Chapter 469 Things are not what you think [please subscribe! 】

“Well, it’s gone up.”

Lin Qiuyue replied, and then saw a middle-aged man with a big belly walk into the sales hall, which made Lin Qiuyue’s eyes suddenly bright.

“Yuanyuan, come here.”

Lin Qiuyue waved to a sales lady not far away.

“Sister Qiuyue.”

A sales lady who had just joined the job quickly came to Lin Qiuyue and shouted sweetly.

“Zhou Xiaoxiao, my college classmate came to visit the house, you should greet her for me.”

“Good Sister Qiuyue.”

“Smile, one of my customers who had an appointment in advance has come, and I will be out of company first.”

Lin Qiuyue didn’t wait for Zhou Xiaoxiao to reply, she stepped on her high heels and walked over to the middle-aged man with a big belly, while squeamishly shouting, “Boss Zhang, you’re here. I’m so waiting.”

“Hello, Miss Zhou, my name is Wang Yuanyuan. Not long after I joined the job, Sister Qiuyue was responsible for taking me. If my service does not satisfy you, Miss Zhou, I hope Miss Zhou will forgive you.”

Wang Yuanyuan looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao, and said with a little nervousness.

She didn’t expect her to sell the house this time.

If this…Miss Zhou really has the intention and ability to buy a house today, then how could Lin Qiuyue give her this order?

You must know that these sales ladies can get a very substantial commission for every sale of a house.

Take them for example, selling a house in the Yuejiang era, the commission point is five thousandths.

The average transaction value of a house in the Yuejiang era is about 4 million.

A five-thousandth commission is 20,000 yuan! How could Lin Qiuyue give her 20,000 yuan so grandly.

But Wang Yuanyuan didn’t mean to blame Lin Qiuyue.

After all, this kind of thing is an unspoken rule in the workplace.

Although you can’t sell the house, it is also a good opportunity for newcomers like her to accumulate experience.

“Manager Wang, you are too serious.”

“Miss Zhou, let me take you to see some of the most popular apartment types sold in our Yuejiang era.”

“All right.”

After a while, Qin Fan parked his car and went to the sales hall.

Looking around, after seeing Zhou Xiaoxiao’s figure, Qin Fan walked to Zhou Xiaoxiao’s side, touched the latter’s hair, and said with a smile: “How about Xiaoxiao, is there… Which apartment type is in the phase”

“My dear, I like this 120 square meter apartment with three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms.”

Qin Fan glanced at several house models, and said: “The large house next to…150 square meters, I feel pretty good too.”

When Wang Yuanyuan on the side heard Qin Fan’s words, his heartbeat slowed for a while.

Let me go! This…Miss Zhou’s boyfriend seems to have really bought a house here.

And looking at the tone of this speech, it looks like it’s basically money.

Is she really lucky today to find a “fish that slipped through the net”

Thinking of this, Wang Yuanyuan was excited, and hurriedly said: “This gentleman is very visionary. This 150-square-meter large apartment not only has 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms, but also has a large balcony in the back.”

Just when Wang Yuanyuan was pushing the 150-square-meter apartment, our Zhou Xiaoxiao politely interrupted Wang Yuanyuan’s words, and said to Qin Fan: “My dear, the house is too big, not only is it troublesome to clean, but to live in.” I also feel weird. I think 10 ties are the most suitable.”

“Okay, just

Let’s listen to you, we will buy these 120 square meters.”

Qin Fan smiled.

“Well… Manager Wang.”

Qin Fan glanced at Wang Yuanyuan’s badge and continued: “We need this suite. By the way, I also need two garages. You can arrange the house purchase procedures for me right away.”

Qin Fan handed himself and Zhou Xiaoxiao’s ID card to Wang Yuanyuan.

“The owner of the property is the two of us.”


Wang Yuanyuan was a little incoherent with excitement.

I bought this and I have to buy two garages! Seeing that this handsome guy looks calm and gentle, he is obviously a rich man! He is so handsome, so spicy, so rich, humble and kind, the key to buying a house I also added the name of my girlfriend, this fairy boyfriend! Wang Yuanyuan admitted that she was envious

“Mr. Qin, Miss Zhou, please come to the VIP room to sit with me for a while, and I will arrange the house purchase procedures for you immediately.”

After reacting, Wang Yuanyuan quickly greeted Qin Fan and Zhou Xiaoxiao into the VIP room with enthusiasm.

“Mr. Qin, Miss Zhou, please have tea for both of you.”

The VIP room has someone responsible for entertaining the owner who bought the house.

Wang Yuanyuan went to get the relevant house purchase contract

The front desk of the sales department.

A few sales ladies took a nap in midfield.

“Hey, it’s a waste of saliva. I said a big deal, but the customer said that he couldn’t afford it, and he was so angry with my old lady. If you can’t afford it, you should say it early, wasting each other’s time.”

“Our house in the Yuejiang era is really not easy to sell. There are so many people who watch the house every day, and I haven’t seen a few that actually bought it.”

“It’s too difficult. I haven’t sold a house this month. I have to eat the soil.”

“By the way, Qiuyue, I just saw you and that… Boss Zhang, how about it, did Boss Zhang agree to buy a house?”

Lin Qiuyue heard the sound, shook her head and said: “No, I can understand it. That guy is just thunder and rain. I don’t expect him to buy a house in the Yuejiang era.”

“No, didn’t it mean that guy runs a decoration company, he should have some money.”

“Who knows.”

“I think the boss is just looking at us, Qiuyue. Most of that guy doesn’t see rabbits or scatter eagles!!!, Qiuyue, if you are willing to dedicate yourself once, I can guarantee that he will buy a house in your hands.”

“Well, you Ling Nannan, I think you miss a man, or else I will introduce that boss to meet you”

Lin Qiuyue smiled and scolded

When several sales ladies were frolicking, Wang Yuanyuan came over.

“Yuanyuan, is my classmate gone?”

After Lin Qiuyue saw Wang Yuanyuan, she asked smoothly.

“No, sister Qiuyue.”

“Miss Zhou is in the VIP room now.”

Wang Yuanyuan replied.

“VIP room”

Lin Qiuyue frowned slightly and said, “Yuan Yuan, although she is my classmate, you can’t take her to the VIP room casually.”

“Ah, Sister Qiuyue, you misunderstood, things are not what you think.”

Wang Yuanyuan explained: “Miss Zhou, she wants to buy a 120-square-meter house plus two garages, so I welcomed her into the VIP room.”

“I’m here to get a house purchase contract.”

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