Chapter 464 Zhou Xiaoxiao’s good friend’s boyfriend met green tea? [Please subscribe! 】


Zheng Siming, who was accused by Qian Fu, had no expression on his face, and was no longer able to argue for himself.

In the end, Zheng Siming was not only fired, but also blacklisted by Daxia Airlines! The latter is the most serious.

Because of this “blacklist”

It is shared by all domestic airlines! In other words, after Zheng Siming’s name is included in this’blacklist’ by Daxia Airlines, other domestic airlines can see it.

In this way, if Zheng Siming goes to other airlines to apply for a job, he will basically face failure.

It can be said that Zheng Siming can’t mix in the domestic aviation industry.

After seeing Zheng Siming being dragged away by security, many flight attendants looked at Qin Fan with peach blossoms.

What is called an overbearing president! This is the real overbearing president! Bullying my girlfriend, hehe, then I will make you unable to mix in this industry! This is too overbearing, too romantic! This is not the TV version of “Overbearing President Love” Does the plot in “Up to Me” reappear in reality?

But when they saw it with their own eyes in reality, they just wanted to say something really fragrant!! “Chairman, don’t you still lack a secretary? I think Wu Qianqian is very suitable.”

Wang Yu said with a smile.

“Cici, look at it”

Qin Fan asked with a smile.

Wu Qianqian: “Qin Fan, will you come to the company every day?”

Qin Fan shook his head.

“Then I don’t want to be your secretary, I will continue to be a flight attendant. This is my dream since I was a child.”

Wu Qianqian said firmly.

If Qin Fan comes to Daxia Airlines for work every day, then she is naturally willing to be Qin Fan’s secretary, so that she can accompany Qin Fan every day.

However, Qin Fan’s answer is obviously to be a hand-off shopkeeper.

Then if she becomes Qin Fan’s secretary, she can’t stand alone in the vacant room every day, ah, is she alone in the office? Although this kind of life is comfortable, it is not what Wu Qianqian wants.

“Yes, I respect your choice.”

Qin Fan Chong Duo

In the evening, Qin Fan and Zhou Xiaoxiao made an appointment to go out for hot pot together.

At 5 o’clock in the afternoon, Qin Fan was driving Cullinan, but due to traffic jams on the road, when Qin Fan rushed to the downstairs of Xingyu Animation Company, Zhou Xiaoxiao had already got off work for a quarter of an hour.

From a distance, Qin Fan saw Zhou Xiaoxiao, a man and a woman who seemed to be arguing.

The female Qin Fan knows Yan Ling, the best colleague and good friend laughing at the company.

Qin Fan and the three of them have eaten together, and their impression of Yan Ling is still very good.

This woman is very straightforward and has a very carefree personality. She takes care of Zhou Xiaoxiao in the company.

Approaching, Qin Fan also knew that the young man who was arguing with Yan Ling was not someone else, but Yan Ling’s boyfriend Zhou Xiang.

The young man is very delicate and gentle.

But Qin Fan has always remembered that Yan Ling once complained to Zhou Xiaoxiao on WeChat that her boyfriend was prone to domestic violence.

Qin Fan still remembers the specific complaints very clearly.

The content is as follows: [It was such a smile. I was chatting with my boyfriend at night, and suddenly I found that he hadn’t responded to a message for a long time. I asked him why he went, and he told me that his brother was naughty and wanted to play games.

[I just casually said that the child is naughty and obedient, most of it is owed, just a beat!] [Then a minute later, he told me that he beat his brother, and then His brother spit on him and asked if he wanted to continue fighting.

】【I said that the habit of children spitting on people is very bad, and they must be educated.

】【As a result, three minutes later, he told me that he foamed his brother’s mouth and couldn’t stand up.

】This week Zhou Xiang is as steady as an old dog!! It left a very deep impression on Qin Fan.

Maybe this Zhou Xiang is the legendary “sven scum”

“I said, Yan Ling, why did you become like you are now, Xia Rourou is a very nice little girl, why don’t you insist that the other party is green tea?”

Zhou Xiang said helplessly: “Lingling, I beg you to think about it. Xia Rourou and I are ordinary colleagues. She just graduated from university this year and came to our company. As her apprentice mentor, I will be with her. Usually, there must be more communication than with other colleagues. Isn’t that normal.”

“Zhou Xiang, I think you are drunk recently drinking green tea, that… if Xia Rourou wasn’t for green tea, Yan Ling would live upside down and eat shit!”

Yan Ling said fiercely.

“You don’t always think of other people’s girls as bad, good or not.”

Seeing a close quarrel with her boyfriend, Zhou Xiaoxiaozi, who didn’t know what to do on the sidelines, immediately cried out in surprise after seeing Qin Fan walking over: “Qin Fan, you are here.”

Yan Ling and Zhou Xiang, who were arguing fiercely, also temporarily entered a state of intermission.

“Zhou Xiang, this is the smiling boyfriend Qin Fan.”

“Qin Fan, my boyfriend Zhou Xiang.”

Yan Ling introduced each other.


Zhou Xiang greeted Qin Fan nervously.

From her girlfriend, he knew that Qin Fan in front of him was a super rich man.

Sending a girlfriend to the car, directly sending more than 4 million Ferraris, is very angry! It is just that the ordinary white-collar Zhou Xiang is facing such a god like Qin Fan, and he is somewhat nervous.

This is also a normal human psychology.


Qin Fan responded with a smile.

“Yan Ling, what are you arguing with your boyfriend? The quarrel is so fierce.”

“He was fascinated by a green tea girl, I want to wake him up.”

Yan Ling said angrily.

“Lingling, I said Xia Rourou is not green tea.”

After understanding the situation, Qin Fan has preliminarily determined that Zhou Xiang’s colleague Xia Rourou is a green tea, and the rank is not low.

Thinking that Yan Ling usually takes care of Zhou Xiaoxiao in the company, Qin Fan feels that he can’t just sit back and watch.

Let’s just take it as a daily good.

Qin Sanhao, young man Fan, is online!! “Yan Ling, Zhou Xiang, don’t make a noise.”

“About that…Is Xia Rourou green tea? It’s noisy like you guys, but it’s noisy until the year of the monkey, so you can’t make a noise.”

Qin Fan: “I want to tell that… Is Xia Rourou green tea? It’s very simple. You can tell after a try!”

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