dropped the car window and looked at Wang Yan with short hair and black leather skirt, Qin Fan beckoned: “Get in the car.”

“Brother, this is your car”

Wang Yan glanced at Cullinan and said in surprise.

Seeing Qin Fan nodding her head, Wang Yan finally understood why Qin Fan faced her sugar-coated cannonball before and was indifferent.

Lovers are very rich themselves

After getting in the car, Wang Yan stared at Qin Fan sideways, and said with a happy face and waiting: “Brother, where are we going to play?”

“Xugu Town, Longyan Village!”

Qin Fan replied.


Hearing Qin Fan’s words, our Wang Yan only felt that she was poured cold water on her head.

The little flame that had just risen in her heart was ruthlessly extinguished last night, Qin Fan asked her a lot of recent news about Longyan Village on WeChat.

Now, Qin Fan is going to Longyan Village in person.

This is totally different from what she imagined.

This is how she asked her out to play.

It was just about pulling her over to be a guide.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan’s mood suddenly became a little unbeautiful

Halfway through, Wang Yan found that Qin Fan only cared for her own car and didn’t talk to her, and her mood became even more depressed.

Facing Qin Fan, Wang Yan, who has always been confident about her charm, has started to question herself since contacting Qin Fan.

Why didn’t this man show any interest in her? Anything on the Internet about women chasing men’s compartment gauze is deceptive.

She took the initiative to attack the man next to her several times, but she failed to return. Sometimes, Wang Yan had some doubts whether the man next to her had a problem in some way. If you let Qin Fan know, sit in the passenger seat. The woman who suspects that he is not good enough, I guess our Qin Fan will directly spew out old blood! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the 99 novel network novel!,

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