Chapter 489 Son does not Godfather’s fault [please subscribe! 】


Yang Xueqi’s face was green.

This Xiao Yong clearly relied on himself to eat her, and took the opportunity to blackmail her.

If Qin Fan is gone, what will be waiting for her?This point, Yang Xue has been able to guess since Xiao Yong appeared here at such a big night.

What should I do? Is it true that I can only be manipulated by this guy today “Yang Xue, what are you still doing for a little white face, you don’t even want to save your mother”

Xiao Yong said lightly.

Today, he is satisfied with Yang Xue, no one can stop him!

Just as Yang Xue was biting her lip, tangled and engaged in a fierce ideological struggle, our Qin Fan spoke: “Yang Xue, that Professor Morganson, let me contact you.”

When the words fell, Xiao Yong sneered for the first time: “Boy, can you please stop being funny?”

“You come to contact Professor Morganson, who do you think you are?”

“You really don’t write drafts if you brag about it.”

“If you want to come to Yang Xue, you can only coax you to get it with a single mouth, and relying on rhetoric.”

For Qin Fan, Xiao Yong is unhappy in what he thinks.

Yang Xue, who loves to answer him, led Qin Fan home late at night, which gave Xiao Yong a feeling of being green.

Although Yang Xue actually has nothing to do with him.

Now, this guy said without embarrassment that he came to contact Professor Morganson and laughed off his big teeth.

Who he thought he was contacting Professor Morganson Professor Morganson is the world’s top cardiology medical and surgical expert.

Have a “surgery master”

The reputation! Has a very high social status in the world.

It is a guest of all the rich.

Because getting acquainted with such top medical experts is likely to save your life in the future.

It is his father who is the dean of the Second People’s Hospital of Jiangcheng, and Professor Morganson does not sell face.

This little white face is what kind of green onion, but after listening to Qin Fan’s words, Yang Xue showed ecstasy.

Xiao Yong doesn’t know the details of Qin Fan, but Yang Xue does.

It is precisely because of understanding that Yang Xue is so surprised.

“Thank you, thank you Qin Fan.”

Yang Xue thanked Qin Fan with excitement.

She is a single-parent family and has been dependent on her mother since she was a child.

Now that his mother’s condition has taken a turn for the better, Yang Xue’s mood can be imagined.

“Yang Xue, are you crazy? You actually believe his bragging lies”

Xiao Yong on the side saw Yang Xue’s excited appearance, and couldn’t help being angry and angry.

“Of course I believe him.”

Yang Xue looked at Xiao Yong coldly.

As Qin Fan, if you are not sure, you will not be so sure.

“Xiao Yong, please leave!”

“Yang Xue, are you stupid? What kind of thing is he, you actually believe that Professor Morganson he can contact.”

Xiao Yong was blushing and his neck was thick, and he roared jumping and jumping there.

Qin Fan shook his head, took out his mobile phone, and directly found Dean Zhu’s number and dialed it.

After a few rings, the call was connected.

Qin Fan turns on the hands-free function.

An elderly man’s voice sounded.

“Mr. Qin called late at night, I don’t know what to order”

When Xiao Yong on the side heard this voice, his eyelids suddenly jumped wildly.

F*ck! What the hell! Why does this voice sound like the voice of Dean Zhu of the Asian Heart Hospital “I called you so late, no noise

It’s up to you to rest.”

“Where, Mr. Qin, you are too serious.”

On the other side of the phone, Dean Zhu laughed.

After a few words of greeting, Qin Fan said straightforwardly: “Dean Zhu, that…Professor Morganson and you are classmates, right?”

“Yes, Mr. Qin, Professor Morganson led his medical team from the overlord Mayo Clinic to our Jiangcheng. They have been there for these two days: Asia Heart Hospital, to train our doctors in Asia Heart Hospital.”

Hearing this, Xiao Yong’s eyelids called a wild jump.

He has already determined that the owner of this voice is undoubtedly Dean Zhu of Asia Heart Hospital.

Why is it that Dean Zhu of the Asian Heart Hospital is so respectful to this little white face, and he still respects him as Mr. Qin, you know, that Dean Zhu is a lot of age.

He even called a young man who looks a few years younger than him “Mr.”

This thought is extremely scary!!!! “Dean Zhu, a friend of mine’s mother has coronary heart disease and is now hospitalized in the Second People’s Hospital. Bypass surgery is difficult and risky, so I would like to ask Professor Morganson to do the surgery for my friend’s mother. I wonder if Dean Zhu may arrange it.”

“Mr. Qin, I’m currently having a supper with Professor Morganson with Dean Xiao of the Second Hospital. Please wait a moment, Mr. Qin, I’ll talk to Professor Morganson right away.”


In less than a minute, Dean Zhu’s voice came out on the phone again.

“Mr. Qin, Professor Morganson agreed, saying that he will go to the Second Hospital tomorrow. If surgery is possible, Professor Morganson will take care of your friend’s mother.”

“Thank you Professor Morganson for me. By the way, Dean Zhu, you should also go to the Second Hospital tomorrow.”

“Mr. Qin rest assured, tomorrow I will accompany Professor Morganson to the Second Hospital.”

“Well, well, I will send you my friend’s mobile phone number later. By the way, Dean Zhu, please help me to bring a sentence to Dean Xiao of the Second Hospital.”

“You said Mr. Qin.”

“The child does not teach, the father too.”

“Okay Mr. Qin, I must bring your words.”

“Qin Fan really thank you.”

Our Yang Xue eyes are moist.

My heart is full of infinite gratitude to Qin Fan.

Xiao Yong on the side began to feel anxious.

Who is this Qin Fan and why is the President Zhu of the Asian Heart Hospital obeying Qin Fan’s words? At this moment, Xiao Yong’s cell phone rang.

Caller ID: Dad! I thought of the phrase “The son is not the godfather” that Qin Fan asked Dean Zhu of Yaxin Hospital to bring to his father.

, Xiao Yong answered the phone with an uneasy mood.


After five minutes, the call ends.

Xiao Yong’s face was green.

He was scolded by his father as a bloody head from childhood to adulthood, and his father’s reprimanding words added up to far less than those who scolded him in the few minutes just now, but Xiao Yong was also awakened by the scolding.

Although he still doesn’t know the specific identity of Qin Fan.

However, Xiao Yong knew that this young man named Qin Fan was definitely an existence he couldn’t afford.

“Mr. Qin, I have eyes but no pearls, but I ask you to have a lot of them, don’t be insightful with me.”

Xiao Yong bowed to Qin Fan and apologized.

Seeing Qin Fan’s wave of his hand, Xiao Yong realized in a second, he turned and left dingy at this moment. Xiao Yong still doesn’t know what kind of beating he will encounter when he returns home. Favorite, push

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