Chapter 488 Let him get out first [please subscribe! 】

Arrive at Tianhe Renjia Community and park the car.

“Qin Fan, you haven’t been to my house yet, why don’t you go to my house and sit”

After releasing the seat belt, Yang Xue said to Qin Fan.

“This night, we are alone in the same room, so don’t worry about me.”

Qin Fan joked.


Yang Xue gave Qin Fan a big eye

After stepping out of the elevator, Yang Xue saw a young fat man standing outside her house, and she suddenly became wary: “Xiao Yong, why are you standing outside my house?”

Xiao Yong, the only son of the dean of Jiangcheng Second People’s Hospital, has been in pursuit of Yang Xue during this period of time.

Now, when Yang Xue saw this guy standing outside her house at such a big night, Yang Xue suddenly felt a little scared.

“Yang Xue, I am waiting until you come back.”

Seeing Yang Xue’s return, Xiao Yong’s eyes lit up.

But in the next second, Xiao Yong looked upset.

The unhappiness is naturally due to the existence of Qin Fan.

Ma Dan!! Yang Xue led a handsome man back home in such a big night.

F*ck, what do you want to do! Lift the table! “Yang Xue, who is this little white face?”

Xiao Yong asked with a ugly expression.

Yang Xue: “Xiao Yong, please respect my friends!”

“It’s still so late, why are you standing outside my house and asking you to leave!”

“You let me go”

Xiao Yong’s face turned green when he heard Yang Xue’s words.

With a distorted face, he said, “Why, are you afraid that I will stay here and delay the good deeds of both of you?”

“Does the shit you ate at night speaks so badly?”

Qin Fan said in a cold voice, at the same time he was very speechless in his heart.

A few days ago, he was with Yang Xue and was misunderstood by that…Yuan Shang.

Now, I have been misunderstood by a young fat man again. This is simply “Dammit, what I look down on most in my life is your little white face, relying on my handsomeness, all kinds of bubble sister paper, all kinds of soft rice, I bah! What! Stuff!”

Xiao Yong held a fire in his chest.

He came here, but rushed to some kind of good thing.

It’s so special that he actually saw the scene of Yang Xue taking the handsome guy home late at night.

This gave Xiao Yong a feeling: the feeling of being forcibly fed shit.

The thief Jill is uncomfortable! “This is your typical mentality of not being able to eat grapes and saying grapes are sour, ah.”

Qin Fan smiled and said lightly.

Yang Xue’s face was covered with cold frost: “Xiao Yong, if you don’t leave, I will call the police!”

“Call the police”

Xiao Yong smiled coldly and stood his chest out: “Yang Xue, I tell you, if you call the police today, I promise you will regret it for your whole life!”

“What do you mean”

Yang Xue frowned.

She heard the proud and confident in Xiao Yong’s words.

“You also know that your mother’s heart and coronary disease is currently treated conservatively by drugs.”

“But now a huge turnaround in your mother’s condition is coming.”

As soon as Xiao Yong’s voice fell, Yang Xue quickly asked with anxious and excited expression: “What is the turning point?”

Hearing the sound, Xiao Yong is not in a hurry

He took out a cigarette without panic and lit it. After two puffs, he said slowly: “Of course it’s a heart bypass operation.”

Yang Xue: “Heart Bypass Dr. Huang didn’t say that my mother’s coronary artery was severely deformed, the operation was extremely difficult, and the operation risk was high”

“The difficulty of the operation is relative.”

Xiao Yong smiled faintly: “The day before yesterday, Professor Morganson, a world-renowned cardiac medical and surgical expert, came to our Jiangcheng.”

“This…Professor Morganson is in the field of heart disease, but he is a big cow, and what he is best at is surgery.”

“Yang Xue, if your mother’s heart bypass surgery is performed by Professor Morganson himself, the success rate will be at least 90%!”

Yang Xue stared at Xiao Yong, pursing her lips and asked, “How can I ask that Professor Morganson to perform surgery on my mother?”

The corners of Xiao Yong’s mouth curled up slightly, and he said lightly: “Professor Morganson enjoys a very large reputation throughout the world. There are too many people who want him to perform operations every day.”

“Moreover, those people’s identities are either rich or expensive. To be honest, you want to ask him to do surgery on your mother, hopefully it’s almost zero!”

“Don’t talk about anything else, you can’t even get Professor Morganson’s phone number.”

“And even if you can contact someone, they won’t make a move. After all, many rich people with status and status in the world can’t please them. What energy do you have Yang Xue to invite this kind of world-renowned medicine? Dana.”

“Since you have said so, then you can probably ask that…Professor Morganson, right?”

Yang Xue asked in a deep voice.

She now finally understands why this Xiao Yong would appear here late at night. After hearing the sound, Xiao Yong’s chest was strong, and she said proudly: “I don’t say for sure, but I still have a 0% certainty.”

“Yang Xue, you also know that my father is the dean of Jiangcheng Second People’s Hospital. My dad has a good personal relationship with Dean Zhu of Yaxin Hospital, and that… Dean Zhu of Yaxin Hospital used to be the overlord when he was young. He has studied at Harvard Medical School, and he and Professor Morganson are classmates.”

“This time, Professor Morganson was also invited by Dean Zhu of the Asian Heart Hospital, and he led his team to the Asian Heart Hospital for academic exchanges.”

“If Dean Zhu of the ADB Hospital is willing to come forward to help, then Professor Morganson is likely to take action and perform this heart bypass operation for your mother.”

After listening to Xiao Yong’s words, Qin Fan next to Dean Zhu at Yaxin Hospital couldn’t help but become a little weird.

Yang Xue looked up at Xiao Yong, bit her lip, and said, “Can you help me, I am willing to give you a sum of money as a reward for thanking you.”

“Yang Xue, do you think I am short of money”

“You should know what I want.”

Xiao Yong vomited a ring of smoke, and said to Yang Xue with a proud expression that I am sure of you today.

Yang Xue gritted her teeth: “You are taking advantage of the danger!”

“Hehe, don’t talk so badly, you can refuse, the choice is entirely yours.”

Xiao Yong said as he said, he reached out his hand to Qin Fan, and pointed at Yang Xueyi: “This little white face makes me look very upset. Let him get out and disappear from my field of vision.”

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