Chapter 468 Give them a home [please subscribe! 】

Wu Qianqian hummed a song, drove, and just came to the gate of Tiandi Yunting Community, but the phone rang.

Caller ID: Sister Zhang! Sister Zhang is looking for me at such a late hour. With this doubt, Wu Qianqian answered the phone.

“Hey Cici, are you at home?”

“I’m outside, what’s the matter with Sister Zhang?”

Wu Qianqian asked.

“It’s like this, Cici, I just received a call from the leader, saying that the company has a temporary meeting to discuss improving the benefits of our Daxia Airlines flight attendants. Let me go to the company for a meeting, and I asked you to call you too. The leader said that they wanted to hear the opinions of the grass-roots flight attendants.”

“Cici, can you come to the company now?”

On the other side of the phone, Zhang Feifei said in a negotiated tone.

Since Zheng Siming was fired, Zhang Feifei has jumped from a flight attendant to the director of the cabin department.

Although she is now Wu Qianqian’s leader, she dare not teach Wu Qianqian to do things.

Just kidding, looking at the entire Daxia Airlines now, who dares to point fingers at Wu Qianqian, let alone her, it is those executives, you ask them if they dare to be the girlfriend of Wu Xiqian as the chairman, what is the status of Daxia Airlines? Super yet special.

And she heard that when the company chose to promote the director of the cabin department, she also privately solicited Wu Qianqian’s opinion.

“Okay Sister Zhang, I’ll go over immediately.”

Wu Qianqian agreed without much thought.

When it comes to the interests of all Daxia Airlines flight attendants, she is of course willing to attend the meeting as a representative to explain to the company the hardships of the flight attendants’ daily work.

It’s just that Wu Xiqian is a little surprised why the company chooses such a late time for the meeting. “Okay, Cici, where are you, I will pick you up by car.”

“No need for Sister Zhang, I can drive there by myself. By the way, Sister Zhang, why is the company holding a meeting in the big evening?”

Wu Qianqian asked smoothly.

“Manager He said that his company’s executives had just finished a meeting, so he decided to open the meeting immediately.”

“Manager He said that President Wang will be on a business trip for half a month tomorrow. If we don’t call this meeting tonight, then we can only wait for President Wang to return.”

“Oh, that.”

After finishing the call with Zhang Feifei, Wu Xiqian sent a WeChat voice message to Qin Fan, and then turned around and rushed to the company.

After listening to the WeChat voice from Wu Xiqian, Qin Fan was relieved.

But this also reminds Qin Fan.

There will be a first time of this kind of thing, then there will be a second time.

This time, fortunately, Wu Qianqian told him the news that she was coming to him on the way, and gave him time to operate.

If it’s Wu Qianqian who doesn’t say anything and stands directly outside the door and knocks, then it won’t work, you have to think of an insurance policy.

Qin Fan thought and thought, thought and thought, suddenly, there was a bright light flashing in his mind! There is! As the saying goes, the three caves of the cunning rabbit, ah, it is time to put them in the next morning, Qin Fan touched and prepared Zhou Xiaoxiao, who got up, had bright black hair and said, “Smile, please take a half day off in the morning.”


Qin Fan smiled and said, “Take you to buy a house. The name of the two of us is written on the real estate certificate. From now on, it will be our little home.”


Our two-dimensional cute girl hugs tightly Qin Fan

“This is the real estate currently on sale in Jiangcheng. Smile and see where you want to put our little house.”

Qin Fan asked Zhou Xiaoxiao while pulling the phone screen.

Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at it for a while, then said

: “Yuejiang Times, this community is quite close to our company, and the surrounding supporting facilities are also top-notch in Jiangcheng.”

“Okay, then Yuejiang Times.”

Qin Fan smiled and nodded

In front of the sales department building of Yuejiang Times.

“Smile, you go first to check the room type, the parking spaces in front of this building are full, I will wait here first, when I wait for the parking space, park the car, then go in and look for you.”

“Okay husband.”

When he arrived at the sales department lobby, Zhou Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but shook his tongue.

There are so many people.

However, Zhou Xiaoxiao also understands that most people just come to see the house, and in the end, very few people actually buy a house here.

If the houses of the Yuejiang era are really so good to sell, it will not be more than half a year, and they have not sold all.

Of course, this is not to say that the real estate of Yuejiang Times is not good.

On the contrary, because this is a high-end real estate, the housing prices here far exceed the average housing prices in Jiangcheng.

Although the house price of Yuejiang Times is not the top in Jiangcheng, the price of close to 30,000 yuan per square meter has been discouraged by many people.


A good-looking sales lady in uniform in the crowd noticed Zhou Xiaoxiao, stepped on high heels, and walked over to Zhou Xiaoxiao with a hint of surprise on her face.

“Ah! Qiuyue is you, you work here.”

Hearing someone calling his name, Zhou Xiaoxiao looked up and recognized the other person all at once.

Lin Qiuyue, her college classmate.

“Yes, smile.”

Lin Qiuyue smiled and said: “Smile, you came here to see the house”


“Qiuyue, it wouldn’t be better for you to work here. Later, it will happen to be my apartment.”

Lin Qiuyue heard the sound, an unexpected color flashed on her face.

Listening to the tone of laughter this week, I really plan to buy a house here.

But the house in the Yuejiang era is very expensive.

This week Xiaoxiao is a foreigner who has just graduated for a year, and his family seems to be average. It is impossible to be able to afford a house in the Yuejiang era.


Lin Qiuyue smiled sweetly: “Smile, where have you made a fortune recently?”

“I’ve been working in an animation company.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao didn’t hear that Lin Qiuyue was playing with her.

“Qiuyue, there are too many people here.”

Lin Qiuyue smiled: “There are a lot of people every day, but most of them just come to see.”

“Laughing, you really surprised me. I actually had money to buy a house in our Yuejiang era. I don’t dare to think about our price of 31,000. I still laugh at you.”

“Why is it so expensive?”

Zhou Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

She remembers that when the property first came out, the price was just a little bit in the early 20,000 yuan.

But Zhou Xiaoxiao’s surprised expression fell in Lin Qiuyue’s eyes, but Lin Qiuyue couldn’t help but sneer in her heart.

I don’t even know the house price here, and I ran over to buy a house this week. Xiaoxiao must be the same as most people in the end. I just came over and simply took a look at the house, and then left to thank the book friend [18] for the monthly ticket support!! Thanks! Book friends [19] for the monthly pass support!! Thank you book [18] for your monthly pass support!! 99 Novel Network reminds you: Three things to read

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